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Title 溫室氣體減量技術及成本應用評估與案例分析追蹤專案計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行的目標主要有五個分項,分別是:(1)掌握國內外溫室氣體排放額度市場供需概況與減量成本,建議我國產業自願減量策略推動方向、(2)分析國際減量專案投資分析方法,建議我國減量專案之投資分析決策參考原則、(3)分析國內外溫室氣體減量策略方向與減量技術方案,研提我國各部門節能減碳策略、(4)研擬我國耗能產業溫室氣體減量最佳可行參考技術並分析減量成本,與(5)協助分析開發個案溫室氣體排放評估之合理性,並追蹤減量執行情形。本計畫將透過完成上述五項工作,協助環保署推動相關的產業溫室氣體減量工作。
EngTitle The Greenhous Gas Reduction Technologies, Cost Assessment, and Cases Studies Tracking Project
EngAbstract The first part of this project analyzes the demand, supply, and possible market price of domestic reduction credits generated from “Early Action Project” and “Offset Project”. The results show the possible market price of credit is expected could not give the sufficient incentives to the decision makers to apply the Offset Project further. In order to solve the problem, a flexible market adjust mechanism is suggested in this project. In the second part, the international decision making procedure of CDM on investment additionality is investigated. The localized industrial benchmarks are then established based on the empirical data. Furthermore, ten cases of investment analysis of Offset Project applications and five international CDM methodologies have examined by this project to facilitate the work of EPA. The statistical data of cross-countries’ energy usage and GHGs emissions management strategies are analyzed in this project to re-examine the policy of GHGs management. In turns, this project reviews the international best available techniques (BAT) and available technologies for GHGs reduction for the three industries, the iron and steel production, cement manufacturing, and large combustion plants system, respectively. The BAT reference documents of GHGs reductions for the industries above-mentioned are constructed as consequences. Also, the costs of voluntary GHGs reduction measures of the iron and steel production, cement manufacturing, and synthetic fiber manufacturing at domestic level are analyzed in the project so as to formulate effective environment-related policies.To assist with analysis and review the individual case of GHGs emissions evaluation and case tracking, this project has examined fourteen cases of environment development activities and three tracking cases have been checked with report for each individual case. Finally, four experts consulting meetings and a series of training programs are held so as to support the issues about the GHGs management.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 中華經濟研究院