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Title 101年度「臺中市電動車輛推廣計畫」
Abstract 「101年度臺中市電動車輛推廣計畫」,其計畫期程自簽約日101年5月1日起至102年4月30日止,執行期程共12個月。本計畫工作團隊自101年5月1日起至102年4月30日止,各項工作執行成果說明如下:蒐集國外電動車、充電模式及低污染車輛推廣現況與特性現況調查及相關單位推動政策,並參考已推動城市經驗,完成適合本市之『臺中市電動車輛推動策略規劃』報告提交。完成『臺中市接駁型城市公共單車租賃系統評估規劃建議報告』,包含蒐集其他城市U-BIKE、C-BIKE及荷蘭、巴黎作法,分析本市大眾運輸、週邊商業、通勤、旅遊、公車接駁點等分析分析暨配合捷運、市區公車、台鐵等建立信用貨幣付費機制系統評估規劃公共單車租賃系統。於計畫執行期間辦理油氣雙燃料車推廣,完成申請臺中市改裝油氣雙燃料車補助案件初審共計120件;協助申請通過案件核發8,000元加氣卷共計78件,核發金額總計624,000元。並完成100年-101年度油氣雙燃料車補助成果報告。完成老舊二行程機車報廢審核及撥款共計6,651件,協助請款案件核發1,500元補助金共計6,335件,核發金額總計9,502,500元。並完成製作大眾運輸付費卡6,000張;協助汰舊換購低污染車輛審核及行政作業共742件,核發金額總計3,890,500元。辦理老舊二行程機車汰舊推廣使用低污染車輛宣導作業,宣導內容關於汰舊二行程機車換購低污染車輛補助辦法,減少民眾對於申請流程及相關規定的疑慮,鼓勵民眾淘汰家中老舊二行程機車;已完成50場次宣導作業。每週更新臺中市綠能交通網業資訊及充電站資訊,更新最新低污染車輛及電能車輛補助資料以供查詢。每季例行性巡查電動機車充電站,已完成三季電動機車充電站巡查,並且統計使用電輛及保養,以確保充電功能可正常使用。每季執行電動汽車充電站例行性巡查,已完成共四季巡查作業,紀錄使用電量、巡查時間及充電站相規資訊,以維護電動汽車充電站的功能正常。已完成97座電動汽車充電站現勘作業,其中85座已完成初勘、複勘、施工中勘查及完工驗收,尚缺12座電動汽車充電站無法設置,雖已完成現場初勘作業,但因設置經費等相關問題無法完成設置。已完成設置的電動汽車充電站,投保竊盜險及第三責任險,共計149座,保險期間自驗收完成成後至102年4月30日止。於102年1月10日完成共計25站電動車充電站停車格位車輪擋設置,包含大甲地政事務所3站、第四分局大墩派出所1站、勞動檢查處2站、農業局2站、豐原區公所2站及陽明大樓第二停車場15站。製作廣播電臺廣告稿4則及主持人口播稿21則,並於HITFM、好事聯播網及大千廣播電台進行宣導撥放;已完成廣告播出1,000個檔次,主持人口播次數已達500個檔次。完成租用小型輕型鋰電池電動機車16輛,已於5月30日提送租用合約,合約期間自101年9月至102年4月為期8個月。每月例行性維護保養環保局海報清除作業使用的50輛電動自行車及4輛電動代步車1次,並針對50輛電動自行車提供符合車輛規格全新備用電池各2組,總計100組電池。完成電動汽車充電站營運規劃評估報告,內容包含充電站後台營運管理成本分析、軟硬體擴充規劃、收費機制、營運規劃等。辦理電動汽機車試乘體驗及推廣解說活動,藉由進行電動汽車及電動機車之性能講解與實際試乘體驗以及宣導本市所推動之綠能交通相關措施,並利用平板電腦播放電動車輛資訊及影片,藉以增加參與試乘宣導民眾對於電動汽(機)車資訊與本市相關綠能交通推廣政策之認知與瞭解,進而提高其改採用電動車輛之意願。計畫執行期間共計舉辦50場次,參與宣導試乘活動之民眾合計3,092人次。於101年6月13日辦理1場次企業租賃電動公務車啟用交車典禮記者會,臺積電公司響應臺中市政府綠能交通推廣租用10輛電動公務車,作為臺中廠與新竹廠間的公務往來接駁使用,也建置了3座電動汽車充電站。
EngTitle 2012 Electric Vehicles Promotion Project in Taichung City
EngAbstract 1. Collect foreign electric vehicles, charging mode and promotion of clean vehicle current situation the status and characteristics. The related unit impels the policy and reference to the promotion of urban experience. This project proposed an “electric vehicles to promote strategic planning in Taichung City”.2. Completed the " evaluation and planning proposals Report of connection type public bicycle rental system in Taichung city ". include collecting other cities U-BIKE, C-BIKE and the Netherlands, Paris practices. Analysis of Taichung City public transport, the surrounding commercial, commuter, travel, bus connection points with the urban bus, TRA such, planning the establishment of credit system evaluation public for bicycle rental system.3. This project has finished 120 cases of initial audit for re-equipping gasoline vehicles into vehicles with LPG and gasoline dual fuel systems. In which, there were 78 cases passed audit and got NT $8,000 coupons for Gas. The total subsidy amount was NT$ 624,000.4. This project completed 6,651 cases of initial audit for 2-stroke old scooter scrapped. In which, there were 6,335 cases passed audit and got NT$ 1,500 subsidy amount. The total subsidy amount was NT$ 9,502,500. Also, this project offered 6,000 public transportation payment cards and post to people. Furthermore, this project completed 742 cases of audit for elimination old vehicle to buy less pollution vehicle which total subsidy amount were NT$3,890,500.5. Conducts replace older 2-stroke old scooter scrapped and promote the use of cleaner vehicles advocacy work. Content replace older 2-stroke old scooter scrapped and promote the use of cleaner vehicles of Subsidies. Encourage people out of the home of 2-stroke old scooter scrapped. this project held 50 seminars.6. Update web page of the Taichung green energy transportation in weekly. Include charging station and updated with the latest low-pollution vehicles and electric vehicles subsidy data.7. Inspection of motor vehicle charging stations in seasonal. Had 3 times inspection. Statistical use of electric vehicles and maintained to ensure charging function the normal use.8. Inspection of electric Vehicles charging stations in seasonal. Had 4 times inspection. Record electricity, inspection time and charging station with regulatory information. Statistical use of electric vehicles and maintained to ensure charging function the normal use.9. Completed 97 electric Vehicles charging stations to inspect the site operations. Of which 85 have been completed, still missing 12 electric Vehicles charging stations can’t be set. Been set for electric vehicle charging stations, insurance theft insurance and third party liability claims, totaling 149, final acceptance into the insurance period to Apr.-30, 2013.10. In Jan.-10,2013 to complete a total of 25 electric vehicle charging station parking Sites wheel gear.11. There were 4 radio advertising articles and 21 anchorperson articles, which were broadcasted via HITFM FM 89.1, Bestradio FM 90.3 and SuperFM 99.1.12. Complete the rental of 16 small lightweight lithium battery motors.13. 50 electric bikes comply with vehicle specifications each spare battery two groups, a total of 100 sets of batteries.14. Complete electric vehicle charging stations operational planning assessment report. Includes charging station background operations management, cost analysis, software and hardware expansion plan, charging mechanisms, operational planning.15. handling electric vehicle trial experience and marketing commentary activities. this project held 50 seminars and there were 3,092 people participated.In Jun.-13,2012 conduct a screening enterprises leasing electric town car enabled press conference.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新研綠能科技有限公司