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Title 執行機車新車型審驗、新車抽驗、使用中機車召回改正調查測試與污染排放管制措施研究
Abstract 本年度計畫主要工作內容可分為四個部份,第一個部份是執行機器腳踏車新車型審驗相關管制工作,包括審驗、抽驗、污染元件與品管查核、環保車評選。第二個部份是機車審驗管制業務電子化系統維護及建置,包括整合兩證合一業務、逐車測試管理查詢、系統主機移機作業等。第三個部份是執行使用中機車召回改正調查測試作業相關事宜,第四個部份是與排氣管制相關之資料研析與研究測試,包括國內外認證數據分析、國際法規蒐集、WMTC測試、使用中大型重型機車與老舊車輛之調查測試等,計畫成果說明如下。在新車型審驗方面,部份150c.c以上五期進口車的HC與NOx污染認證值偏高;耐久測試申請,有屢試失敗之情形;年度新車抽驗有1個引擎族初測不合格,複測後合格;業者品管作業較往年有明顯進步,2012年機車污染物排放總量推估為CO 115,886噸、THC 73,712噸、NOx 10,925噸,2013車型年環保機車評比,初步篩選結果有9個引擎族入選。在電子化審驗系統方面,整合污染及噪音審驗合格證明核發電子化作業、逐車測試之管理查詢功能建置、暨有電子化系統新增功能、系統主機移機作業均已完成。使用中機車召回改正調查測試方面,已完成50輛車之測試,其中9個引擎族測試結果都合格,另1引擎族車輛都有改裝,排放值遠高於法規標準。五期車輛污染排放數據分析顯示,排氣量150cc以下約有四~九成的分析數據,150cc以上約有二~五成的分析數據可符合我國類六期法規;歐盟認證數據分析顯示,約55%可通過我國機車五期法規標準,日本認證數據則都無法符合我國機車五期法規標準;國內實車耐久數據推估至三萬公里之劣化係數平均值約為1.177~1.254;五期與WMTC行車型態污染排放的比較,CO於WMTC測試結果易高於五期,HC與NOx則相反,兩者相關性不高,WMTC測試,CO與HC污染物的排放主要集中在第一階段,高排氣量之機車於第三階段,CO與NOx的排放比例有較明顯增加之趨勢;使用中大型重型機車之污染排放現況調查測試顯示在保證里程以內車輛,大部份車輛都可符合排放標準並與該引擎族認證值的差異不大,接近或超過保證里程以上的車輛,污染易偏高,甚至遠高於排放標準,認證值接近或相同於排放標準者,於使用中則易於超過排放標準;使用中機車污染控制元件查核都合格;老舊車輛之CO與HC排放值經車輛保養後有下降的趨勢,NOx則因燃燒效率變好而增加,車輛的保養有其必要,少部份車的CO、HC有較明顯的劣化,NOx劣化的比例會更高一些。對於未依法完成自行品管作業之業者,建議可暫停其核章申請,以促其進速完成品管作業相關規定,若限期未改善可依法直接撤銷合格證明。對擅改污染排放控制設備的車輛,建議依法處罰改裝車之使用人或所有人,或強制回監理單位接受檢查及測試。
EngTitle Implement of the new model motorcycle certification, C.O.P inspection, the in-used motorcycle recall
EngAbstract The objectives of the 2012 project could be categorized into four main work items. 1): Execution of new motorcycle model emission certification related control measures. 2): Upgrade and perform maintenance on the electronic motorcycle certification application system, which include integrate the emission and noise certificates into one certificate; establish management and inquiry functions for motorcycle individual type-approval related tests; move system server mainframe to a new location etc. 3): Execution of the in-use motorcycle recall and correction investigation related tests. 4): Collect and analyze motorcycle emissions related information and test data, which include domestic and abroad emissions test data analysis; Survey the international motorcycle emissions related regulations; Perform WMTC tests, and conduct investigation tests on in-use heavy-duty motorcycles and aged motorcycles. The project achievements are described as follows:As to the execution of new motorcycle model emission certification related control measures: Some imported motorcycles with over 150 cc engines failed to comply with the Stage 5 HC and NOx standard limits; Some new models failed every durability tests; One engine family failed its initial annual selective audit test, after proper adjustments, it passed the repeat test; Manufacturers obvious improved their performance on their Conformity of Production tests; The estimated total emissions from motorcycles in 2012 were: CO: 115,886 tons, THC: 73,712 tons, and NOx: 10,925 tons; According to the initial evaluation, there are 9 engine families eligible for the 2013 model year green motorcycle award.As to the upgrade and perform maintenance on the electronic motorcycle certification application system: This project has integrated the electronic issuance of emission and noise combined certificate; Established management and inquiry functions for individual certification tests; Add new functions on current electronic certification system; Moved the electronic certification system’s mainframe to a new location.As to the recall and correction investigation tests on in-use motorcycles: This project has tested 50 motorcycles, of which 9 engine families could comply with the standards. One engine family motorcycle was found being tampered, and its exhaust emissions were far above the standard limits.The certification emissions test data of motorcycles that comply with the Stage 5 standards were analyzed, the result showed that about 40 to 90% of the motorcycles with engine displacement under 150 cc could comply with the Taiwan Stage 6 emission standards, and only 20 to 50% of the motorcycles with engine displacement over 150 cc could be in compliance; About 55% of the European standards certified motorcycles could comply with the Taiwan Stage 5 emission standards; All Japanese standards certified motorcycles could comply with the Taiwan Stage 5 emission standards; By using the domestic on road durability testing data, the average motorcycle’s deterioration factor at 30,000 km was estimated to be about 1,177~1,254; The Stage 5 and WMTC driving cycle emission tests were being conducted and compared, the results showed that the CO emission of WMTC was higher than Stage 5’s, on the contrary, the Stage 5’s HC and NOx emissions were higher. The two driving cycle test results were not highly related; For WMTC tests the emitted CO and HC emissions were concentrated at the first stage of driving cycle, but for large displacement motorcycles, emitted CO and HC emissions were concentrated at the third stage, and the percentage of CO and NOx emissions increased obviously. The investigation of exhaust emissions from in-use heavy-duty motorcycles showed that most motorcycles within their useful life warrantee mileage could comply with the standards and the test results were close to the certification data. If the travel mileage of the motorcycle was close to or exceed its useful life warrantee mileage, the emissions values tend to be high, sometimes far exceed the standard limits. If the certification data were close to the standard limits, the motorcycle tends to exceed the standard limits within its in-use period.Checking the working condition of the in-use motorcycle emission control devices, all motorcycles being checked were in compliance; for aged motorcycles, the CO and HC emission values lowed after performed proper maintenance, NOx emission increased could be due to improvement on the combustion efficiency. To perform maintenance on motorcycle is necessary, because a small portion of motorcycles tend to deteriorate more obviously for CO and HC emissions, and the NOx emission deterioration rate even higher.To encourage manufacturers to complete their Conformity of Production tests as soon as possible, this project proposed to suspend the certification applications for those manufacturers that failed to complete their regulatory required COP tests, and set a deadline for completion. The competent authority may revoke the manufacturers’ emission certificates if they fail to meet the deadline. As for the vehicle with tempered emission control devices, the vehicle user or owner shall be subjected to penalties in accordance with the law, the vehicle shall be forced to take inspection and emission tests by the competent authority designated motorcycle inspection station.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院