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Title 101年環保知識挑戰擂台賽中、南、東部16個縣(市)初賽及EPA環保頻道觀賞心得徵文比賽
Abstract 本計畫主要辦理101年環保知識挑戰擂臺賽中、南、東部16個縣(市)初賽及環保署環保頻道觀賞心得徵文比賽兩大項目。在擂臺賽部分,已擬訂初賽辦法,並協助全國16縣(市)完成地方賽事辦理;另在徵文比賽方面,亦完成為期三個月之徵文推廣活動,並於12月初進行頒獎典禮。在地方擂臺賽開辦之前,本計畫已研擬今年新賽制-「積分賽」賽制說明、比賽規則及新答題設備-「即時反饋系統(IRS)」之使用說明資訊,並與各縣(市)完成研商、修訂後公告於活動網站。16縣(市)之地方初賽活動已於101年9月22日至101年11月3日完成辦理,共計有4,349人參賽。除協助地方辦理初賽外,本計畫在賽事宣傳作業上,另建置有一式擂臺賽活動資訊整合及宣傳網站,一方面彙整地方辦理資料(如參賽名單),另一方面則提供全國民眾可透過本網站取得擂臺賽完整訊息。在徵文比賽部分,本計畫自7月16日起開始進行活動推廣,其間透過為期十週之抽獎活動持續吸引民眾參與。本活動業於101年10月31日截止報名,計有國小組、國中組、高中組及社會組共555位民眾投稿,並於101年11月邀請專家完成投稿審查,另於101年12月8日假國立臺灣師範大學公館分部中正堂,進行一場次頒獎典禮。
EngTitle 2012 Environmental Knowledge Challenge Competition in 16 Counties/ Cities in Central, Southern
EngAbstract The project aims to two parts: 1. organizing the environmental knowledge challenge competition in 16 counties or cities in central, southern, and eastern Taiwan, and 2. organizing a review writing competition after watching the EPA environmental channel. Concerning the environmental knowledge challenge competition, preliminary competition rules are set, assisting 16 counties and cities to hold the competition. With regard to writing competition, a three-month promotion activity and an award ceremony were held in December.Before the beginning of the environmental knowledge challenge competition, this project has studied a new competition regulation, called Interactive Response System (IRS), including its Points Race regulation illustration, competition rules, and facilities for answering. Such a new regulation was studied with counties or cities, and announced on the activity website after revisions. From September 22, 2012 to November 03, 2012, local preliminary competitions were completed, and the number of total participants was 4,349.In addition to assisting local preliminary competitions, this project also set a website for information integration and promotion of the competition, not only collecting information of local organizers, such as competitors lists, but also providing a complete competition information for the public through the website.On the aspect of the review writing competition, the competition has attracted the public to participate through a ten-week prize draw activity from the beginning of the activity promotion on July 16. The final signed-up date is on October 31, 2012, attracting 555 people in four groups, elementary, junior high school, senior high school, and social groups, to distribute their writings. Evaluations were completed by experts on November 2012, and an award ceremony was held in Jhongjheng Hall, Gongguan Campus, NTNU, in December 8, 2012.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司