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Title 101年度雲林縣離島工業區紅外線連續監測及有害污染物調查計畫
Abstract 本計畫於101年4月2日開始執行,工作規劃內容包括針對離島工業區鄰近敏感點位進行紅外線連續監測(OP-FTIR)共計180天,及針對離島工業區區內及區外地區進行有害污染物檢測作業,其內容包括有:揮發性污染物(VOCs)、多環芳香族化合物(PAHs)及金屬元素。藉著由本計畫之有效執行,建立離島工業區鄰近敏感點位之背景濃度資料,以作為後續監測資料比對之依據,進而瞭解離島工業區對其鄰近區域之影響程度。本年度計畫各工作項目執行成果,主要如下:(一)結合離島工業區既有監測資源,以進行污染源釐清作業。本計畫運用有害空氣污染物檢測作業補足風險評估計畫樣品數的不足,後續所得到的分析與氣象數據資料皆會以電子檔案的形式提供給風險評估計畫使用。另於污染源釐清方面,工作團隊彙整週邊台西光化站數據,並蒐集陳情計畫之陳情彙整資料、離島整合計畫之檢測資料予以比對。(二)透過紅外線連續監測作業,探討不同季節下,離島工業區對其周圍環境之影響程度。本計畫以兩部OP-FTIR於本縣離島工業區周界豐安測線及南門測線進行至少180天的監測,其結果分述如下:1.豐安測線:本測線以乙烯、丙烯及氨之最大濃度為相對較高。在歷次豐安測線監測結果中,平均濃度以氨17.64 ppb為最高,丙烯為10.72 ppb,乙烯為8.63 ppb;非0平均濃度以乙烯276.34 ppb為最高,丙烷為199.53 ppb,丙烯為149.79 ppb;出現頻率則以氨為歷次均有測得,其出現頻率最高達72.82 %。2.南門測線:本測線主要以乙烯及丙烯之最大濃度為相對較高。在歷次南門測線監測結果中,平均濃度以丙烯76.35 ppb為最高,乙烯為36.77 ppb;非0平均濃度以丙烯329.24 ppb為最高,乙烯為226.55 ppb,丙烷為103.91 ppb;出現頻率則以乙烯、丙烯及氨為歷次均有測得,其出現頻率最高分別可達29.24 %、25.16 %及42.46 %。(三)擴充CO2監測設備,探討工業區內外CO2濃度分布情形。本計畫已於101年6月28日設置完成3套CO2監測設備設置,分別位於六輕北門宿舍、尚德國小及橋頭國小。統計本縣5站CO2監測設備監測結果,各站平均值以新興國小測點462.21 ppm為相對較高,六輕南門宿舍測點423.79 ppm為相對較低;日、夜分鐘值之最大值均以廠區周界之六輕北門宿舍及六輕南門宿舍測點為較高,顯示CO2濃度可能有受到廠區影響。(四)調查離島工業區廠區中多環芳香烴化合物(PAHs)之濃度變化趨勢及分佈特性。離島工業區廠區PM2.5微粒中總多環芳香烴化合物(T-PAHs)在各季節之濃度變化趨勢分別為秋季>夏季>春季。可能的工業區PAHs(Ind-PAHs)為NaP、ACPy、ACP、FLU、ANTHR、PHE及FLT,而落塵中Ind-PAHs也有相同的趨勢;此外,屬於移動汙染源的Me-PAHs也是具有較高的特性,日間濃度約是夜間的2倍。PCA分析顯示污染源貢獻為工業製程、煉焦廠、石油燃燒及交通源。(五)建立離島工業區廠區中PAHs之指紋特性。就目前數據顯示,離島工業區廠區中的指紋特性在Ind-PAHs可能為NaP、ACPy、ACP、FLU、ANTHR、PHE、FLT及Me-PAHs。(六)調查雲林地區PAHs之濃度變化趨勢及分佈特性。鄰近工業區及遠離工業區區域PM2.5微粒中T-PAHs在各季節之濃度變化趨勢分別為秋季>夏季>春季。根據目前的結果顯示鄰近工業區區域Ind-PAHs具有傳輸的現象;此外,BkF、BeP、IND及BghiP等PAHs具有較高的比例。在遠離離島工業區區域,主要的PAHs物種為交通來源的Me-PAHs及PYR、BaA及ANTHR等。根據PCA統計分析結果,鄰近工業區區域會受到工業區的工業製程、煉鋼廠、焚化爐、交通源及燃煤電廠或生質燃燒等影響;遠離工業區區域(元長),受到附近的元長工業區、日友公司醫療廢棄物焚化爐、交通源及生質燃燒等影響。(七)評估離島工業區PAHs排放對雲林各地區其PAHs之影響。就目前數據顯示,離島工業區Ind-PAHs排放可能影響區域為鄰近工業區,包括工業製程、煉焦廠、交通源及燃煤電廠或生質燃燒。(八)於離島工業區附近區進行空氣中有害空氣污染物之監測,並提供風險評估計畫作為後續評估考量。本計畫之有害空氣污染物檢測工作主要為揮發性有機氣體、PAHs及金屬元素檢測,除前述PAHs之結果外,其餘各項結果說明如下:1.揮發性有機氣體:本年度檢測結果中,經常測得之物種分別為丙酮、2-丁酮、甲苯、丙烷及甲醇,而在距離離島工業區10公里範圍內的測點(新興國小、海豐分校、豐安國小及崙豐國小)所測得之物種數量明顯較多且濃度相對較高,其中正己烷、乙苯及乙腈均為10公里外之測點所未測得,而二氯甲烷及2-丁酮則是明顯高於其他範圍測點之濃度。此外,本年度於區內共執行12點次的檢測,相對於區外檢出的14種化合物,區內共計檢出26種化合物,其中包含1,3丁二烯、1,2-二氯乙烷及丙烯腈等,乃為離島工業區之指標污染物。2.金屬元素:PM2.5微粒中重金屬總濃度的季節分佈顯示,與PM2.5濃度有相同的趨勢,秋季>夏季>春季;由目前結果本計畫可推估可能的工業區重金屬(Ind-metal)為Ni、Cu、Cr、Co、Cd、Se及Hg
EngTitle The Infrared continuous monitoring and the survey of harmful air pollutants in Yunlin County on 2012
EngAbstract This project started on year 2012 April 2nd, which included two fixed locations to conduct the infrared continuously monitoring (OP-FTIR) for 180 days on the one hand, and one the other to conduct harmful pollutants detection operations within and outside the region which include: the volatile contaminants (VOCs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and the metal elements for offshore industrial zone. The establishment of offshore industrial zone adjacent sensitive background concentration data as the basis for subsequent monitoring and for further understanding offshore Islands Industrial Zone and its impact on neighboring area through the effective implementation of this project were mostly achieved. This project was completed as follows:1. it integrated the offshore industrial zone’s monitoring resources to identify the pollution sources.This project used hazardous air pollutants data to supplement the insufficient sampling number of the risk assessment plan and follow-up analysis and meteorological data were provided in the form of electronic files to the risk assessment plan. In other aspect of clarifying pollutants, the working team collected data surrounding Taihsi photochemical station, aggregated petition information, and compared detection information around outlying islands.2. It used infrared continuously monitoring operations to explore the offshore industrial zone’s impact on its surroundings in different season. This project applied two OP-FTIRs to measure Feng An and Nan Men two survey lines for at least 180 days and the results summarized as follows:2.1 Feng An survey line: This line showed the maximum concentration of ethylene, propylene and ammonia to be relatively high. In previous monitoring results, the average concentration of ammonia got the highest 17.64 ppb, then propylene to 10.72 ppb and ethylene to 8.63 ppb. The non-zero average concentration for the highest was ethylene 276.34 ppb, then propane to 199.53 ppb, propylene to 149.79 ppb. From this line, ammonia appeared frequently and its frequency of occurrence up to 72.82%.2.2 Nan Men survey line: This line showed the maximum concentration of ethylene and propylene to be relatively high. In previous monitoring results, the average concentration of propylene got the highest 76.35 ppb and ethylene to 36.77 ppb. The non-zero average concentration for the highest was propylene 329.24 ppb, then ethylene to 226.55 ppb propane to 103.91 ppb. The previous frequency of occurrence by ethylene, propylene and ammonia were measured up to 29.24%, 25.16% and 42.46% respectively.3. The expansion of CO2 monitoring equipment’s explored CO2 concentration distribution inside and outside industrial zone.This project completed 3 sets CO2 analyzers on June 28th 2012 respectively located in the Sixth Naphtha North Gate Dormitory, Shang Der and Giau Tou Elementary Schools.From collected data of Yulin county's five stations’ CO2 analysers , the Xinsin Elementary School showed its 462.21 ppm relatively high data compared with the average data of each station and the Sixth Naphtha South Gate Dormitory quarters showed its 423.79 ppm relatively low data. The maximum day and night value/minute were in Sixth Naphtha Cracker Factory perimeters including North Gate and South Gate dormitories which showed higher CO2 concentration may have been a factory impact.4. It investigated trends and distribution characteristics of offshore industrial zone factory in the concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).The seasonal concentration trend of PM2.5 particles of T-PAHs in offshore industrial park showed autumn > summer > spring. Possibly industrial area of PAHs (Ind-of PAHs) was consisted by NaP, ACPy, ACP, FLU, ANTHR, PHE and FLT; Ind-of PAHs in the dust also appeared the same trend. In addition, Me-PAHs belonged to mobile pollutant had the higher characteristic and daytime concentration had been about double compared with night time concentration. PCA analysis showed that the pollutants contribution from the industrial process, coking plants, oil combustion and traffic sources.5. It established the PAHs’ fingerprint characteristics on offshore Islands industrial zone.The current data showed that fingerprint characteristics of offshore industrial park in Ind-PAHs were possibly consisted by NaP, ACPy, ACP, FLU, ANTHR, PHE, FLT, and Me-PAHs.6. It investigated PAHs’ concentrations trends and distribution characteristics of the Yunlin area.The seasonal concentration trend of T-PAHs of the PM2.5 particles in neighboring industrial areas and away from the industrial area showed autumn> summer> spring. According to the current results showed that Ind-PAHs in the neighboring industrial area has transmission phenomenon; additionally, PAHs of BkF, BeP, IND and BghiP took the higher proportion. Away from the offshore industrial area, the main classification of PAHs was traffic sources of Me-PAHs PYR, BaA, ANTHR, etc. According to the result of the PCA statistical analysis, the neighboring industrial area would be affected by the industrial process of the industrial area, steelworks, incinerator, traffic sources and coal-fired power plants or biomass burning; away from the industrial area (Yuan-Chang) was affected by the nearby Yuan-Chang industrial area, the Sunny Friend medical waste incinerator, traffic sources, and biomass burning.7. It assessed the offshore industrial zone’s PAHs emissions impact on Yunlin.The current data showed that the emission of Ind-PAHs in the offshore industrial area might affect nearby industrial areas including industrial process, coking plants, traffic sources, and coal-fired power plants or biomass burning.8. It provided the monitoring result of hazardous air pollutants in the offshore industrial zone and the follow-up risk assessment.The measurement of hazardous air pollutants in this project mainly including VOCs, PAHs and metal elements, the results as follows:8.1 Volatile Organic Compounds: this year's measured compounds of testing result were acetone, 2 - butanone, toluene, propane and methanol, and the measured distance in the offshore industrial zone within 10 km (Xinsin Elementary School, Haifeng Elementary School Branch, Feng An Elementary School and Lun Feng Elementary School) showed the number of measured species were significantly more and relatively high concentration, in which n-hexane, ethyl benzene and acetonitrile were not measured 10 km away from measured points, and the methylene chloride and 2 - butanone were significantly higher than the concentration of the other range of measurement points. In addition, this year the district Run 12 times detection with respect to outside the 14 compounds detected in this district detected a total of 26 kinds of compounds containing 1,3-butadiene, 1,2 - dichloro-B such as alkyl and acrylonitrile were offshore industrial zone indicator pollutants.8.2 The Metal Elements: For seasonal distribution of total concentration of heavy metals in PM2.5 particles showed the same trend as PM2.5 concentration; it was autumn > summer > spring. As a result, it was estimated Ind-metal of industrial area were consisted is possibly with Ni, Cu, Cr, Co, Cd, Se, and Hg in the current project.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 祥威環境科技有限公司