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Title 低碳永續家園建構及執行成效考核專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫將依低碳示範城市建構對象之遴選結果,辦理低碳城市觀摩及宣導,並研析縣(市)政府提案之低碳城市建構計畫書內容,蒐集國外各項低碳措施之減量方法,分析國內適用之可行性,並提出可符合MRV之評估建議,據以計算減量成效。並將持續蒐集國外低碳相關之政策與法令,研析低碳城市運作管理機制及政策法令檢討,及研訂地方政府申請低碳城市建構相關補助原則,另外將99年度研擬之「低碳城市推動計畫(草案)」進行持續檢討修。最後,依 馬總統於100年提出之「黃金十年」政策-建構「永續環境」之國家願景,建置我國之低碳永續指標及推動架構,並辦理低碳永續推動措施之執行進度管考。
EngTitle Project for Creating and Evaluating Implementation Efforts of Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland
EngAbstract Following the result of the low-carbon cities competition, this project will be continuing to develop the low-carbon cities, including to renew the establish program, CDM methods evaluation, and management models, to collect foreign policies and laws related to low-carbon, analysis low carbon urban management mechanism and policy or act, and the development of related benefits apply for a low-carbon city construction principles of local government. Finally, by the "golden decade" policy-building "sustainable environment" of the national vision, this project will assist to build and promote low carbon sustainable homeland.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 生態社區推動方案室
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司