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Title 101年度國家重要濕地(大樹舊鐵橋人工濕地)保育計畫
Abstract (一)濕地場址調查監測1. 截至2012年11月份為止已完成4次之水質、水文、2次底泥監測及2次生態調查工作,水質、水文監測包含濕地水池,A系統進出流口,以及B系統之進出水口共4個測站,共執行16點次;底泥量測包含濕地B系統之進出流口共2個測站,共執行4點次,其中枯水季(4月13日增加底泥金屬監測)。7月30日之水質水文測量部分,A系統之A6出流口改為A5,原因為出流口A6池,水位過低且池內之池水只剩中間一部分有水,調查原因為由溢流孔流出故A5之池水,相同狀況於9月20日及10月25日採樣時還未改善,因此,7月30日、9月20日及10月25日,將出流口之監測點改為A5池之出流口。2. 水文量測結果,4次監測A系之進流口流量約介於16,102-6,900 m3/d ,出流口流量約為13,199-11,916 m3/d,進流口以四次平均流量約為12,091±3,327 m3/d,出流口平均為11,803±1,646 m3/d;B系統之B1進流口流量約為4,751-6,366 m3/d,B2出流流量約介於3,890-6,059 m3/d,監測四次之平均流量進流口為5,531±786 m3/d,出流口為5,087±1,075m3/d。3. 水質監測結果,四次監測A系統之各項水監測標準(BOD、COD、OP、TP、NH3-N及TN) 去除效率分別介於(37-86%、16-89%、93-98%、0-98%、43-72%及38-68),SS僅於10月25日有去除效率但效果不佳,其餘知項目皆有穩定去除之效率,其中正磷去除成效佳,氨氮相較於磷不穩定,但整體之營養鹽去除效果良好。B系統之去除效率分別為,BOD介於0-78%、NH3-N介於0-61%、TN介於14-31%、OP介於35-95%及TP介於61-78%,B系統之去除效率,在BOD之去除效率不穩定,營養鹽之去除OP、TP相較於NH3-N及TN佳,SS在7月30日及9月20日有去除效率分別為65%及63%。生物性指標部分,葉綠素a為優養化之指標,由A、B系統之監測葉綠素a出流口皆高於進流,A1進流口含量為4.28-25.14 μg/L,出流口為15.68-71.01 μg/L,B系統B1進流Chl-a為6.4-33.6 μg/L,B2出流為9.2-119.9 μg/L,有優養化之現象,大腸桿菌之部分,有相當之去除效率。A系統以WQI值水質指標評估進流至出流可由中下轉變成中等程度,B系統以WQI判定除了4月13日B1進流口為不良程度,其餘的水質指標皆屬於中下程度。4. 底泥監測於4月13日(枯水季)、9月20日(豐水季)採集底泥,兩次監測酸鹼值介於6.3 -6.7,B1有機質值含量2.6%、2.98%及B2含量為2.4%、3.53%;B1總氮含量為231 mg N/kg及481mg N/kg、B2含量為131 mg N/kg及416 mg N/kg;B1總磷含量分別為1,312 mg P/kg及1,402mg P/kg、B2濃度含量791 mg P/kg及1,061mg P/kg。以上之有機質、總氮及總磷皆有累積之趨勢,9月之濃度皆大於4月且進流口皆大於出流;底泥重金屬部分為Fe含量最高約28,609-39,756 mg/kg,Cd低於偵測極限,其中需注意Cu、Zn之濃度,Cu為69.11-96.7 mg/kg,Cu已達法規之下限值須密切注意, Zn濃度為546.9-325.5 mg/kg,已達法規上限,嚴重超標。5. 本計畫自2011年7月起至2012年底在舊鐵橋濕地進行生態調查,包含鳥類、昆蟲(蜻蛉類與蝶類為主)、魚類、兩爬及植物種類調查及棲地環境記錄,以瞭解濕地復建過程中園區生態之演替情況。調查結果共記錄鳥類26科47種,陸生爬行類3科4種,兩棲類4科6種,蜻蛉類3科15種,蝶類5科40種,水生爬行類3科3種,魚類7科10種,植物53科126種。其中鳥類之優勢物種為麻雀及白頭翁,蜻蛉類以薄翅蜻蜓和褐斑蜻蜓較為優勢,蝶類則以微小灰蝶與迷你小灰蝶為優勢物種。水域爬行類以斑龜較多,魚類之優勢種為外來種三星鬥魚、吳郭魚與吉利慈鯛,原生種魚類則以鯽魚較為優勢。陸域生態以鐵橋南側之多樣性較高,水域環境以A2池之生物較為多樣,但濕地整體水域環境皆以外來種生物佔優勢。另外,也記錄到入侵外來種多線南蜥、巴西龜、花狹口蛙、紅魔鬼、線鱧、泰國土虱、琵琶鼠、非洲大蝸牛、福壽螺等,建議予以進行限縮移除。(二)濕地種子教師培訓與民眾導覽解說成果1.濕地保育與管理維護藉由社區民眾及地方志工合作推動舊鐵橋濕地園區之管理與維護作業,每月至少完成4場次,截至12月15號已完成計畫規定36場次(9個月 × 4次/月),參與人數達291人次。社區協會與民間團體志工踴躍參與濕地保育與管理維護工作,清除園區內雜草、落葉與大型樹枝垃圾等,使園區內部保持環境整潔,讓舊鐵橋濕地園區逐漸恢復往日風采。2.濕地管理維護單位教育訓練研習舊鐵橋濕地園區面積廣達120公頃,期望能以辦理維護單位教育訓練的方式,使在地志工與社區民眾了解與學習對人工濕地的維護管理方式,提升參訓人員日後協助濕地管理和維護作業之能力與知識。截至10月底已完成4場次之計畫數量,參與人數訓練研習達202人次,部分受訓人員已實地參與管理和維護工作,並協助大專和國高中學生參與志工體驗活動。3.濕地保育種子教師與導覽解說訓練結合附近社區發展協會與民間團體共同參與舊鐵橋濕地園區的導覽解說訓練活動,藉由本訓練可培育導覽解說之種子教師,以便能更深入到校園或其他單位進行教育宣導活動。截至10月底已完成6場次之計畫數量,參與種子教師與導覽解說訓練人數達271人次,受訓種子教師已有能力擔任遊客溼地導覽解說員並至鄰近中小學推廣濕地保育課程。4.民眾參與濕地園區生態及環境教育活動解說導覽由種子教師及志工進行舊鐵橋濕地園區之導覽解說,帶領參與民眾團體親身體驗人工濕地生態保育及環境教育的功能,並解說濕地如何淨化水質及動植物在濕地中所扮演的角色。目前皆依合約規定每個月執行2梯次以上的民眾解說導覽,截至12月份已完成21場次,超出合約數量18場次(9個月×2梯次/月),共有721人熱情參與,本項解說導覽工作主要由受訓之種子教師擔任,實際參與解說導覽活動,以印證課堂上所學得的知識。 5.濕地復建過程影音紀錄截至101年12月15日止,已攝錄包含維護管理及各大小活動復建(育)影音資料17段,目前已進行剪輯配音等後製作業,於影音紀錄光碟製作完成後,提交200片光碟供 貴局審核,以完整忠實呈現本年度舊鐵橋濕地園區濕地保育與管理維護、教育研習與導覽解說訓練、環境教育活動解說導覽等工作之成果。
EngTitle 2012 Conservation Plan for Major National Wetlands (Da-Shu Old-Iron-Bridge Wetland)
EngAbstract 1. Wetland Site Investigation and Monitoring(1) 4 water quality and hydrology testings, 2 sediment monitorings and 2 ecological surveys were completed by Nov. 2012. Survey sites include wetland pond, System A and B influent and effluent points. There are 4 sites in total and 16 surveys and testings were completed. Sediment monitoring sites include the influent and effluent points of System B. There are 2 sites and 4 surveys were completed. Metals in sediment was included in the April 13th testing (dry season). Water quality and hydrology of July 30th testings, the testing site of System A is switched from A6 effluent point to A5 effluent point, due to the fact that the water surface levels of A6 effluent point was too low, with water covered only the middle part. After investigation, it was found that the water of A6 was outflown from A5 effluent point. Same conditions occurred during the Sept. 20th and Oct. 25th testings. As result, the July 30th, Sept. 20th and Oct. 25th testings were switched to A5 effluent point.(2) Results of water quality testings indicate that the influent flow was between 6,900 to 16,102 m3/d, the effluent flow is between 11,916 to 13,199 m3/d. The average influent and effluent flows are 12,091±3,327 m3/d and 11,803±1,646 m3/d, respectively. The B1 influent flow by System B was between 4,751 to 6,366 m3/d, the B2 influent flow by System B was between 3,890 to 6,059 m3/d. The average influent and effluent flows are 5,531±786 m3/d and 5,087±1,075 m3/d, respectively.(3) The results of water quality testings indicate that the removal rates of water quality standards , such as BOD, COD, OP, TP, NH3-N and TN, of System A are 37-86%, 16-89%, 93及總磷-98%, 0-98%, 43-72% and 38-68%, respectively. The SS removal rate was only noticeable for the Oct. 25th testing, however not very good. All removal rates for all other water quality parameters remain stable, with orthophosphate good and ammonia slightly unstable. As a whole, the removal rates for nutrients are good. The removal rates for BOD, NH3-N, TN, OP and TP by System B are 0-78%, 0-61%, 14-31%, 35-95% and 61-78% respectively. As for the overall removal rates for System B, BOD is unstable, nutrients such as OP and TP have better removal rates than NH3-N and TN. The SS removal rates for July 30th and Sept. 20th testings are 65% and 63 % respectively. As for the biological indicating parameters, Chlorophyll a is an indicator of eutrophication, the Chlorophyll a levels for the effluents of System A and B are all higher than their influents. Chlorophyll a level for A1 influent point was 4.28-25.14 μg/L, 15.68-71.01 μg/L for the effluent point. Chlorophyll a level for B1 (System B) influent point was 6.4-33.6 μg/L, 9.2-119.9 μg/L for the B2 effluent point, with eutrophication occurred. The removal rates for e coli. are fairly noticeable. The WQI indicators showed that the pollution levels of System A are improved (influent level to effluent level); it also showed that apart from the B1 influent point of April 13th, which was not good, all other water quality parameters remain lower than average. (4) The sediment monitorings were carried out at the dry season (April 13th) and wet season (Sept. 20th), with pH levels between 6.3 to 6.7, organic matter of B1 is 2.6% and 2.98% and 2.4% and 3.53% for B2. The total nitrogen for B1 is 231 and 481 mg N/kg, 131 and 416 mg N/kg for B2. The total phosphorus levels are 1,312 and 1,402 mg P/kg for B1, 791 and 1,061 mg P/kg for B2. The organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus seemed to accumulate, with the levels of Sept. testing higher than the levels of April, testing. The heavy metals of sediment showed iron levels are the highest (28,609-39,756 mg/kg) and cadmium levels are lower than the detectable levels. Attention should be paid to the copper and lead levels, copper concentration is between 69.11 to 96.7 mg/kg, reaching the minimum standards by the Water Pollution Act. Lead concentration is between 325.5 to 546.9 mg/kg, reaching the maximum standards by the Water Pollution Act.(5) Ecology surveys were completed between July, 2011 to the end of 2012. Birds, insects (damselflies class and butterflies, mainly), fish, and plant species surveys and their habitat surroundings were recorded to understand the park ecological succession in wetland rehabilitation process. The survey results indicated that there are 26 kinds of birds (within 47 classes), 4 kinds of terrestrial reptiles (within 3 classes), 4 kinds of amphibians (within 6 classes), 3 kinds of damselflies (within 15 classes), 5 kinds of butterflies (within 40 classes), 3 kinds of aquatic reptiles (within 3 classes), 7 kinds of fish (within 10 classes), 126 kinds of plants (within 53 classes). The advantaged species for the birds are sparrow and pulsatilla, thin-winged dragonflies and brown spots dragonfly for the damselflies class, micro-budding peaks and mini the butterfly are the dominant species for the Butterflies. There are more spot turtles among the aquatic reptiles, for the fish, the advantageous alien species are Samsung Rumble fish and tilapia Ji Lici snapper, carp for the native species. The south side of the bridge contains higher diversity of species for land eco-system and A2 pond for higher diversity of species for aqua eco-system. The alien species are more advantageous for the aqua eco-system of the wetland. In addition, it is also recorded that the invasion of exotic species, such as multi-line South lizard, red flower Narrow-mouthed Frog, Red Devil, line snakehead, catfish Thailand, pipa rats, giant African snails, apple snails, etc., restriction of their habitants and the following removal is recommended. 2. Wetland Consultation Guides Training Sessions and the Public Guided Tours(1) Wetland Conservation and ManagementWetland conservation and management is implemented by the cooperation of the communities and local volunteers. There are 4 guided tours monthly and there are 36 tours scheduled till Dec. 15th, with 291 participants. The communities organizations and NGO volunteers participated the wetland preservation and management to clean up the grasses, leaves, large branches and garbage. The aim is to return the old iron bridge wetland to its old time glory.(2) Wetland Conservation Training SessionsOld-iron-bridge wetland consists of a park area of up to 120 hectares. By organizing conservation training sessions, the local communities and volunteers can learn more about the wetland management. The targeted 4 sessions were organized with 202 participants. Part of the participants have already engaged in the management and preservation work and they also assisted the college and high schools students during the guided tours.(3) Wetland Consultation Guides Training SessionsWetland consultation guides training sessions targeted members of the community development committees and NGOs. 6 training session were organized by Oct. 2012 with 271 participants. The trained seed councilors started to engage in the preservation courses. (4) Wetland Public Guided ToursThe purification process of wetlands and the roles of wetland animals and plants were explained during the guided tours. 2 sessions of guided tours per month were carried out, with 21 tours (18 as the targeted number) organized and 721 participants. The tours were guided by the trained see councilors to apply their professional knowledge.(5) Audio and Video Recordings of the Wetland Rehabilitation Process Up the Dec. 15th, 2012, 17 audio and video recordings of the wetland rehabilitation processes has been edited and completed, with 200 pieces of CD made to be submitted to the EPB. The CD showed the complete preservation processes and the management and guided tours
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司