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Title 推動室內空氣品質管理相關子法、輔導診斷及教育宣導建置作業
Abstract 建築物及交通運輸等室內空間是人類用以遮風避雨、繁衍生命、生活工作的棲身之所。隨著人類文明的演進,現代建築為了保護人們免受外界惡化的環境品質所影響,加強了建築本身的密閉性,又因商業活動使人口大量聚集,在高密度人口與商業型態的需求下,建築高度不斷往上發展,高樓林立是都市化最典型的代表。在這些人口密度高而又獨立密閉的保護傘下,也衍生出許多足以危害人體健康的室內環境品質問題。從建築物本身結構、區位、開口設計、空調系統設計,各種建材、裝修材料的選擇,人類維持生活必備的各種物品、商業行為的貨品、辦公家具等,乃至於人類本身的各項行為活動,均可直接或間接的引起音、光、熱、氣、水、微生物、電磁波等室內環境問題,其中最直接、且影響最大的是室內空氣品質(Indoor air quality IAQ)不良所引起的健康危害問題。就經濟層面的考量而言,IAQ不佳所引起的不適症狀或相關疾病會引起生產力降低,甚至影響國家競爭力。室內空氣品質管理的制度面上,包含有不同使用性質空間的室內空氣品質污染源及不同的主要問題、不同的目的事業主管機關、現況及問題、建築設計及通風相關配套規範、污染物檢測能力、自主管理機制等部分,需要一個跨部會整合推動機制。行政院環保署於2006年6月於消保會135次委員會議提報所研擬完成之「室內空氣品質管理推動方案(草案)」並獲定案,隨即由各相關部會依方案分工原則,著手研擬具體3年工作行動計畫。而依照「室內空氣品質管理推動方案規劃架構」,分別應包含(1)訂定室內空氣品質標準;(2)訂定室內空氣污染物檢測標準及檢測能力提升;(3)推動公共場所自行檢測、監測、紀錄及申報制度;(4)推動室內空氣品質調查計畫等,因此行政院環保署乃於2006年5月進行「推動公共場所室內空氣品質管理制度計畫」,初步研擬相關室內空氣品質管理制度,並積極推動對應之室內空氣品質檢測專責人員與自主管理專責人員,同時亦進行「室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫」及相關輔導機制之研擬
EngTitle Promote and assist the managements of indoor air quality, to set the establishments of its education
EngAbstract In recent years, the government has been actively concerned about indoor air quality (IAQ), where the related issues including the formulation of IAQ laws and regulations and the self-management system for indoor air quality have become important topics in government policy plans. The accomplishment of this year's project include: (1) For the promotion of indoor air quality management system in public facilities, the working team completed the visits and inspection in 200 public facilities (divided into six categories), and the indoor air quality for 80 public places of which were further monitored and assessed. The collected indoor air quality data embodied a national IAQ baseline database for further analysis. In addition, the working team compiled and compared the information of indoor air quality self-management systems in major countries. The team also provided the educational training practices for indoor air quality dedicated personnel. (2) For the integration of IAQ managerial system information and the indoor air quality mark, the working team has built the indoor air quality management information platform on EPA’s indoor air quality management information network for resource sharing. Additionally, the guideline of grade stamps for indoor air quality mark have been proposed to the authority for future reference in order to promote indoor air quality self-management in public facilities. (3) For the formulation of Indoor Air Quality Management Act-related regulations, in addition to empower the relevant sub-set of Indoor Air Quality Management Act draft law, the working team also studied the indoor air quality control measures in different collaborating authorities with the need to tie in with the amended law, and held eight advisory consulting forums focusing on the related regulations of Indoor Air Quality Management Act for amendment reference. (4) Finally, the working team not only embodied and maintained the official indoor air quality network, but integrated various types of indoor air management information and cases of domestic pollution in recent years to provide recommendations for related organizations and stake holder.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 新紀工程顧問有限公司