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Title 101小黑蚊危害地區防治專案計畫
Abstract 近年來臺灣地區『小黑蚊』騷擾問題日益嚴重,影響民眾之生活起居降低生活品質亦成為發展觀光休閒旅遊產業的負面因素。因此自101年1月份起中臺科技大學接受環保署委託,執行「101年度小黑蚊危害地區防治專案計畫」,持續於小黑蚊危害地區(臺中市、臺南市、南投縣、彰化縣、花蓮縣、嘉義縣、雲林縣等7縣市)進行小黑蚊密度調查,並由雲林縣、嘉義縣與臺南市中選定小黑蚊發生熱點共50處,實地進行防治工作。依不同培訓對象規劃課程內容,已舉辦教育或宣導會29場次,其中包括通報處理及防治人員培訓班5場次;防治組織推廣說明會2場次;教育宣導說明會2場;協助其它單位辦理小黑蚊防治教育22場,總計培訓2817人,並輔導成立防治工作團隊2處。輔導雲林縣、嘉義縣與臺南市環保局建立通報與防治處理能力,每2個月至少1次至該單位提供通報與防治必要之協助。在小黑蚊防治推廣中心業務部份,以電子信箱、專線電話提供小黑蚊鑑定、防治規劃諮詢等服務,並在網站上新增密度公告、密度通報與個人化防治報告書等功能。
EngTitle Control of Forcipomyia taiwana in the infestation area of 101 year
EngAbstract In recent years, the Forcipomyia taiwana, "biting midge" (common name), invades more extensively. These biting midges constitute a serious problem for the normal life style of human being and the business of scenic area. In view of this, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology undertook the project “Control of Forcipomyia taiwana in the infestation area in year 101”. The major works contained monitoring biting midge density in Taichung City, Nantou County, Hualien County, Changhua County, Yunlin County, Tainan City and Chiayi County. We selected 50 “hot spot”areas from historical density data to engage the integrated control. Based on training objects, we designed wide range courses applied in different purpose workshops, which total number of participants was one thousand three hundred ten persons. Two working teams were also established to participate in control works. We counseled Yunlin County, Chiayi County and Tainan City Environmental Protection Bureaus to establish communications chennals and build biting midge control capabilities. Once every two months the newest information and revised policy were provided. The Biting Midge Control Center has been continuously providing the information of biting midge identification, prevention and control services to concern parties through the website, e-mail and hotline.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 中臺科技大學