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Title 推動安定廢棄物填海造島計畫(第一年)
Abstract 本計畫之目的在於1.推動安定廢棄物填海造島,並規劃一座小型試驗模場,解決最終填埋設施不足問題,同時創造國土,2.辦理廢棄物填海造島政策環評,凝聚國人共識。為解決我國既有陸上掩埋場剩餘容量不足、新闢掩埋場不易之窘境,環保署以配合國家重大商港區興(擴)建或濱海工業區開發計畫,提供無害且安定不適燃之廢棄資源物,以及水庫清淤泥、風災土石、營建剩餘土石等,作為填海造島料源,不但可達成資源循環再利用,補足最終處置不足的缺口,亦可避免原填海造島(陸)計畫抽砂填海造成鄰近海域之二次污染,且可產出新生土地,對環境應屬正面效益。本計畫已蒐集推估我國最終填埋物質之填埋需求量,並就小型試驗模場可能地點篩選規劃其施工方式、海水底部滲透及滲流現地試驗、經費需求評估。且本計畫也依據「政府政策評估說明書作業規範」政策評估項目之評估內容,研擬推動安定廢棄物填海造島政策之評估項目、評估指標及作法,並已於今年3月29日召開1場次範疇界定會議,依前述範疇界定會議決議評估項目計5大項14小項。另為擴大民眾參與,廣納及聆聽民眾之意見,填海造島(陸)政策率先於事業廢棄物清理政策環評推動過程,首創先例結合政策環評與公民共識會議,於8月4日~5日及18日~19日辦理「推動廢棄資源物填海造島(陸)計畫」公民共識會議,達成「分期分階段進行填海造島(陸)」共識。本計畫亦已於8月依第2次執行指導委員會及公民共識會議意見修正完成政策評估說明書初稿,並於8月31日召開「事業廢棄物清理政策環評說明書」諮詢會議。
EngTitle Promote a stable was reclamation project (first year)
EngAbstract The purpose of this project was to 1. Promote a stable land reclamation and plan a small test mode field, to solve the problem of inadequate final landfill facilities, and create more territory, 2. Handle the strategic environmental assessment, gather national consensus. To solve the shortage in remaining capacity of our existing onshore landfill, and the dilemma of difficulty in opening new landfills, in coordination with the construction (expansion) of major national commercial ports or seaside industrial zones development plans, the EPA provided stable, non-flammable waste resources, clean silt from water reservoirs, debris and mud from typhoon and surplus materials from construction sites, and others, as material sources for islands reclamation. In this way, not only resources could be recycled and re-utilized, solving the gap caused by lack of final disposal sites, but it could also prevent secondary pollution to the adjacent sea caused by gravel extraction to be used in the original island reclamation plan, and it can also generate newborn land, which should have a positive effect on the environment. This plan had already collected an estimate of the landfill demand for our final landfill material, and was screening and planning the construction method for small-scale test mode fields at their potential locations, and assessing bottom sea water infiltration, seepage location tests and funding requirements. Also, according to the contents included in the strategic assessment items from the “Government Strategic Assessment Manual Operating Standards”, this plan intended to promote assessed items, indicators and practices in regards to the stable landfill island reclamation policy, and one subcategorization defining meeting had already convened on March 29 of this year; according to the resolution passed during the aforementioned subcategorization defining meeting, assessment items will be a total of 5 major categories and 14 small categories. Also, to broaden populace participation, to solicit and listen to the public opinion, for the first time combining Strategic Environmental Assessment and Consensus Conference, organizing a consensus conference on “Promoting a stable landfill island reclamation project” from Aug. 4-5 and 18-19, reaching a consensus about “Staging phased execution of island (land) reclamation”. Also, according to the opinions of the second executive advising committee and consensus conference in August, this plan had finished to amend the draft of the strategic assessment manual, and had also convened a consultation meeting about “Strategic environmental assessment manual on industrial waste disposal” on Aug. 31.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司