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Title 臺中市101年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署已於101年2月16日訂定「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」,並於101年3月1日起施行。車輛惰轉所排放空氣污染物濃度較行進時為高,對人體健康之影響亦較高,此外也會產生噪音。為落實「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」此項法令規定,透過藉由本計畫所辦理相關法規說明會、停車怠速查核作業、製作宣導品、製作宣導單張及海報等工作,宣導民眾停車3分鐘內應將車輛熄火,以減少車輛停等怠速所造成之空氣污染排放情形。因此臺中市環境保護局透過製作宣導單張、宣導海報、廣播託播、路口LED跑馬燈播放相關宣導法令、新聞稿發佈與稽查管制作業方式,加強落實停車怠速熄火相關工作,本計畫工作團隊自3月21日至12月5日,執行「101年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫」,執行成果如表1所示,各項成果說明如下:為了使查核作業能更流暢化,因此本計畫工作團隊訂定一套查核作業標準程序,以供查核人員執行。其查核作業自101年4月1日至101年12月15日執行車輛怠速查核作業,共計查核6,033件次,其中以小型車數量最多,達3,369件次,其比例為55.8%,小型車發生怠速時段以11:00至11:30最多,占13.6%。在查核地點中,以「學校」地點件數最多,共計1,331件,占22.1%,學校發生怠速時段以16:30至17:00最多,占19.5%,其次為運輸轉運站共計查核1,123件次,占18.6%,運輸轉運站發生怠速時段以10:30至11:00最多,占14.0%,另外商圈亦為常發生車輛怠速行為之地點,其查核件數為886件次,占14.7%,商圈發生怠速時段以15:30至16:00最多占27.2%。從4月及5月查核件數1,574件中,有379件為拒簽或駛離,所占比例為24.1%,然而自從101年6月1日開始執法後,6月至12月查核件數4,459件,而民眾拒簽或駛離高達1,404件,所占比例高達31.5%。本計畫工作團隊為使各級機關與業者知曉法令內容,配合政策宣導,於101年5月22日辦理法規宣導說明會2場次;本計畫製作宣導單張380,000張、宣導海報2,000張及宣導品6,000份發放予民眾;為宣導停車怠速法令內容選擇58處公家機關、醫院及學校,以及20處在車流量較多之LED電視牆螢幕播放相關法令內容;於廣播電台進行宣導播放相關法令,共計完成播放695檔次,並發布5則新聞稿刊登於平面及電子媒體上,並於101年11月20日辦理停車熄火網路有獎徵答公開抽獎,參加人數達8,305人次。冀望透過上述多元化之宣導方式,以提升宣導成效。
EngAbstract Motor vehicle parking Idle Management Measures was set by EPA on February 16, 2012, and is effective as of March 1, 2012. Vehicle idling emissions as high, the impact on human health is also higher in the concentration of air pollutants than road, in addition to also produce noise. This Act for the implementation of the measures, briefings of the regulations, parking idle checking through the process by this project, the work of the of making propaganda goods, making propaganda leaflets and posters, propaganda people Parking within three minutes should turn off the vehicle, in order to reduce air pollution caused by emissions stop the vehicle, such as idling situation. Through the production of propaganda leaflets, propaganda posters, radio and LED marquee player advocacy Act, the press release with the inspection, to strengthen the implementation of the Parking idling-stop work. The results such as shown in Table 1 and the outcomes are described below.Total audit 6,033 pieces, including small cars the number up, up to 3,369 pieces proportion of 55.8%, small cars occurred idle periods to11:00 to 11:30 up to 13.6%. Location Number of "school" in place of checking up, a total of 1,331 items, accounting for 22.1%, the school up idle periods occurred from 16:30 to 17:00, accounting for 19.5%, followed by the transport the transfer stations totaling check 1,123 pieces times accounted for 18.6%, transportation transfer station occurred idling period from 10:30 to 11:00 the most, accounting for 14.0%, In addition, the district is also the location of the vehicle idling behavior often occurs, the check number 886, accounting for 14.7% district occurred idling period up 27.2% at 15:30 to 16:00. April and May check the number of 1,574 pieces, 379 refused to sign or leaving, the proportion was 24.1%, since June 1, 2012 after the start of law enforcement, however, from June to December Check Number 4,459 pieces, and the people refused to sign or leaving up to 1,404 pieces, the proportion is as high as 31.5%.To make the general public aware of the Act content with policy advocacy, and the handling regulations guidance meeting two performances on May 22, 2012.This project produced propaganda leaflets ,sheets, propaganda posters and advocacy goods be released to the public. The Act of propaganda content select 58 government agencies, hospitals and schools, as well as 20 in traffic flow more LED video wall screen playback Act content. Radio station promotion play Act finished playing a total of 695 grade, and issued five press releases published in the print and electronic media, and on November 20, 2012 to apply for a parking stall network quiz public lottery. The number of participants reached 8,305 people.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 思維環境科技有限公司