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Title 交通噪音管制及改善措施成效提升計畫
Abstract 噪音管制法97年12月3日修正公布施行迄101年12月止,全國52件民眾陳情且超標案件中,僅有23件改善計畫業經核定通過在案,除4件已參採陳述意見結案、7件未屆期外,仍有18件改善已歷經多次修改而未能審查通過。檢視相關報告,迄未通過的改善計畫大致有「未能確實分析造成陳情點噪音超出標準原因及影響程度」、「未能確實敘明陳情點與周邊之運輸環境現況」、「未能充分檢討各式防制措施組合之可行性」及「未能確實評估防制措施可獲致之隔減音效能」等問題,使得該等計畫審查多次仍未核定。有鑑於此,藉由本計畫之執行,辦理修法以來陸上運輸系統噪音管制與改善執行情形檢討分析;並藉相關現地量測作業確實瞭解我國高快速公路系統交通噪音特性,提出適用於我國高快速公路系統各項改善措施之隔減音效能、適用範圍及品質要求等技術指引草案,可供地方環保機關及交通營運管理機關參考,此外,本計畫亦針對交通系統新建改擴建及高架等計畫營運期間沿線環境影響評估,研提應注意事項及修正建議,並就鄰近交通系統建築物外牆門窗隔音效能執行資料蒐集與彙整,所得相關結論與建議提供道路交通目的事業主管機關後續研擬噪音改善計畫及各環保機關審查改善計畫時之參考。
EngTitle Performance enhancement on traffic noise control and reduction measures
EngAbstract In Taiwan, the Noise Control Act was amended in 2008 to include new regulations governing ground transportation systems, such as expressways, highways, railways, and mass rapid transit systems. According to the amendment, transport operations and management agencies shall submit traffic noise improvement plans to local competent authorities within 180 days of receiving a notice from local competent authorities and shall follow the improvement plans accordingly. Up to Dec. 2012, 52 filed cases were judged over standard and thus improvement plans were submitted. Nonetheless, 18 of the 41 cases went through evaluation process were not approved after two or more committee meetings. These unsatisfied improvement plans were found to have common deficiencies, such as fail to analyze in-situ factors cause over regulation noise, fail to fully model adjacent transportation systems in computer evaluation models, fail to present reasonable evaluation process that come up with the proposed noise reduction measures, and fail to reasonably evaluate noise reduction effect of the proposed measures using appropriate computer models. Repeated committee meetings for evaluation of these plans cause delay of executing improvement measures, and may induce complains against competent agencies. Consequently, the Environmental Protection Agency initiates this project to diagnose existing problems from angles of regulations, administrative restrictions, consulting firms, as well as executing prediction models, respectively. In-situ measurement of traffic characteristics, as well as associated traffic noise on national expressways were also performed in order to know noise characters of highway pavements, noise barriers, and expansion joints. Meanwhile, focal points of inspection on environmental impact assessment reports regarding to renovation or newly built highway projects are suggested. Moreover, an effort was devoted to collecting regulations and information on noise characters of exterior doors and windows facing transportation systems. All the above tasks were performed during this project. The concluding remarks are intended to serve as a reference for future policy making and improvement plan evaluation.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人中華鋪面工程學會