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Title 101年水體水質改善支援及評核計畫
Abstract   本計畫針對烏溪、鹿港溪、朴子溪、將軍溪、高屏溪、東港溪、新豐溪、客雅溪、舊濁水溪、洋子厝溪、得子口溪、美崙溪及太平溪等13條河川進行相關環境背景資料建置,並依據各流域之污染來源及特性,研擬相關污染整治策略如依據優先整治河段之污染源申報資料合理性分析建議分級稽查管制名單及作法、晴天污水截流及現地處理設施設置地點、彙整及檢討污水下水道建設進度及建議興建優先順序等;以及中港溪、曾文溪與西定河等3條河川之建議現地處理設施設置地點或污染源解決方案。  此外,亦完成得子口溪、新豐溪、客雅溪、烏溪、鹿港溪、朴子溪、將軍溪、東港溪及高屏溪等九條河川水體水質水量補充調查,以完善建置各流域之長期水質監測資料及研判污染來源及研擬相關污染削減策略。並於各單位污染整治相關計畫推動的同時,協助督促縣市政府正常操作維護現地水質淨化設施,落實場址自主管理之目的;並同時新增陸續完工之現地處理設施場址於相關資訊網頁,以提高民眾對於相關環保設施之認識。  同時本計畫協助完成編製100年度各縣市、各行業及40條重點流域三類水污染綠色國民所得帳,以提供 貴署施政參考及行政院主計處編算環境品質質損帳之用;並協助支援全國河川緊急應變相關工作、水質異常原因分析及辦理相關水質管理會議等,以掌握河川水質變化趨勢並滾動式管理相關污染整治情形。
EngTitle 2012 Support and evaluation project for water quality improvement in waters
EngAbstract This project is to create the environmental background data on thirteen rivers, which are Wu River, Lugang River, Puzi River, Jiangjun River, Gaoping River, Donggang River, Xinfong River, Keya River, Old Jhuoshuei River, Yangzicuo River, Dezikou River, Meilun River and Taiping River, and draw up pollution control strategies based on the sources and characteristics of the pollution in these basins, such as the suggestion for a list and practice of rated checking and control, positions for setting up clear-day sewer interceptors and on-site treatment facility, and summarization and review of progress of sewer construction, based on rational analysis in the reports on polluting sources in prioritized river sections for control, as well as the suggested priority on construction. The suggestions also include the positions for setting up on-site treatment facility or solutions to polluting sources in Zhonggang, Zengwen and Xiding Rivers.Accomplishments also include supplementary survey of water quality and volume in nine rivers, which are Dezikou River, Xinfong River, Keya River, Wu River, Lugang River, Puzi River, Jiangjun River, Donggang River and Gaoping River, to soundly create long-term water quality monitoring data, judgement of polluting sources, and formulation of relevant pollution mitigating strategies in the basins. This project has operated and maintained the on-site water quality filtering facilities, fulfilling the object of autonomous site management, while adding in the related web pages the data on the sites where new treatment facilities were completed at different time, to increase people’s understanding of the relevant environmental protection facilities.This project also assisted in the completion of the preparation of 2012 Green GDP in respect of the water pollution in categories of counties & cities, all industries and 40 focused river basins as reference for the Agency in administration and for Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting & Statistics in formulating the environmental quality degradation account. The project also assisted in the support to national emergency responses in rivers, cause analysis of water quality anomaly and related meetings at water quality management, to provide comprehension of the tendency of changes in river water quality and the pollution control like rolling management.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司