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Title 兩岸資源再生環保服務業交流平台計畫
Abstract 保部等中央部會及地方政府所頒布有關資源再生之法令給予蒐集彙整,刊載於環保署兩岸環保服務業交流平台─資源再生網頁,提供國內民眾或企業參考。同時瞭解大陸對廢棄電子電器產品訂定基金徵收與補貼制度,並與台灣法令作對照分析。蒐集過去赴大陸投資的20家台灣資源回收再生廠商所面臨的投資障礙以及目前的廠商實際運作現況。洽詢廠商有關需政府協助解決之問題(包含:租稅、進出口管制、貨源、智慧財產、法制不彰、人力成本增加等障礙類別)。評析台灣資源回收廠商於未來大陸市場之潛在優勢(如台商於回收過程中較注重環保拆解、再生料品質、工安衛及環境管理等,於大陸市場較具優勢)與弱勢(資金、環保法規、地方人脈)。配合環保署兩岸環保服務業交流平台計畫,已完成上傳超過百筆資源再生相關投資情報或相關交流活動及活動成果等訊息至兩岸環保服務業交流平臺,提供台商進入大陸市場投資前評估之參考依據。赴大陸浙江省杭州市參加「促進兩岸資源循環產業發展研討會」,並於研討會中分享台灣資源再生現況及成果,會後並參觀台商投資之回收處理及有害廢棄物處理廠,另赴山東省濟南市參加「第五屆山東綠色博覽會」與「第二屆台魯環保論壇」,會後並與當地大陸官員及轄區內各縣市環保局局長作雙向交流,給予台商正向鼓勵,並建立台商與大陸官方雙方溝通之橋樑。此外,邀請台灣資源再生業界針對赴大陸投資辦理1場次國內資源再生回收專家、業者座談會,蒐集業者投資大陸市場經驗交流。作為環保主管機關施政之參考。
EngTitle Cross Strait Envionmental Service of the Recycling Resources Communication Platform
EngAbstract 1.Collect the Act or regulation of recycling resources issued by National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Information Industry, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and other central ministries and local governments in mainland .Compile those regulation or Act on the Taiwan-EPA “cross strait of the environmental services industry platform website—recycling resources”.To assess waste electrical and waste electronic products management control fund levy and subsidy system in the mainland, and compare with the laws of Taiwan.2.Collect investment in the mainland over the past 20 resource recycling manufacturers are facing barriers to investment, and the current the manufacturers actual operation of the existing state. Contact the manufacturers need government to help solve the problem (includes: tax, import and export controls, supply, intellectual property, legal system's poor performance in labor costs and other obstacles category). Comment Taiwanese recycler in the mainland market potential advantages (such as Taiwan businessmen in the recycling process more environmentally friendly dismantling, recycled material quality, work safety and health and environmental management to be more effective in the mainland market) and vulnerable (financial, environmental protection regulations, local human resource).3.Taiwan-Environmental Protection Agency-Cross strait of the environmental services industry platform program has finished uploading more than one hundred recycling resources related investment intelligence or related exchange activities and results of the activities of the message to the cross-strait environmental services platform, to provide Taiwan recycling industries to enter the mainland market before investing assessed reference.4.Participate in the promotion of cross-strait resource recycling industry development seminar "in mainland China, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and seminars to share the regeneration of the current situation and the outcome of Taiwan's recycling resources, and visit a recycling and hazardous waste treatment plant.The other went to Jinan City, Shandong Province to participate in the "5th Shandong green Expo" and "Taiwan Lu environmental Forum", and for two-way communication with the local waste management officials and within the jurisdiction of county and city environmental Protection Bureau, to give Taiwan industial forward encourage and the establishment of Taiwan and Shandong official communication between the two sides of the strait.5.In addition, the invited resource recycling industry in Taiwan to apply for a screening of domestic resources for investment in the mainland consumer recycled experts, industry seminars to collect industry to invest in the mainland market exchange of experience. As a reference for the Taiwan-environmental protection authorities.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣區再生工業同業公會