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Title 廢棄物管理政策回顧與前瞻政策之宣傳管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫協助環保署規劃廢棄物管理與資源循環各項政策宣傳策略,包含「資源循環」、「填海造島」、「永續物料管理」等三大政策,並依據政策推動現況提出相對應之宣傳要點與行動方案(包含不同對象之各式說帖),可使宣傳廣度和深度兼備,提升政策推行成效。本計畫辦理「環保署25週年署慶-廢棄物管理及資源回收紀實發表會」、「2012台灣國際綠色產業-綠色設計及源頭減量展覽」、「101年綠色包裝設計競賽頒獎典禮暨得獎作品展示」,及「102年惜福過好年-跳蚤市集義賣活動」等各項活動,達到廢棄物管理政策之宣傳及大眾參與之目的。此外,為忠實記錄環保署廢棄物管理25餘年之歷程,本計畫廣為收集歷年重大政策史料並專訪歷任署長,完成拍攝40分鐘「資源循環零廢棄-物有所歸 永續環境」紀錄片,可提供即時而快速的資訊傳達,並保存歷史紀錄,有助於環保觀念的宣導及環境政策的行銷。本計畫並協助環保署進行各項重點政策記錄史實,如:填海造島政策公民共識會議、填海造島政策論壇、「101年度廢棄資源管理績優事業選拔活動頒獎典禮」等,客觀全面展現廢棄物管理政策制度之重要歷程與民眾參與機制,以作為日後成果展現之依據,並供日後政策宣傳使用。
EngTitle Restrospective review and prospective promotion of waste management policy.
EngAbstract Deeply and broadly providing 3 major strategies in “resource recycling”, “reclamation” and “sustainable materials management”, this project benefit EPA in making action plans and drafting statement to promote waste management policy and raise public awareness effectively.In this project, events were hold to broadcast waste management policies and encourage public participation, such as the “EPA 25th Anniversary Celebration– Waste Management and Resource Recycling Documentary Press Conference”, “2012 Green Design & Waste minimization in TIGIS(Taiwan International Green Industry Show) ”, “2012 Green Packaging Design Competition Awards and Exhibition” and “2013 Flea Market Charity Event”.Furthermore, in order to truthfully present the 25-year waste management achievements, a 40-minute documentary was filmed and titled “Cradle to cradle,Sustainability in Environment”. By interviewing former and current ministers to get a restrospective review and prospective promotion, this documentary not only preserves history but also provide quick and instant information for green marketing promotion. Another vital work in this project was to document various essential policies, such as “reclamation and policy consensus conference”, “reclamation policy forum”, and “2012 Excellence in Waste Resource Management Awards Ceremony”. Those precious documentaries recorded stakeholders’ opinions, fully explored the legislative history, breakthrough and milestones, and even the public participation mechanisms. The documents will be a valuable resource for waste management policies making and awareness promotion.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 晶淨科技股份有限公司