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Title 101年度嘉義市柴油車空氣污染管制及稽查計畫
Abstract 柴油引擎廣泛地被應用在客貨運輸車輛與軍事、工程機械等用途上,其排放的黑煙不僅產生視覺上的不適,且對人體健康的危害甚鉅。在管制上,除新車審驗趨嚴外,針對使用中車輛推動檢驗保養是改善空氣品質的關鍵。本計畫藉由目測判定或民眾舉發高污染車輛等措施篩選污染車輛,進行動力計排煙檢測。若檢測不合格即予以告發處分並要求複驗,落實保檢合一。另外針對轄區內各加油站、油庫及受排煙檢測的車輛,進行油品硫含量檢驗,以稽查有無使用非法油品。計畫自101年2月16日至101年12月14日止,柴油車到檢完成檢測有3,046輛次,不合格計49輛,不合格率1.6%。而油品已完成檢驗180件,1件不合格,不合格率0.56%。路邊攔檢完成502輛,不合格數有165輛,不合格率為32.9%。另柴油車目視判煙篩選通知到站檢驗1,307輛次。在受理民眾檢舉共受理人民檢舉案件76件,需檢測車輛42輛,截至12/14止,已完成檢測有39件,並皆回覆檢舉人。本計畫之執行促使車輛到檢、調修複驗及老舊車輛報廢等成效,共計可分別使TSP、PM10各削減60.8噸。本計畫達成效益如下所列一、移動污染源中之柴油車排煙與油品問題,在多年推動管制下,似乎已有顯著效果,道路上排放大量黑煙之柴油車輛大為減少;為使管制更有效益,故逐年加強路邊排煙攔檢作業,讓高污染車輛無所遁形,使用中車輛不合格率降低至約2.07%。二、過去本型之動力計扭力依原廠設計,校正僅可進行至約20公斤‧米,而本市排煙站導入全國第一套線性扭力校正器,可校正至全幅80%,使校正範圍包含目前國內所有受檢車輛之馬力範圍,檢測數據均更可靠。三、本市柴油車排煙檢測站接受行政院環境保護署年度評鑑,深受委員肯定,榮獲最高等級A級成績。四、本市推廣柴油車自主管理,今年度參加柴油車自主管理車輛782輛次,經檢測車輛計有A級507輛,約佔64.8%,B級者計有275輛,約佔35.2%,A級效益提升21%,顯示由業主主動配合提高納管數與自我檢查,可減少柴油車空氣污染物之排放及落實車輛保養與檢修。五、為推動使用中柴油車保檢合一制度,今年度輔導保養廠從源頭管制起,輔以後端檢驗,確認車輛維修保養成效。期藉由「保養為主,檢驗為輔」,逐步建構保養廠維修保養能力,並協助使用中柴油車達到實質污染減量之目的。經由輔導嘉義縣公車處、嘉義客運及強本汽車貨運公司,今年取得A級標章較去年效益提升27.8%,保檢合一成果優異。
EngTitle 2012 Chiayi City Diesel-Fueled Vehicles air pollution control project & audit plan
EngAbstract Diesel engines are extensively used in passenger and cargo transportation vehicles and military and engineering machines. The dark smoke emitted is not only a discomfort to see, but also very harmful to human health. For better control, the key to improve air quality is to promote proper inspection and maintenance practice on vehicles in use in addition to stricter inspection regulations on new vehicles. For this program, vehicles suspended of producing pollution were filtered out by visual inspections and reporting of good citizens, and tested for emission using dynamometer. Vehicles that failed the test were punished and asked for a second test as part of the efforts for unification of inspection and maintenance. Also, tests were carried out on gas stations, fuel reservoirs and vehicles going thorough emission test for sulfur content in fuel in order to determine whether illegal fuel was used. The program was carried out from Feb 16 2012 up to Dec 14 2012. During this period, 3,046 diesel vehicles arrived for inspections and 49 failed with a failure rate of 1.6%. 180 fuel samples were tested and 1 failed with a failure rate of 0.56%. Roadside pull-over inspections were performed on 502 vehicles and 165 of them failed the inspections with a failure rate of 32.9%. In addition, 1,307 diesel vehicles were asked in visual inspections to report to inspection stations for testing. 76 vehicles were reported by the public and 42 of them found requiring testing. Up to Dec 14, 39 vehicles reported to the tests and all reporters were replied. The program was successfully put to work, leading to effectiveness of inspections of vehicles, secondary inspections after vehicle tuning, and scrapping of old vehicles. It is estimated to reduce each of TSP and PM10 by 60.8 tons. The following are the program’s achievements: 1.The years of control efforts seem to make significant results for the issues of emission and fuel in the diesel vehicles as a major mobile pollution source. The number of diesel vehicles on the roads leaving a thick, dense trail of smoke has dropped dramatically. For more effective control, the roadside inspection efforts will be intensified to identify as many as highly polluting vehicles as possible and reduce the failure rate of vehicles in use to 2.07%. 2.The torque of the dynamometer used previously can only go as many as 20kg-m after calibration based on original design. Chiayi City introduced the first linear torque calibrator in Taiwan that is capable of calibrating up to 80% of the entire range. Now the calibration covers the horsepower range of almost all vehicles tested, producing more reliable test data. 3.The diesel vehicle emission test station of Chiayi City went through the annual assessment of the Environmental Protection Administration, and recognized by the assessment board with a class A evaluation. 4.Chiayi City has been promoting self management of diesel vehicles. This year, the owners of 782 diesel vehicles placed their vehicles under self management. 507 of them were awarded class A at 64.8%, 275 class B at 35.2%. The number of class A improved by 21%, indicating that the owners are willing to participate in the control efforts and self management. This really helps reduce the emission of air pollutants from diesel vehicles and realize the maintenance and repair of these vehicles. 5.For the implementation of unification of maintenance and inspection for diesel vehicles, Chiayi City helps maintenance service providers for control from the very sources. In addition, the inspections at the rear end are provided to confirm how well these service providers do their jobs. The intension is to establish the maintenance capability of service providers with the idea of “maintenance before inspection,” and help diesel vehicles in use achieve physical reduction of pollutants. Chiayi County Bus Administration, Chiayi Bus and Qiang Ben Cargo Transportation were helped to win Class A this year by improving 27.8% compared to last year, a good indication of what the unification of maintenance and inspection has achieved.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司