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Title 101年度一般廢棄物源頭管理工作暨資源回收宣導工作推動計畫
Abstract 臺北市政府環境保護局為配合資源回收再利用法、廢棄物清理法令推動,以有效達到源頭減量成效,辦理「101年度一般廢棄物源頭管理工作暨資源回收宣導工作推動計畫」之相關工作,以教育宣導與查核輔導兩大策略,加強對業者與民眾宣導源頭減量及綠色消費觀念,期藉由民間自發性力量的運作,逐步完成「垃圾全回收零廢棄」的目標。本計畫共分9大項工作,其執行內容及成果包括(一)一次用產品源頭減量宣導:完成邀集70間餐廳推出自備餐具享好康優惠、22間餐飲業推出自備購物袋享優惠、54間餐飲業使用可重複清洗餐具並舉辦12場次源頭減量宣導活動(其中包含2場次高中、職辦理活動),參與民眾達1,827人。另完成辦理2場次廢乾電池回收處理流程暨注意事項、資源回收分類技巧及後續處理之環保教室講座。(二)資源回收網站(含無障礙)網頁維護更新:持續修正資源回收網站、再生家具網站、垃圾源頭減量網站等,並維持資源回收網取得無障礙網頁。(三)自備餐具享優惠App建置、維護更新:完成GPS定位與路徑規劃、最新消息與後端維護功能。(四)政府部門及公私立學校「限制使用免洗餐具」查核:完成341間查核及29間百貨公司及量販店(含美食街)查核,均未使用免洗餐具。(五)「限制塑膠類托盤及包裝盒使用」查核:已完成583間查核,均符合規定。(六)「限制產品過度包裝」查核輔導:已完成4大節慶、百貨公司週年慶過度包裝查核1,044件,不合格商品10件,疑似不合格商品12件,移交各縣市環保局轉交權責機關進行後續複查作業。完成辦理2場次過度包裝法規與量測說明會。(七)水銀體溫計限制輸入販賣查核:完成實地訪查作業共22家。(八)媒體露出及教育宣導:已完成154則跑馬燈露出及46則電子媒體露出。(九)創新作為:已完成Facebook粉絲團架設並將連結放至於北市政府資源回收網站中供民眾使用、android app軟體上架於android Market中,供民眾下載使用。透過本計畫之執行,協助臺北市環保局推動「源頭減量、資源回收政策」之政策,未來將持續執行本計畫各項工作,以提升源頭減量成效。
EngTitle 2011 promotion project in disposable products and resource recycling
EngAbstract I In order to achieve the performance of source reduction of waste, mandated by Resource Recycling Act and Waste Disposal Act Enforcement Rules, the department of environmental protection of Taipei City Government implements “2011 promotion project in disposable products and resource recycling” on the basis of education and counseling to intensify the concept of source reduction and the idea of green consumption for the citizen and firms so that “the goal of all recycling with zero waste” can be reached from human spontaneous behavior.This project is divided into nine major tasks and these executive achievements are described as below:1. Advocacies of source reduction of disposable products: We have invited 70 restaurants to participate in activities which offer special discount for whom brings his own tableware, 22 restaurants provide discount for self-own shopping bags and 54 casting shops to adopt the reusable dishware. Meanwhile, we’ve also hosted 12 advocacy activities of source reduction with 1,827 participants in Taipei City and the accompanied recycling achievement have been accomplished, including 2 workshops about the issue of safety recycling of mercury-containing products, regulation and proposal writing skill for limited plastic trays and packaging boxes reduction.2. Founding and maintenance the website of recycling and accessible web: Maintaining and updating associate web of recycling including the website of recycling, website of resource recycling as well as website of furniture recycling. Meanwhile, we had have A+ certification in the accessible.3. Establishing and updating App software to search the discount of self-own cutlery:Completing GPS location and sort path planning and maintaining the function of news and server.4. Verification of “restricted disposable tableware” used in government departments, public schools and private schools: We have investigated 341 inspections and 29 department stores and all of them are qualified.5. Verification of the usage on “limited plastic trays and packaging boxes”: We have verified 583 inspections and all of them are qualified.6. Verification and counseling on “excessive product packaging restrictions”: We have investigated 1,044, 10 of them are disqualified as well as 12 of them are suspected substandard which have send to department of environmental protection for review inspections. Meanwhile, we have provided assistance to department of environmental protection to accomplished 2 fairs addressing excessive product packaging. 7. Verification of “restriction of the import and sale of mercury thermometers”: We have investigated 22 inspections. 8. Media and educational advocacy: We have provided media advocacy on the basis of 154 news ticker messages and 46 electronic messages.9. Innovation: We have added Facebook into the web of recycling of Taipei City Government and published android app software which can be downloaded from App market. According to the requirements of project, we will continually assist with department of environmental protection to promote “the policy of source reduction and waste recycling” and will enhance the performance of source reduction through associated executions.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司