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Title 推動水區劃定計畫(北區)
Abstract 本計畫工作成果主要包含(1)完成劃設1條跨省市河川(磺溪)及11條縣(市)管河川水區公告草案、(2)調查推估受損水體污染源及污染量、(3)擬定受損水體水質改善策略,及(4)調查檢視17條已劃設水區河川之水體用途現況,檢討調整水區範圍及公告事宜。本計畫完成劃定12條縣(市)管河川水區,包括:磺溪、蘇澳溪、南澳溪、得子口溪、大堀溪、苑裡溪、吉安溪、三棧溪、立霧溪、豐濱溪、老梅溪及瑪鋉溪等。另檢討17條既劃設河川水區,包含8條中央管河川:蘭陽溪、鳳山溪、頭前溪、中港溪、後龍溪、大安溪、秀姑巒溪及花蓮溪;1條跨省市河川:淡水河;8條縣(市)管河川:新城溪、雙溪、南崁溪、老街溪、社子溪、新豐溪、西湖溪及美崙溪等。為利河川水區劃設作業,本計畫參考歷年國內河川水區劃定相關計畫成果及美國、歐盟劃定河川水區或訂定水體用途之考量因子,經數次專家學者諮詢會議後,研擬「河川水區劃定公告作業程序」與「河川水區劃設原則」。河川水區劃設作業程序包括(1)基礎資料蒐集分析及確立水區劃定原則、(2)現地勘察、(3)研擬水體分類建議、(4)研商會議、公告草案及公聽會、(5)公告程序等步驟。河川水區劃定原則包括(1)符合既有水體用途之分類等級、(2)保護現況水質不惡化、及(3)考量天然水體特性及水質改善之可達成性。為完成1條跨省市河川(磺溪)及11條縣(市)管河川水區劃定作業,首先蒐集分析水區基本資料,包含流域範圍、土地使用調查、水資源利用調查、污染源及污染量調查與推估及1Y75(年度75%水樣數合格準則)之近10年水質評價結果等,並辦理12場次河川現勘作業以瞭解現況,根據蒐集資料及現勘結果,提出12條河川水區水體分類草案建議,透過專家學者諮詢會議及研商會議前說明會後,研提12條河川水區公告草案。為篩選12條新劃設河川水區之受損河段及水質項目,本計畫透過1Y75(年度75%水樣數合格準則)、5Y75(5年75%水樣數合格準則)及C75(5年75%百分位濃度合格準則)等3種方式分析近5年水質評價,據以研判受損河段及水質項目,並考量河段水體污染程度及目的用途,選定優先改善標的污染來物,包括畜牧廢水、農業排水及生活污水等,研擬該河段短中、長期污染整治策略,包括:(建築物污水處理設施、農排管理措施及污水下水道等)。並完成編撰「受損水體水質改善策略規劃參考指引」及辦理「水區劃定及受損水體水質改善策略規劃參考指引講習會」,做為政策推廣文宣品及環保人才教育訓練工具。為檢討17條已劃設水區河川之水區範圍及公告事宜,本計畫調查檢視歷年17條水區河川之公告事項,以統一公告內容格式及使其符合現況並提升完整性,重新繪製公告水區範圍圖資,並檢視各河段水質達標情形、水體目的用途、分段點及行政範圍,研提公告事項之調整建議及修訂相關公告內容。檢討結果並無需調整17條河川水區現行公告之水體分類等級,僅需調整例如淡水河、蘭陽溪、頭前溪...等10條河川水區之行政區域範圍;應檢討變更淡水河水區支流新店溪長度;另建議可考慮新增劃定淡水河水區支流三峽河及磺港溪之水體分類等級。為讓使用者清楚掌握集水區相關資訊,本計畫以Google Earth API技術,建立水區劃定網際網路GIS平台(系統網址:。在水區範圍及水體用途方面,平台圖資涵蓋水系、集水區、次集水區、集污區、土地利用(現況)、非都市使用分區(規劃)、重要道路及取水口;在水環境特質方面,圖資涵蓋區域地質、斷層、衛星影像(地貌、植被)、地形(坡度陰影)、水質監測站、流量站及雨量站;在水資源利用權益關係方面,圖資涵蓋水權資料、村里界、重要道路、水質水量保護區、水庫堰壩及限制發展區(環境敏感區);在水質目標與整治策略方面,圖資涵蓋水質評價(報告文件)、公告草案(報告文件)、分類劃分點(分色表示)、列管污染源及水質監測站。透過前述圖資之套疊、將使主管機關能更清楚陳示水區劃定結果、瞭解水區劃定基礎資訊及使用同一作業平台進行河川水區劃定決策。
EngTitle The Promotion Project of River Water Zones Delineation and Water Bodies Classification (North Di
EngAbstract The project contents includes: (1)finishing one delineation of cross border river (Huang River)and 11 counties/ cities bulletin drafts about river water zones; (2)investigation and evaluation of pollutant and the amount of pollution of impaired of water bodies; (3)delineation improvement strategies of impaired water bodies quality; and (4)investigation and survey the status of using water bodies of 17 delineated river water zones, and reviewing the adjustment of water zones also the bulletin matters. In order to facilitate the delineation works of river water zones, this project takes the relative research results of river water delineation in recent years inside country as references, also takes the United States and EU’ s water zones delineation and using water bodies as considering factors. After experts and scholar consultation meetings, decided the “Bulletin Working Procedures of River Water Delineation” and the “Delineation Principals of River Water Zones” drafts. The former one includes: (1)basic information collection and analyzing; (2)sites exploring; (3)water bodies classification review; (4)study meeting, drafts declaration and public hearing; (5)procedures declaration etc. The latter one includes: (1)according with the classification of water bodies usages; (2)protection the status quo of water quality and (3)considering the characteristics of natural water bodies and water quality repairing reachability. For finishing one delineation of cross border river (Huang River)and 11 counties/ cities bulletin drafts about river water zones, we should collect basic data and analyzing it, such as river basin, land using survey, water using survey, pollutant and the amount of pollution survey and estimation, 1Y75(75% water sample qualified standard in a year) of water quality evaluation results within 10 years. Also conduct 12 river site exploring works for understanding the status quo. According to the collection data and the exploring results, proposes 12 draft suggestions of river water bodies classification. Through the consultation meetings of experts and scholars, decided 12 bulletin drafts of river zones before study meeting and after illustration meeting. To sift 12 new delineation river water zones and bodies out of impaired reaches and quality, the project is going to use 1Y75(75% water sample qualified standard in a year), 5Y75(75% water sample qualified standard in 5 years), C75(75% percentile concentration qualified standard in 5 years)to evaluate the water quality in recent 5 years, so that to judge the impaired reaches and quality items. Also consider the polluted level and usages to decide which should be the priority improvement, and make whole polluted improvement strategy for the reach in short term, middle term and long term. Completion of compiling of “Improvement Strategy Planning Reference Guild of Impaired Water Bodies Quality” and manage “Improvement Strategy Planning Reference Guild Workshop of Water Zones Delineation and Impaired Water Bodies Quality” as propaganda for policies and environmentalists education training tools. To review the 17 delineated river water zones of water zones also the bulletin matters, the project investigates all bulletin matters of 17 delineated river water zones, in order to unified the forms and enhance the integrity to comply with existing state. To redraw the bulletin water zones and to survey the quality standard water body usage, segmented point and administrative division of each reach, so as to propose adjustment suggestions and revision the declaration contents of bulletin matters.  For the purpose of predominating the relative information of water zones for users, the project uses Google Earth API to build a internet GIS platform for water zones delineation( In the aspect of water zones sphere and water bodies usages, the platform contains water systems, catchment area, sub-catchment area, sewage collection area, land usage(existing state), non-city using zones(planning), main roads and water intakes. On water quality aspect, the system including regional geology, faults, satellite images(landforms and vegetation), topography(gradient shadow), water quality monitor stations, flow stations, and rainfall stations. Interest in the relationship on water usage, including water rights information, village borders, main roads, water quality protection area, reservoir and restrict developing area. On the aspect of water quality standard and remediation strategies, the platform serves the estimate of water quality(report documents), bulletin drafts(report documents), classification demarcation points(represent by colors), regulated pollutants, and water quality monitor stations. Through the aforementioned platforms, cam make direct authorities much more understands the water zones delineation and basic information, also uses the same platform to make river water delineation decision.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會