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Title 101年度機動車輛污染檢驗機構查核專案
Abstract 本計畫仍依據「機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音檢驗測定機構管理辦法」,針對已獲得許可之機動車輛污染檢驗室品質管理系統之各項作業進行監督與輔導。主要目標在於藉由查核工作之進行,了解檢驗室執行品保品管程序,進而提出缺失改善之建議,並藉由實施複查,監督實驗室缺失改善情形,實質而有效達到查核目的。同時由檢驗數據查核了解檢測數據之追溯性與完整性,落實品保品管要求,以提升許可檢驗室之檢驗技術品質,確保檢驗數據之公信力。本年度主要工作成果共七項:(1)完成17家機動車輛污染測定機構完成年度輔導性訪查及複查作業;(2)針對汽油車污染、柴油車污染、機車污染及車輛噪音等4種檢測項目,共完成17家機動車輛污染測定機構75場次之年度相關性測試督導,並符合規定;(3)完成7間車輛噪音測試道之年度場地紋理深度量測並符合規定;(4)完成1場次年度機動車輛污染檢測機構業者及評鑑專家研習會;(5)完成1場次年度機動車輛污染檢測技術訓練及研討會;(6)完成1場次測定人員品保品管訓練課程;(7)完成符合汽油車第五期排放標準測試車輛規格書。
EngTitle Checking on motor vehicles emission testing institutions 2012
EngAbstract This project was commissioned by the National Institute of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Protection Administration. The project was in accordance with「Regulations Governing Motor Vehicle Air Pollutant and Noise Emission Testing Organizations」to supervise and guide quality management systems for the licensed laboratories. This project was designed to provide improving suggestions to laboratories by annual audit for their quality management system and processes, and to check the improved actions by supplemental audit to assure the objectives of project achieved. Meanwhile, this project was also expected to enhance testing technique and quality of laboratories by checking the traceability and integrality of measurement data to assure the justice of test result. The achievements of this project include: (1) Annual audit and supplemental audit for quality system guidance of 17 laboratories were completed. (2)75 supervisions for correlation testing were completed, including 4 test items of gasoline vehicles exhausting testing, diesel vehicles exhausting testing, motorcycle exhausting testing and noise testing. All results meet the requirement. (3)MTD (mean texture depth) of 7 noise testing tracks were inspected. The results meet the requirement.(4)One symposium was hold for laboratories and assessment specialists.(5)One testing technical training and conference was hold for laboratories.(6)One QA/QC trainings was hold for laboratories.(7) The test vehicle specification meeting the Stage 5 pollutant Emission Standards was completed.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 財團法人車輛研究測試中心