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Title 生物慢毒性方法驗證及在污染調查上之應用
Abstract 本計畫之主要重點為驗證羊角月牙藻 (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) 及水蚤 (Daphnia magna) 的二種慢毒性方法草案,並提出修正建議,另一重點為制定魚類慢性毒性方法之草案,並完成技術轉移。本計畫分別以五次參考毒物與五件環境樣品 (河川A、B、與工業排放水C、D、E) 對三種草案進行驗證,使用的水生生物包括羊角月牙藻 (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata)、水蚤 (Daphnia magna) 及鯉魚 (Cyprinus carpio)。羊角月牙藻慢毒性試驗以硫酸銅為參考毒物,96 小時的生長半抑制濃度 (IC50) 平均值為61.61 g/L,標準差為8.82 g /L;五件環境水樣的IC50分別為 >100%、>100%、19%、42% 及 >100%。此外,水蚤慢毒性試驗以氯化鈉為參考毒物,21 天的半數致死濃度 (LC50) 平均值為2.88 g/L,標準差為 0.61 g/L;25% 生殖抑制濃度 (IC25) 平均值為 1.62 g/L,標準差 1.40 g/L;IC50平均值為 2.24 g/L,標準差 1.28 g/L;五件環境樣品的LC50 為>100%、55.9%、12.1%、>100%及 47.2% ;IC25為:>100%、81.7%、8.3%、59.7%及 >100%;IC50為:>100%、>100%、11.8%、>100% 及 >100%。鯉魚的慢毒性試驗也使用氯化鈉為參考毒物,14 天的LC50 平均值為6.84 g/L,標準差0.33 g/L;IC50其平均值為0.94 g/L,標準差為:0.56 g/L;五件環境樣品的LC50為 >100%、>100%、>100%、56.1% 及 >100%;IC50為 >100%、43.9%、>100%、4.9% 及 >100%。同時也以青鱂魚 (Oryzias latipes) 胚胎進行毒性測試,以硫酸銅為參考毒物進行五次試驗,其LC50平均值為 0.21 mg/L,標準差為0.06 mg/L。根據以上試驗結果,已經對於羊角月牙藻及水蚤兩種慢毒性驗證方法上給予修正建議外,也訂出魚類慢毒性試驗方法草案,並提供其他模式魚種的試驗結果做對照。
EngTitle The verification of chronic toxicity tests and their applications in pollution investigation
EngAbstract The two focuses of this project were to: 1. Verify two methods of chronic toxicity tests that using algae Selenastrum capricornutum and daphnid Daphnia magna to be tested organisms, and 2. Developing a test method for chronic toxicity of fish.In this project, the organism was tested with 5 reference toxicants and 5 environmental samples (river A and B, and industrial discharge water C, D, and E) to determine the chronic toxicities. The tested organisms included freshwater algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, daphnid Daphnia magna, and carp, Cyprinus carpio. For test of algae, copper sulfate was used as a reference toxicant, and the 96-hr half-inhibitory concentration (IC50) was 61.61 g/L in average with standard deviation of 8.82 g/L. The IC50 of the 5 water samples on the algae were >100%, >100%, 19%, 42% and > 100% as dilution ratios. In addition, sodium chloride was used as a reference toxicant for daphnid, and the 21-d median lethal concentration (LC50) was 2.88 g/L in average with standard deviation of 0.61 g/L; 25% reproduction inhibitory concentration (IC25) was 1.62 g/L in average with standard deviation of 1.40 g/L; IC50 was 2.24 g/L with standard deviation of 1.28 g / L. The chronic toxicities of the 5 environmental samples to the daphnids were listed as following: LC50 >100%, 55.9%, 12.1%, 100%, and 47.2%; IC25 were >100%, 81.7%, 8.3%, 59.7% and >100%; IC50 were > 100%, 100%, 11.8%, 100% and 100%. Moreover, sodium chloride was also used as a reference toxicant for carp, and the 14-d LC50 were 6.84 g/L in average with standard deviation of 0.33 g/L; IC50 was 0.94 g/L in average with standard deviation of 0.56 g/L. The chronic toxicities of the five environmental samples were: LC50, >100%, 100%, 100%, 56.1%, and 100%; IC50, > 100%, 43.9%, 100%, 4.9%, and >100%. Besides, chronic toxicity on embryo of medaka fish was also evaluated. In the study, copper sulfate was used as a reference toxicant, and the LC50 was 0.21 mg/L in average with standard deviation of 0.06 mg/L.Based on the tested results, we proposed a few recommendations for modification of the test methods for the microalgae and the daphnia. The draft of chronic test for carp was also given in this report.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 國立嘉義大學