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Title 航空噪音管制計畫
Abstract 各國在航空噪音管制與防制方面不斷進行努力,而我國在這方面需加強蒐集國外之文獻資料,以做為我國之參考;而國內各機場航空噪音監測站及監控(測)中心缺失有待改進之處甚多,希望透過輔導縣市政府辦理航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核工作,提升航空噪音監測之品質,並依據查核結果擬具相關改善因應措施方案。另外辦理INM7.0講習訓練,航空噪音監測資料判讀工具訓練會,維護並更新航空噪音監測資料判讀工具之功能及更新「航空噪音防制補助資料庫」,讓各機場噪音防制補助經費資訊公開透明化,故本計畫以蒐集近5年國際各國航空噪音環保措施與作法之最新發展、輔導縣市政府辦理航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核工作,提升航空噪音監測之品質、維護並更新航空噪音監測資料判讀工具之功能,以供縣市環保局查核使用為本計畫目標。今年度航空噪音管制計畫工作成果包括:一、完成蒐集國際民航組織(ICAO)、歐盟、以及國外各主要國家和環境保護主管機關近年之航空噪音環保政策、策略與目標,並建議我國未來努力方向,亦蒐集最新國外航空噪音評估指標、標準及分析比較與蒐集國際相關航空噪音對人體影響之文獻資料。二、完成輔導縣市環保局執行4處機場航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核。三、完成1場次航空噪音監測查核程序協調說明會。四、依據查核結果,完成1場次相關改善因應措施方案說明會。五、辦理完成INM7.0講習訓練。六、辦理完成三場次航空噪音監測資料判讀工具訓練會。七、完成維護並更新航空噪音監測資料判讀工具之功能(包括飛航動態欄位名稱、型式及欄位寬度稽核是否符合定義、每秒/每小時/每日/每月/每季/一年噪音監測資料格式(1)欄位名稱、型式及欄位寬度是否符合定義。(2)有效蒐集秒數稽(查)核。(3)事件曝露音量稽(查)核。)八、完成更新航空噪音防制補助資料。
EngTitle “Aviation Noise Control” Project
EngAbstract While various countries are continually endeavoring to make improvements in aviation noise control and prevention, we need to strengthen our endeavors to collect related literature and documents to serve as a reference for our country. Since there is still much room for improvement regarding the performance of various aviation noise monitoring stations and centers at airports in our country, the Project aims to assist county (city) governments in conducting performance check-up of aviation noise monitoring stations and centers, enhancing the quality of aviation noise monitoring, and formulating related improvement measures based on the results of those check-ups. In addition, the Project also needs to conduct training programs on INM7.0 and auxiliary tools for aviation noise data interpretation, as well as upgrade the functions of auxiliary tools for aviation noise data interpretation and update the “Aviation Noise Control Subsidy Databases” in order to make the information on noise control subsidies for airports transparent to the public. Therefore, the Project plans to collect the latest development of measures and practices in aviation noise control and environmental protection adopted at various international airports during the past 5 years, assist and guide county (city) governments to conduct performance check-up of various aviation noise monitoring stations and centers in order to enhance the quality of aviation noise monitoring, maintain and upgrade the functions of auxiliary tools for aviation noise data interpretation to serve as a reference for county (city) Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) when conducting check-ups.The results of 2012 Aviation Noise Control Project include:1. Completed collecting policies, strategies and objectives on aviation noise control and environmental protection adopted by ICAO, EU and the environmental protection competent authorities of major countries in recent years, recommending future directions for related development in our country, and collecting the latest aviation noise evaluation indicators and standards implemented in major countries, as well as collecting and comparatively analyzing the literature and documents concerning the impact of aviation noise on the human body.2. Completed assisting and guiding county (city) EPBs to conduct performance check-up of aviation noise monitoring stations and centers at four (4) airports.3. Completed a coordination meeting on aviation noise monitoring check-up procedures.4. Completed an explanation session for related improvement measures recommended based on check-up results.5. Completed a training program on INM7.0.6. Completed 3 batches of training course on auxiliary tools for aviation noise data interpretation.7. Maintained and upgraded the functions of auxiliary tools for aviation noise data interpretation (including whether or not the name, type and width of flight progress field comply with definition, and the format of noise monitoring data per second/ hour/ day/ month/ season/ year (1) whether or not the name, type and width of the field comply with definition, (2) check-up of effective collection time (number of seconds), (3) check-up of event noise exposure.)8. Updated the “Aviation Noise Control Subsidy Databases”.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 環境永續工程顧問有限公司