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Title 高屏溪河川揚塵及疏濬作業對區域性空氣品質影響評估、預警通報及宣導演練計畫
Abstract 因98年八八風災造成高屏溪多處大面積裸露地(exposed river-bed area),使得河川揚塵事件日亦嚴重,為了解高屏溪河川揚塵對於本縣民眾之影響,故透由本計畫進行水文及氣象等基本背景資料調查,判斷可能污染源及影響範圍,並建置一河川揚塵預警通報系統,提供即時的空氣品質惡化預警功能,可於揚塵事件發生時第一時間進行緊急應變及防範,減輕揚塵對於民眾生活環境品質之影響。本計畫執行依計畫合約要求,完成高屏溪流域水文及氣象資料分析,並針對PM10及PM2.5之濃度變異趨勢進行探討。透由屏東測站河川揚塵事件日篩選分析及高屏溪沿岸空品測站(林園、大寮及美濃測站)與攔河堰現地測站之河川揚塵事件監測資料分析結果歸納出高屏溪易發生河川揚塵之可能條件:(1)以屏東測站為基準:風向為西北風向且風速達至2級風以上及PM10濃度大於150 μg/m3且PM2.5-10/PM10比值大於0.4;(2)以大寮測站為基準:風向為南風或西南風向且風速達至4級風以上及PM10濃度大於150 μg/m3且PM2.5-10/PM10比值大於0.8。此外,本年度完成高屏溪流域裸露現地巡查作業共計124次,並完成屏東縣高屏溪現地巡查標準作業程序。同時,本計畫亦購置高屏溪之衛星影像圖資並進行影像分析,以了解沿岸裸露地、水體及植披面積等於不同時節之變化情形,並將分析結果提供予第七河川局及相關單位作為後續現地工法施作參考依據。依據現地巡查以及衛星圖資分析結果並歸納出易發生河川揚塵情事之裸露區塊分別為:1.里港大橋上下游河段;2.里嶺大橋至斜張橋下游1.7km處河段;3.高屏溪攔河堰至舊鐵橋間河段;4.萬大大橋左岸上游(0.5km)至下游(1.5km)處河段;5.新園鄉田洋村河段(中央裸露地)至雙園大橋上方3km處右岸(高屏自來水輸水管下方裸露地)。於巡查過程中除記錄河床裸露地粒徑分布狀況外,同時亦記錄現地氣象資料及與空品測站監測數據進行比對,結果顯示現地風速明顯高於空品測站。建議後續計畫應持續進行現地與測站風速及風向之差異比對,以利有效管制揚塵逸散情形。本年度計畫亦完成高屏溪流域河川揚塵預警及通報系統平台,該平台係採以無障礙空間概念規劃架構,並設有河川揚塵預警通報之功能,計畫執行期間藉由召開之聯繫會議與各級單位接洽後,已建置完成「高屏溪流域揚塵預警及通報標準作業程序」及「高屏溪揚塵預警通報緊急聯絡資料表」,將可於河川揚塵發生時進行受體通回報作業。最後,本年度於4次河川揚塵事件中,皆啟動本縣河川揚塵應變機制,以及後續更進行電訪追蹤揚塵影響範圍,相關成果皆已彙整並記錄以作為後續應變之參考,以期達成降低河川揚塵對本縣民眾之影響。本年度除辦理3場次高屏兩縣市河川揚塵防制聯繫會議外,另辦理兩場次國中小學教育訓練及3場次高屏溪河川揚塵防護演練。透由上述會議使相關單位對自身於河川揚塵權責分工及防制現況能更進一步了解、並加強學校師生於河川揚塵發生時之自我防護意識,以提升本縣相關單位於揚塵發生時之應變處置能力。另透由大眾媒體宣導分別進行電台廣播及電視跑馬燈防護宣導,於發生揚塵事件時,加強廣播口述及跑馬燈宣導作業。而為確定高屏溪沿岸民眾是否受河川揚塵影響,亦進行3點次之大氣空氣品質監測車駐點式連續24小時監測作業(連續7天次),以了解河川揚塵對環境空氣品質之影響。
EngTitle The regional air quality impact evaluation over fugitive dust and dredging operations at Kaoping river Pingtung county – warning notification and drilling advocacy
EngAbstract Large river-bed areas of Kaoping river has been exposed due to Typhoon Morakot in 2009 leading to severe fugitive dust events at the river region. In order to investigate the effect of fugitive dust on the communities, basic hydrological and meteorological background information was collected and evaluated to justify the possible pollution sources and affected areas. A river fugitive dust warning and reporting system was then established according to the background information which can help conducting the emergency response and prevention at the first place.Hydrological and meteorological background information of Kaoping river region was analyzed according to the contract, the variation trend of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations was studied in relation to the project. Through the screen analysis of the river fugitive dust event days from the Pingtung station, Kaoping weir onsite station and air quality stations along the Pingtung river (including Linyuan, Daliao and Mino stations), the possible environmental conditions which might cause the fugitive dust events in the Kaoping river region were concluded as following: (1)based on pingtung station, while the wind direction is north-west with grade 2wind speed and PM2.5-10/PM10 ratio is greater than 0.4; (2) based on Daliao station, while the wind direction is south-west with grade 4 wind speed, PM10 concentration is greater than 150 μg/m3 and PM2.5-10/PM10 ratio is greater than 0.8.Furthermore, a number of 124 field inspections were conducted over the exposed river-bed at the Kaoping river region and a standard operation procedure of Pingtung county Kaoping river field inspection was established accordingly. Meanwhile the satellite images of Kaoping river region were purchased for image analysis which may help understanding the seasonal changes of exposed river-bed, water body and vegetation covered area. The results were provided to the Seventh River Management Office and other units concerned as references for constructing methods. The exposed river-bed areas where likely occur fugitive dust events were determined as following according to the satellite image analysis and field inspections: 1.upstream and downstream of Ligang bridge; 2.Ligang bridge to 1.7km downstream of Cable-stayed bridge; 3.Kaoping Weir to Old Steel bridge; 4.0.5km upstream to 1.5km downstream of the left bank of Wanda bridge; 5.The reach within Tianyang village, Xinyuan township(central exposed river-bed) to Shuangyuan Bridge (exposed river-bed under the Kaoping running water distribution pipe). During the inspections the particulate size and distribution over the exposed river-bed areas were recorded, and the onsite meteorological data was collected to compare with the monitoring data from the air quality stations, which revealed the onsite wind speed was generally stronger than air quality stations’. It is suggested the following project shall carry on differencing the wind speed and wind direction between onsite and air quality station, in advance to control the emission of fugitive particulate matter. River fugitive dust warning and reporting platform was constructed in this annual project, such platform adopted accessible space concept to build the framework. By holding meeting with units at all levels during the execution of this project, the “warning and reporting standard operation procedure for fugitive dust in Kaoping river region” and “Kaoping river fugitive dust warning and reporting emergency contact list” were built for the receptors to report the river fugitive dust events. In the four river fugitive dust events occurred this year, the river fugitive dust contingency mechanism was activated timely, telephone survey was conducted to follow up the influence on the fugitive dust region and the outcomes were gathered up for the future reference, in respect to decrease influence of the river fugitive dust on the communities. Three sessions of “Kaohsiung city and Pingtung county river fugitive dust control conference”, two sessions of primary school/junior high school environmental education and three sessions of Kaoping river fugitive dust protection drills were managed this year. These mechanisms allowed all units concerned to further emphasize their responsibilities and recognize the control status, and helped the school teachers and students to improve the awareness of self-protection. Furthermore, by advocating the self-protection awareness through public media such as radio broadcasting and television scrolling text marquee could advance the communities to protect against the fugitive dust. In addition to investigate the communities sitting along the Kaoping river were ever affected by the fugitive dust, the air quality monitoring mobile base was sent to the receptor areas three times each in consecutive 24 hours, allowing studying the impact on the environmental air quality.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 環佑實業有限公司