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Title 101~102年度地下儲槽系統防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫
Abstract 台灣地區地下儲槽系統大多設置於人口集中之都市或道路旁,致使其對周遭環境品質之影響日益受到環保主管機關及民眾之重視,其中以地下儲槽及管線中油品滲漏所導致土壤及地下水污染之問題,最受關切。環保署為健全地下儲槽系統防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備之設置與管理,於100年1月14日修訂發布「地下儲槽系統防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備設置管理辦法」,同時為加強推動其相關業務,爰執行「101~102年度地下儲槽系統防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫」工作。本計畫共完成下列三項主要工作,包括:(一)蒐集國外地下儲槽系統管理制度及污染監測技術文獻資料,提出國內具體可行策略及監測方式,並協助辦理第14條其他監測方法審核之相關作業。(二)完成查核400站地下儲槽系統之防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備之設置、維護與定期監測情形,其中發現具高污染潛勢者有68站,建議環保署未來應進行其土壤及地下水污染調查。(三)維護環保署既設網路傳輸申報系統正常運作,協助解決申報系統所遭遇之問題,提升及強化其功能,以利管制事業之申報作業及作為擬定相關管制策略之參考。
EngTitle Inspecting groundwater contamination prevention structures and monitoring equipments at underground
EngAbstract Most underground storage tank systems in Taiwan are located in cities with high residential density or by the roadsides. Therefore, the environmental protection authorities and the public have paid a lot of attention to the environment quality around the underground storage tank systems, especially the issues of soil and groundwater pollution caused by the leakage of underground oil tanks and pipes.The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has amended and promulgated the “Regulations for Installation and Management of Facilities for Preventing Pollution of Groundwater Bodies and Monitoring Equipment in Underground Storage Tank Systems” on January 14, 2011 to enhance the installation and management of these facilities and equipment. Besides, for promoting other relevant activities, the EPA then entrusted Sinotech to conduct this project.Three major achievements of this Project were listed below:1. Citing the foreign literatures about Underground Storage Tank (UST) for developing the feasible strategies and building a specific monitoring methodology in local. And then, auditing the other monitoring methodologies in regulations number 14.2. Inspected the installation, maintenance, and regular monitoring of facilities for preventing pollution of groundwater bodies and monitoring equipment in 400 underground storage tank systems. 68 underground storage tank systems were found with high potential for contamination. It was suggested that the EPA should carry out investigation of soil and groundwater contamination in the future.3. Maintained the monitoring and declaration web site and upgraded the functions of database, including:a. Regularly inspected and maintained the online declaration system and performed database backup.b. Held promotion meetings of the online declaration system.c. Updated and enhanced the function of the online declaration system for the underground storage tank systems.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司