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Title 先導型焙燒與造粒系統技術應用與測試發展計畫
Abstract 本計畫目標主要係完成國內分散式生質料源蒐運測試及驗證分散式生質料源運作之可行性,並評估多元料源固態燃料製造與應用之可行性。主要工作項目包括(1)移動式造粒設備測試與示範。(2)生質燃料焙燒測試,包括調校生質物焙燒先導系統、混合料源顆粒燃料及生活垃圾焙燒測試(3)生質燃料應用評估,包括蒐集與分析國外中小型固態生質燃料應用案例及2種生質煤與煤炭混摻研磨測試(4)料源評估:蒐集及分析澎湖地區銀合歡分布及造粒測試並評估其造粒後推廣及應用的可行性。(5)提供環檢所辦理「生質燃料應用評估與示範計畫」研討會所需資料。本計畫完成項目包括:(1)完成移動式造粒設備測試與示範,驗證移動式造粒設備於農林資材堆置場作業之可行性。(2)完成連續式生質物焙燒系統調校、連續運轉測試與生活垃圾焙燒測試(3)完成稻稈及菇包廢料生質物混合造粒測試及產品基本特性分析,及完成顆粒燃料焙燒測試及產品之應用規劃。完成2種生質煤(柳杉生質煤及稻稈/菇包廢料混合顆粒燃料生質煤)與煤炭混摻研磨測試。(4)完成澎湖銀合歡料源分布蒐集與分析;完成銀合歡造粒測試可行性評估,初步結果顯示具有作為生質燃料之潛力,可提供澎湖地區發展低碳島之參考。(5)蒐集及分析國外中小型固態生質燃料應用案例分析,規劃國內實際可行推動方式之建議,探討生質顆粒燃料成品於國內應用可行建議方案。 (6)參與「2012固態生質燃料應用技術」研討會進行經驗交流。
EngTitle Development and Application of Biomass Torrefaction and Pelletizing Technologies
EngAbstract The main objectives of this project are to assist EPA to set district biomass collection mechanisms and its collection demonstration, and to evaluate the feasibility of multi-biomass feedstock for producing biofuel. This project is primarily aimed at as following:(1) testing and demonstrating the mobile pelletization facility for biomass collection. (2) tuning and testing for multi-biomass resources in a pilot scale torrefaction reactor. (3) evaluation of solid biofuel application. (4) analysis of Leucaena leucocephala distribution in Penghu. (5) providing information for the biofuel application and biofuel producing demonstration conference.In this report, five completed works were described as following: (1) testing and demonstrating the mobile pelletization facility for biomass collection were completed, and the feasibility of pelletizing in the agricultural field was preliminary validated.(2) tuning and continuous testing for multi-biomass resources and RDF (refuse derived fuel) which is made from MSW (municipal solid waste) in a pilot-scale torrefaction reactor were completed. (3) pelletization of mixture of two different biomass of rice straw and mushroom cultivation waste were completed, and proximate analysis and heating value of pellets were also analyzed. And the produced pellets fuel were torrefied and the applications of products (bio-coal) were also suggested. Co-milling tests of bio-coal and coal in a pilot-scale mill were also evaluated in the report. (4) distribution of Leucaena leucocephala in Penghu was analyzed, and about 330 thousand tons of Leucaena leucocephala was estimated.(5) case study of solid biofuel application in advanced countries were analyzed, and the roadmap of bio-power and bio-heat development strategy for our country was suggested. (6) results and experiences in the project were shared in the "2012 Solid Biomass Fuels Technologies and applications Conference”.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院