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Title 河川水體增氧技術評估計畫
Abstract 本計畫評估設置增氧裝置對於河川水體溶氧增加的成效,依環保署近5年國內河川水質測站之溶氧合格率,篩選21處溶氧偏低之水質測站,並進行水質調查作業,總檢測數量共63點。水質分析項目包括pH、溶氧(DO)、生化需氧量(BOD)、氨氮(NH3-N)及葉綠素a等。依前階段調查結果,篩選出二仁溪支流三爺溪永寧橋段及鹽水溪排水線支流安順排水榮順橋段2處,分別以噴射式曝氣系統與氧氣溶解系統設備進行24小時現地測試,求得並驗證耗氧與再曝氣參數,並利用水質模式模擬該些試驗河段推動增氧措施後之水質變化,就前述已篩選出之21處溶氧偏低河段,選擇10處較適當河段,進行水體增氧工法規劃與成效推估,並提出研擬河川水體增氧最佳可行技術評估指引及補助作業要點。
EngTitle Study for dissolved oxygen enhancement technologies for rivers
EngAbstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the dissolved oxygen enhancement of a river through the employment of aereation equipments.Through the anaylsis of the water quality monitoring data reported by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA), 21 water quality monitoring stations were proposed as the candidate river sections for future possible implementation of oxygen enhancement projects. Further water quality analyses of pH, DO, BOD, NH3-N, Chlorophyll a were conducted for these selected river sections. Besides, two 24-hour on-site experimental studies for river water DO enhancement were conducted. One was implemented at the Yung-Ning Bridge section of San-Yeh River, and the other was at Rong-Shun Bridge section of An-Shun drainage channel. The water quality data obtained from these studies were further applied to the determination of contaminant degradation kinetic constants and re-aeration coefficients, and these constants were employed for water quality simulation using Qual2K and modified Streeter-Phelps equation. Additionally, these previously-selected 21 candidate river sections were further screened to obtain 10 river sections which had the highest priority for oxygen enhancement implementation. The improvement of water quality and the oxygen enhancement efficiency were estimated using Qual2K and modified Streeter-Phelps equation. The Guideline for River Oxygen Enhancement Best Applicable Technology Evaluaton and Protocol for Subsidy Allocation for River Oxygen Enhancement Projects were drafted.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 明志科技大學