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Title 環保標章與國際接軌之可行性評估專案工作計畫
Abstract 在所有綠色國際標章中,EPEAT為電子產品類最具影響力的代表,自EPEAT網站指出,美國自2007年起要求政府採購中,須有95 %為EPEAT註冊產品,間接促進了EPEAT制度的發展與推廣,使EPEAT成為目前全球電子資訊產品類別發展最成功的綠色標章。電子資訊產品為臺灣最重要的產業項目,目前國內品牌業者為了滿足國內及國外市場,需分別申請環保標章及EPEAT,面對二套不同的標準及申請程序。臺灣之國際品牌建立不易,這些品牌產品符合EPEAT規格,代表產品已達國際環境要求,面對國內相對較小的市場,卻還得面對另外一套環保標準。若可以在不改變原有環保標章制度下,增設一條路徑,讓品牌業者依同一套環境要求,就可行銷國內外,將可提升業者競爭力。本研究分析結果顯示,現行環保標章產品類別超過百種,而EPEAT現階段產品類別雖僅電腦主機、監視器、筆記型電腦及桌上型個人電腦等四種,但所涉及的採購金額逾兆元新台幣。這四種產品在環保標章與EPEAT環境要求亦有所差距,查證制度前者為先查證後者則為後市場查證。本研究除了維持現有環保標章制度之建議外,另提出三種評估與建議方案:第一、二種分別為將環保標章環境要求完全比照EPEAT、環保標章與EPEAT共通環境要求比照EPEAT,以上二種屬短期建議;第三種則為中長期建議方案,即於國內環保產品中增設「EPEAT資訊產品」類別,此類別之產品項目包括上述四種產品及未來EPEAT規劃納入的八項產品,而環境要求及查證制度皆比照EPEAT。在產品類別、產品環境要求及查證制度都相同的情況之下,透過二者共通的產品註冊與查證單位(即國內「EPEAT資訊產品」驗證單位同時具備EPEAT PRE資格),業者一次申請,即可獲得二種標章,亦即達成臺灣一次認證,多國市場通行的目的。
EngTitle Feasibility analysis of the adoption of EPEAT to Taiwan Green Mark
EngAbstract Among global green mark certification schemes, EPEAT adopted by US government demanding 95 % products must be EPEAT registered is the most influential and successful one since 2007. Electronics and information products are major products for industrial sector. Taiwan brand manufacturers have to apply both Taiwan Green Mark and EPEAT for domestic and international market, respectively. It is not easy for local manufacturers to establish international brands. Although those brands meet EPEAT criteria representing the conformity to international standard, they have to meet local standard for relative smaller market. If we can keep current scheme unchanged and construct another route allowing manufacturers to register once and receive more than one certificate will be helpful to strengthen the competence of local companies. In this report, we analyze the differences between Taiwan Green Mark and EPEAT. It includes the no. of categories (4 vs. 100), environmental regulations for specific products, pre-market or after market investigation strategies. Except the suggestion for retaining current scheme, other suggestions are also made as follows: 1. fully comply with the EPEAT criteria; 2. comply with EPEAT criteria for common items (short term); 3 add an "EPEAT product" category (long term), which includes 4 current product items and 8 future product items. Environmental criteria and investigation strategies are also in compliance with EPEAT. Then, utilizing a common registration and investigation entity i.e., a local certification body is also an EPEAT PRE, applicants are able to apply once and receive two certificates at the same time. A “Taiwan certification once, multi-countries pass” goal is then attained.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院