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Title 蒙特婁議定書管制物質削減與含氟溴物質庫排放管控方案研擬與宣導專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫為第一年計畫,執行內容包括非政府組織參與蒙特婁議定書國際活動、檢討並協助政府執行我國蒙特婁議定書因應策略、彙整分析替代技術發展趨勢與ODS交換運作管理模式、推動我國含蒙特婁議定書列管化學物質之既有設備使用與棄置階段之ODS管理策略及研擬含氟物質庫管理策略、協助辦理列管化學物質查緝走私相關業務與銷毀模式、及加強推廣臭氧層保護相關資訊傳播及教育宣導工作等6大類。參與蒙特婁議定書國際相關活動方面,本計畫持續掌握國際管制動態並向國際友人展現我國積極參與國際環保事務的決心,分別已於7月23日至27日派員參加於泰國曼谷召開的第32次蒙特婁議定書不限成員工作小組會議(OEWG-32),掌握國際管制動態。並於11月12日至16日派員參加於瑞士日內瓦召開的第24次蒙特婁議定書締約方會議(MOP-24),除蒐集蒙特婁議定書管制規範的決議外,為積極與國際交流,今年首次於會場中舉辦一場次會議:氟氯烴(HCFCs)減量管理與替代品推動策略會議,和與會來賓並針對我國如何成功藉由核配制度達到削減與管理目標與我國交換寶貴的經驗。本計畫另統計2011年HCFCs消費量為152.805 ODP公噸,佔我國消費基準量23.95%,低於蒙特婁議定書的管制規範(要求2010年起已開發國家應削減至25%)。並遵循蒙特婁議定書規範,協助環保署向聯合國環境規劃署臭氧祕書處申報我國ODS消費量。此外,WCO已公告2012年版ODS之HS code,歐盟已依據WCO公告ODS之 HS code修改其 CN code,應密切關注國內發展以因應後續消費量計算事宜。在ODS的核配作業方面,101年度協助行政院環境保護署完成國內廠商取得101年與102年上半年氟氯烴(HCFCs)核配量作業並統計101年核配廠商之使用量數據。此外,亦協助完成溴化甲烷於檢疫與裝運前處理用途之101下半年與102年上半年廠商申請許可作業,並統計使用量資料。同時,為因應蒙特婁議定書對HCFCs之下一階段管制,本計畫協助研擬管理方案,並召開專家座談會議,彙整各界建議以提供環保署後續研擬修法時參考。此外,為有效管理溴化甲烷使用於QPS用途,本計畫亦檢討修訂溴化甲烷管理辦法,完成舉辦專家座談會、跨部會協商會議、廠商研商會議等,協助行政院環保署儘早完成修訂公告作業。在替代技術趨勢發展分析與ODS交換運作管理模式方面,本計畫主要是蒐集彙整國際間氟氯烴替代技術發展現況,以提供我國廠商作為停用氟氯烴之替代選擇參考。此外,為讓既有的海龍藥劑與庫存或回收之CFCs或HCFCs得以不被任意排放,且能有效利用,本計畫辦理一場國防單位使用海龍藥劑之運作與管理座談會,協助檢討並研擬相關交換與運作管理策略。今年也特別協助國內航空公司了解國內外海龍管理與流通現況,並協助環保署研擬航空公司特別用途申請海龍滅火器進口流程,以利航空公司順利取得海龍滅火器。在推動我國ODS既存設備避免排放之管理方案方面,乃為減少冷媒不當洩漏與排放,以及棄置階段未遭處置後任意排放,今年研擬連鎖超商和量販店之冷凍冷藏設備使用階段管理作業程序與含氟物質庫管理策略建議方案。並針對超商超市與其冷凍冷藏設備廠商,舉辦一場冷媒管理討論會,宣導冷媒替代與使用階段避免排放資訊。另外亦針對減少溴化甲烷排放,彙整分析國際間管控策略與國內使用溴化甲烷之工安規範,辦理一場宣導會議,向國內廠商宣導正確使用溴化甲烷之方式,以減少不必要的排放與注意勞工作業安全。在協助辦理列管化學物質查緝走私相關業務與銷毀模式方面,今年持續研析國際ODS銷毀技術相關資料,並聯繫國內相關可處理單位如成功大學環境資源研究管理中心,討論ODS銷毀模式,以作為後續研擬走私ODS沒入處置作業時參考。同時本計畫亦作為行政院環保署、海關、海巡等單位之溝通橋樑,以協助相關單位迅速將查獲案件處理完成。在臭氧層保護宣導部份,今年除持續透過網際網路的方式,更新臭氧層保護中英文資訊網站的資訊、發行兩期中英文電子報,推廣宣導最新相關新聞與管制進展。同時,本計畫也舉辦多媒體簡報設計比賽選出前8名,並於9月16日國際臭氧層保護舉辦頒獎典禮與成果發表會。最後,本計畫也設計製作中英文版捲筆與文宣品,宣導臭氧層保護觀念。
EngTitle Enacting Consumption Reduction Strategy for ODS Controlled by Montreal Protocol, Conducting Emissio
EngAbstract This is the first year project of the two-year program. This project categorized into 6 tasks,1.participating in the international meetings related to the Montreal Protocol as an NGO observer; 2.overviewing and assisting the Government to implement the ODS management measures following the national policy to compliance with the Montreal Protocol;3.gathering and analyzing the alternative technologies to ODS on the global development and market availability; 4.developing the ODS management measures for the existing equipment contained the substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol and disposal phase;5.assisting the related government agencies in tackling ODS smuggling and developing the seized ODS destruction process;6.strengthening the information dissemination and education on the issues relating to ozone layer protection. Regarding to the participating in the Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol and propagating our achievements, this project continuously keeps monitoring the global controlling measures on ozone depleting substances (ODS) and expresses Taiwan’s proactive participation of international environmental protection to our international friends. Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) participated in the 32st OEWG, Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in July and assisted the Taiwan EPA to participate in the 24rd Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in November. Furthermore, this project also assisted the Taiwan EPA in reporting the 2011 ODS consumption in Taiwan to the UNEP Ozone Secretariat for showing our resolution of compliance with the Montreal Protocol. The HCFCs consumption in 2011 in Taiwan was 152.805 ODP metric tons, accounting to 23.9% of the amount of the HCFCs reduction baseline 638.156 ODP metric tons, well controlled within the target controlled by the Montreal Protocol, 25%. In the issue of ODS allocation, this project assisted the Taiwan EPA to finalize the domestic allocation process on Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) for year 2012 and the first half of 2013 as well as finalize statistical data on the amounts used by the manufacturers in 2012. In addition, this project also finalized the allocation on methyl bromide for the second half of 2012 and the first half of 2013 on the usage in the quarantine and pre-shipment treatment. For compliancing the reduction target for HCFCs in 2015 in the Montreal Protocol, this project develop the draft managing measures and hold a discussing meetings with experts and industries for gathering suggestions to revise the HCFCs managing regulation. Meanwhile, for effectively managing methyl bromide uses in QPS and upgrating the process of methyl bromide permission applicaton, this project develop and assist Taiwan EPA to revise the Mehtyl Bromide Management Regulation. On information on alternatives to HCFCs, this project also gathered the development information of the HCFCs alternatives in the international community as reference for feasibility analysis of the usage in Taiwan and the development of the promotion mechanisms in the future. About the ODS exchange management, this project assist the government to manage abandoned Halons and CFCs and transfer to needed organization. This year, this project also assist the airline companies to apply to the Taiwan EPA for Halons extingushers or systems importation. For tackling ODS smuggling and developing the destruction process, this project assisted the Coast Guard and the Customs units in educational training of seizure of ODS smuggling, provide the ODS seizure operational mode to enhance the capability of customs officials in handling ODS seizure in the future. And this year we were focused on gathering and analysing information about ODS destruction technologies and discussing the feasibility of the destruction facility in Environmental Resources Management Center of National Cheng Kung University.On publicity for protection of the ozone layer, this project edited and emailed two issues of the Chinese and English electronic newsletters of Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan and irregularly updated the information website Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan, and publicized to various circles via internet on the model and efforts of Taiwan in compliance with the Montreal Protocol. This year for celebrating the 25th anniversity of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer with the internation communities, this project develop and hold a multimedia presentation contest and a awards ceremony on 16 September.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院