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Title 廢鉛蓄電池處理後廢酸液再利用方式暨鉛蓄電池產品綠色設計趨勢調查計畫
Abstract 本計畫調查國內金屬產業廢酸液流向及再利用機構;針對國外廢鉛蓄電池廢酸液回收技術已完成美國、義大利、英國、日本及中國等國之廢酸液再利用處理技術及技術成本等調查,並已於101年6月底研提國內廢鉛蓄電池處理後之廢酸液再利用可行方式與技術並經環保署同意備查。針對國內6家處理廠廢酸液進行之硫酸、鉛及鐵濃度等檢測,調查結果硫酸濃度約介於4.3%~20.3%之間;鉛濃度約介於1,670 μg/L~7,020 μg/L之間;鐵濃度則介於13,700 μg/L~402,000 μg/L之間。實廠試驗採用擴散透析法並使用S55及E52公司之廢酸液,試驗結果發現擴散透析法於廢酸液濃度變化較大之情形下對硫酸之回收率可維持80%以上,鉛及鐵的去除率亦能保持在80%以上。已完成國內6家處理業廢酸液處理成本調查,以及自行處理廢酸液與交付再利用機構之成本效益評估。已蒐集國內外鉛蓄電池產品綠色設計資料,並完成對鉛蓄電池產業及廢鉛蓄電池處理業之影響。已完成蒐集美國、加拿大、英國、日本及中國等國家之廢塑膠再利用情況及應用範圍。已完成國內6家廢鉛蓄電池處理業之廢塑膠採樣、分析。其中廢塑膠(PP)檢測結果鉛含量介於13.2~43.6 mg/kg之間,鎘及鉻含量皆小於0.01mg/kg;廢塑膠(ABS)檢測結果鉛含量介於23.7~99.0 mg/kg之間,鉻含量皆小於0.01mg/kg。另已蒐集鉛蓄電池外殼強度及再生料掺配比例,目前國內以使用同等級PP回收料10%以下為可接受使用之範圍。已完成目前市場上鉛蓄電池修復技術之資料蒐集,並分析其對廢鉛蓄電池產量與處理業之影響。本計畫採用質量平衡方式推估廢酸液產生量,評估廢酸液產生比率約介於12%~17%之間。另採用熔煉製程損耗率、產品產出比率及廢棄物產出比率分析並評估廢鉛蓄電池處理業投入產出比率,依國內6家處理業相關計算結果其中熔煉製程損耗率約為30%,廢棄物產出比率包含爐渣及集塵灰,平均產出比率平均約為2.4%,並已完成熔煉製程廢棄物合理產生比例評估。本計畫已完成廢鉛蓄電池熔煉製程投入產出模式評估,建議使用產品產出比率作為熔煉製程投入產出之評估指標,產品產出比率可由含鉛產品(鉛錠+鉛塊+鉛冰料)總產生量÷廢鉛蓄電池投料量加以計算。
EngTitle The Investigation of the Recycling Technology for the Waste Acid Discharged from Waste Lead Acid Bat
EngAbstract The tasks of the project were investigating the distribution of the waste acid from metal refineries and its recycling entities. The project completed collecting the information of waste acid recycling technology and its cost from many countries like America, Italy, England, Japan and China. And provided the suitable recycling method and technology for waste acid from waste lead batteries.For testing the concentrations of sulfuric acid, lead and iron for waste acid collected from domestic recycling entities, the result showed that the sulfuric acid concentration was 4.3~20.3%, lead concentration was1,670 μg/L~7,020 μg/L, iron concentration was 13,700 μg/L~402,000 μg/L. Field testing used the expanding transparency and the waste acids were from S55 and E52 entitues.It found that the method of expanding transparency could keep the collection rate of sulfuric acid above 80%, the removing rate of lead and iron also kept above 80%. The cost and profit of recycling waste acid for 6 recycling entities had been evaluated.The project also collected the green design data for lead batteries and evaluated its influence. The information of waste plastic recycling situations and applications of America, England, Japan and China were collected. The testing results of waste plastics collected from 6 waste lead battery recycling entities showed the lead concentration was 13.2~43.6 mg/kg, Cd and Cr were below 0.01mg/kg. The case strength of the lead acid battery and its mixing proportion. Currently, using 10% of the same level PP recyclable material is acceptable. The market information of recovery technology for lead acid batteries had been collected and analyzed for the influences to production and recycling industry.The project used the mass balance to predict the production of waste acid, and found the production rate was 12~17%. Besides, the stock-production rate had been evaluated by analyzing the consuming rate, the production rate and the wastes production rate. According the calculation of 6 domestic recycling entities, the consuming rate during refining process was 30%, the average of wastes production rate was 2.4% (included ashes and slags ).The evaluation of feedstock-production model for the refining process of waste lead acid batteries had been completed. It suggested that the production rate could be used as the evaluating factor for the feedstock- production of refining process. And the production rate could be calculated through the volume of products ( lead tablet + lead ingot + lead ice material ) divided by the feeding volume of waste lead acid batteries.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會