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Title 空氣中致過敏性真菌之微陣列基因檢測技術建立(2/2)
Abstract 空氣中有多種真菌的孢子與人類呼吸道過敏有關,現在環境保護與公共衛生監測和臨床檢測等領域,要求快速、高通量和準確的檢測致過敏真菌的技術能力。本計畫發展空氣中致過敏性真菌定量核酸保護分析微陣列晶片系統,搭配大體積的空氣樣本採集,可改善傳統培養或鏡檢方法耗時費力與分類困難,和一般微陣列方法偵測靈敏度不足等問題。晶片共選用14屬/種標的菌之16個專一性探針,包含9個為種專一性探針,7個為屬專一性探針。晶片探針具準確性與專一性,檢測下限為每立方米空氣樣本15 - 90個孢子,檢測曲線R-square>0.9,此偵測技術可以同時處理大量 (96個) 樣本,減少批次間的偵測誤差與單一樣本逐個處理的時間與人力資源耗費,使大量樣本有可實際應用的檢測技術。此外,本計畫建立過敏與真菌相關性調查模式,以台灣過敏民眾發病前後之居家真菌菌相變化,找出可能最常引發過敏之真菌名單。
EngTitle Establish an Air-Born Allergenic Fungi Detection Technique by Microarray
EngAbstract Many airborne fungi associated with respiratory allergy. An accurate, fast and high throughput technique is demanded to detect and monitor allergenic fungi in the air for environment protection, public health and clinics needs. In this study, we develop a microarray detection technique for airborne allergic fungi by quantitative Nuclease Protection Assay System and large-volume air samples collection method. This microarray contains 16 specific probes for 14 target fungal genera/species, including 9 species-specific and 7 genus-specific probes. Decent calibration curves were generated and R-squares>0.9. The detection limit was 15 - 90 spores/m3 air. Ninety-six samples are able to be processed by the microarray technology simultaneously, which reduce bias among batches and decrease time and labor consuming for practical application of large number samples’ routine detection. To study the airborne allergic fungi in Taiwan, we investigated the fluctuation of airborne fungal spore at patients’ home when patient with / without syndromes. The protocol could be used to establish the airborne allergic fungal list in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 東海大學