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Title 2012室內空氣品質國際學術交流工作坊
Abstract 我國『室內空氣品質管理法』甫於2011年11月08日通過,國內相關的管制措施及配套方案正著手研擬中,『2012室內空氣品質國際學術交流工作坊』邀請目前國際上已具有強制性之法令且行之有年的日本及韓國專家學者共同與會,分享其推展的經驗,使我國室內空氣品質之管理更為縝密完善。另就管理推動面,會中亦同步邀請國內相關主管機關代表及產業界代表與會,期藉多元且深入的探討,使各界對室內空氣品質管理法之目的、意涵及後續推動要點,有更多的認識。
EngTitle 2012 International Workshop on Indoor Air Quality
EngAbstract “2012 International Workshop on Indoor Air Quality ” , based on the indoor environment and health in Asia region, focus on review of the history and current status of Asia Regional Research, academic development, connection to business and the market needs in the future, etc. There is three Symposiums on “IAQ regulation and promotion”, “Indoor Environment and Health” and “Environmental measurement and Control Strategies of Indoor air quality”.It will bring together professionals and academic researchers from Japan , Korea and technique with members of Indoor Air Quality. It will increase the possibility of international cooperation and the domestic technical ability through the comprehensive deliberation on this workshop.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣室內環境品質學會