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Title 101年環保知識挑戰擂台賽北部6縣(市)初賽及全國總決賽專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫目的為辦理北部6個縣(市)初賽及全國性環保知識挑戰擂臺賽總決賽。由直轄縣(市)的地區性辦理方式至全國性的全面性環保知識競賽活動,按照點而面的實施方式,先讓地區的參賽者熟悉環保知識競賽形式和題目類型,以於全國性的環保知識競賽活動能達到平等性的競賽環境,真正實踐民眾對於環保知識知和行學習的目的。本計畫完成之工作事項為:(1)協助辦理北部六縣(市)初賽,負責場內競賽進行及問題處理相關事項。(2)邀請六縣(市)初賽及全國總決賽共17位環境教育或環保知識相關的專家學者,擔任場內裁判,以維持公平及公正的競賽品質。(3)聘請六縣(市)初賽及全國總決賽共十位場內競賽主持人,進行場內競賽活動主持,並協助縣(市)進行開幕及閉幕典禮。(4)安排八位人力學會使用IRS即時反饋系統,進行場內競賽儀器操作。(5)研擬全國環保知識挑戰擂臺賽之總決賽比賽規則。(6)於101年12月8日辦理國小組、國中組、高中組及社會組全國總決賽。(7)規劃並安排全國總決賽參賽選手及參與人員包含競賽場地、休息區域、餐飲、交通住宿、裁判及主持人聘請、賽事轉播、獎金及獎狀發放等相關事宜。(8)針對參賽人員及陪同人員安排臺北市立木柵動物園及公館自來水園區半日之戶外環境教育參訪活動。(9)針對全國總決賽規劃FB粉絲專業及活動網站,放置活動花絮照片並公告活動相關事宜。(10)針對總決賽參賽人員設計問卷,並達到392份有效問卷回收,其中包含183位女性參賽者及209位男性參賽者,並於問卷中得知大多數參賽人員對環保知識的興趣高,且自覺其環保生活價值高。(11)於總決賽活動後達到共13則媒體曝光,並獲得共455,000元之媒體效益。(12)聘請環境教育相關專業師資,進行備用600題題目出題及審核 (13)完成總決賽各項活動製作物設計及製作,並申請低碳標章。
EngTitle 101 years of environmental knowledge to challenge the preliminary round of the Challenge Cup six nor
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to apply for the preliminary round of the six northern counties (cities) and national environmental knowledge challenges the finals of the Challenge Cup. Directly under the county (city) The method of conducting a regional to a national comprehensive environmental knowledge contest, the embodiment in accordance with the point and the surface, let the regional participants familiar with the environmental knowledge contest forms and types of questions at the national environmental knowledge contest to achieve equality of competition environment, the real practice of people for the purpose of learning the knowledge and practice of environmental knowledge. The completion of this project work matters: (1) to assist with the northern six counties (cities) in the preliminary round, is responsible for the venue competition related matters and deal with the problem. (2) to invite six counties (cities) in the preliminaries and national finals a total of 17 experts and scholars of environmental education or environmental knowledge as the venue referee, in order to maintain a fair and impartial competition quality. (3) to hire six counties (cities) in the preliminary round and a total of ten National Finals venue Contest Moderator venue contest presided over, and to assist counties (cities) for the opening and closing ceremonies. (4) arranged The eight human learn how to use the IRS instant feedback system, the venue contest instrument operation. (5) develop a national environmental knowledge challenge Challenge Cup Finals game rules, and presented to the Department of Environmental Protection. (6) to handle country team group of junior high, high school group and social group National Finals on December 8 101 years. (7) planning and arrangements for the National Finals contestants and participants include competition venues, lounge area, dining, transportation, lodging, referee and host hire, event broadcast, bonuses and awards distribution related matters. (8) Taipei Zoo and mansion tap water park for half a day of outdoor environmental education Visits to arrange for the contestants and entourage. (9) for the the National Finals planning the FB Fans professional and the campaign website, placed Highlights photos and the announcement activities related matters. (10) contestants for the finals the design of the questionnaire, and achieve 392 valid questionnaires recovery, which contains 183 female participants and 209 male contestants, and in the questionnaire that most of the contestants have a high interest in environmental knowledge conscious of its environmental life and high value. (11) in the finals after the event, to reach a total of 13 media exposure, and get a total of 455,000 yuan of media effectiveness. (12) to hire professional teachers, environmental education for spare 600 title topic questions and audit, and presented to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD). (13) completed the finals event production for design and production, and to apply for low-carbon Mark.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣師範大學