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Title 101年度臺南市柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫
Abstract (一)到站柴油車全負載檢測數為4,349輛次,其目標達成101.1%。(二) 執行目視判煙稽查39,270輛次(含攔車目視判煙2,334輛次),計畫目標達130.9%。(三)執行目視判煙稽查36,936輛次,計畫目標達131.9%。(四)執行目測判煙通知3,329輛,計畫目標達100.9%。(五)車牌辨識系統達成43,012輛次,目標達成107.5%。(六)路邊排煙稽查採嚴格篩選機制,共檢測506輛次不合格173輛次,檢測不合格率34.2%,工作進度達成率為100%。(七)到站檢測車輛抽驗油品採80件及路邊攔查採樣100件,加油站採樣20件,共計200件,工作進度達100%。(八)完成相關性測試比對結果得知臺南市排煙站與各縣市排煙站間相關性良好。(九)完成品保次數15次,檢測值皆落在管制上下限內,表示排煙站測試能力及檢驗品質皆屬正常。(十)8月完成喜樹新站搬遷。(十一)通過全國認證基金會評鑑前訪談。(十二)完成3場次環保駕駛教育訓練及1場成果發表記者會,200份宣導海報,宣導摺頁印製2,000份。(十三)完成電子賀卡、電子塗鴉、宣導動畫各1則,並提交予環保局,目標達成100%。(十四)完成8則新聞稿見報,目標達成100%。(十五)完成受測車主滿意度調查,目標達成100%。(十六)完成新設站之土壤採樣1次及水質採樣4點次。
EngTitle Plan for dynamometer testing of diesel-fueled vehicle exausts and the consultation and assessment of exhasust improvement and maintenance garage
EngAbstract (1) 4,349 diesel vehicles arrived at inspection stations for full-load test; target reached 101.1%. (2) 39,270 vehicles had visual emission inspection (including 2,334 vehicles which had roadside visual emission inspection); target reached 130.9%. (3) 36,936 vehicles had visual emission inspection; target reached 131.9%. (4) 3,239 vehicles were notified for visual emission inspection; target reached 100.9%.(5) 43,012 vehicles were recognized by the license plate recognition system; target reached 107.5%. (6) A strict screening mechanism of roadside emission inspection was enforced; 506 vehicles were examined including 173 vehicles failed to the examination, which counts a failure rate of 34.2%. The progress of work was 100%. (7) 80 fuel samples were collected from in-station vehicles, 100 from roadside inspections and 20 from gas stations, totally 200 samples were collected. The progress of work was 100%. (8) The comparative result of a correlation test revealed that emission inspection stations of Tainan city had a good correlation with emission inspection stations of other counties / cities. (9) The quality assurance test was implemented 15 times and all the examination values were within the control limit, which indicates a normal examination ability and quality of the emission inspection center. (10) The relocation of new Xishu station was completed in August. (11) Passed the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) pre-evaluation interview (12) 3 green driver trainings and 1 press conference were organized; 200 propaganda posters and 2,000 brochures were printed. (13) Electronic greeting card, electronic graffiti and propaganda animation were created one each and submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau; target reached 100%.(14) 8 press releases were published on the newspaper; target reached 100% (15) A satisfaction investigation completed by owners of examined vehicles; target reached 100%.(16) 1 soil sample and 4 water samples were collected at newly established station
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司