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Title 推動機關綠色採購及規劃第二型環境保護產品認可制度計畫
Abstract 由於全球資源有限,本世紀環保潮流中,不外乎透過產業優先製造環境保護產品,得到經濟與環境效益之綠色生產,並改變消費習慣,優先購買環境保護產品,建立綠色生產及綠色供應鏈,形塑綠色生活社會。政府綠色採購對於全社會的可持續消費具有強大的示範和推動作用,不僅促進廠商生產環保產品,更可以促進企業環境行為的改善,落實全民綠色消費。本計畫辦理100年度機關綠色採購績效評核作業,共完成90個一級機關之評核作業,藉由宣導與鼓勵各機關採購環保產品,並針對績效不佳的機關進行15場次訪查及11場次教育訓練,面對面了解執行問題,追蹤並給予訓練及輔導措施,以提升機關採購績效,擴大綠色採購量能。另完成收集國外環保產品宣告制度及執行經驗,提出適合我國國情之環保產品自我宣告可查證機制2方案,未來推動後應可提供更多環保產品供機關與民眾選購,促成綠色供應鏈。本計畫另透過舉辦國際論壇,邀請5位國外機關綠色採購專家學者來台,分享各國機關綠色採購執行績效及經驗交流,作為我國機關綠色採購制度檢討之參考,以達成綠色生活之目標。
EngTitle To promote Green Procurement in government and establish type II environmental labels certificate sy
EngAbstract Government green procurement has a powerful role model and promote sustainable consumption for the whole society, not only to promote manufacturers producing environmentally friendly products, but also can promote the improvement of corporate environmental behavior.This plan encouraged the implementation of green procurement, by performance assessment, doing interview the organizations to provide training and establish the correct concept.Besides, borrowing green procurement experience from Europe, U.S.A. and Asian country, we held the international forum. Foreign professionals were invited to share their expertise and provide the recommendation in the forum.We expected the forum would help to complete our green procurement regulations.Furthermore, Taiwan will borrow the experience from other countries to establish our own self-declared verification system and extend the green procurement scale/scope, and we aim for the living green.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會