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Title 推動水區劃定計畫(南區)
Abstract 鑑於我國近年來產業活動與都市化發展快速,為充分運用水資源,行政院環境保護署評估各主要河川流量、支流流量、水體、水質、流域人口數及居民用水結構,逐年劃定並公告水區。另部分水體水區早於70年代劃定,河川情勢變遷已不符當年公告劃定水區之用途,為評估水體受污染程度以重新規劃既有水區之範圍、用途及研擬未來河川水區劃設標準作業程序,故委託執行「推動水區劃定計畫(南區)」(以下簡稱本計畫)。本計畫各項工作內容包含(1)完成劃定13條縣(市)管河川水體公告草案、(2)調查推估受損水體污染源及污染量、(3)擬定受損水體水質改善策略,及(4)檢討調整水區範圍及公告事宜。完成之工作內容,包括針對13條未劃定河川,經由專家諮詢會議建立水區劃定標準作業程序及劃定原則、蒐集分析水區基本資料、辦理13場次河川現勘作業、研定13條河川水體公告草案及協助水區劃定公告前置作業及相關會議。透過水質評價方式,評估河川水體受損水質項目,研擬適合該受損河段之污染整治策略,彙整編撰「受損水體水質改善策略規劃參考指引」,作為政策推廣文宣品及環保人才教育訓練工具,並辦理1場次「受損水體水質改善策略規劃參考指引講習會」,邀請河川水體所轄縣市之目的事業主管機關及相關公務部門、水體用途單位,及各行業環保相關人員、研究單位或大專院校相關科系師生,以及對水體改善策略有興趣者與會。另針對已公告劃定之16條中央管及縣市管河川水體,分析各河段流量、水質、水體目的用途、土地使用現況,並提出檢討與調整建議。本計畫亦整合水區劃定之相關資訊,包含:各河段分類情形、水系分佈、取水位置、測站位置、水區範圍、現勘情形及污染源位置等,建置可供套疊及展示之圖資管理系統,以協助主管機關進行河川水體分類決策分析、現勘作業及促使民眾瞭解水區劃分之範圍。
EngTitle The Promotion Project of River Water Zones Delineation and Water Bodies Classification (South Distri
EngAbstract Owing to the rapid development of industrial activity and urbanization of our country in recent years, and in order to make full use of water resources, and having assessed the major rivers flow, tributaries flow, water bodies, water quality, population number and the water using structure of resident, the Environmental Protection Department delineated and announced the uses of water zone year by year. Due to river change, in order to re-assess water contamination extent and re-plan the water area of the scope, purpose, and draw the future river water zones set up standard operating process, it commissioned "to promote water area delineation plan (Southern District)" (hereinafter referred to as the program).The extent of the plan contains:(1) the completion of draft of the notice of the delineation of the 13 counties (cities) river water body , (2) survey and estimate the water pollution sources and the amount of pollution, (3)develop the improvement strategies of impaired water quality,and (4) review the adjustment the range of the water zones and announcement matters.The work content which have completed , aimed at the 13 not delineated river, through expert consultation meeting ,to establish water area delineated standard operating procedures and the delineation principle, to collect and analysis the basic data of Water Zones, to handle 13 session of the site operations performances to inspect the river, to establish the draft of the notice of the water body for the 13 rivers and to assess the items of impaired water quality for river body ,to establish the pollution dredge strategy of impaired part of river, to collect and suggest the guide to improve the water quality for impaired rivers , to be the publicity material to popularize policy and to be the tool to educate and train the environmental members , and handle one session of lecture and study for “guide to improve the water quality for damaging river “, and invite the industry competent authority ,the using units of water body , the related member of environmental protection for other industry ,the teacher and student of research organization or university ,or the interest for water body improvement. And for 16 rivers which already declined by central authority and counties, analysis its flow rate, water quality, use, present land use situation, and propose proposals to review and adjust. This project also integrate information which the water zone are delineated by, includes: the river classification case, water system distribution, location of water intake station, the water area , the site situation to inspect and pollution sources, and to build management system available for overlay and display, to assist the authorities to analysis and make decision for the river water body classification, to inspect the site operations and to promote public understanding the range of the water zone division.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會