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Title 101年度產品碳標籤核發及推廣專案工作計畫
Abstract 環保署經由本計畫推廣及核發產品碳標籤制度,確保達成環境、經濟與社會之永續發展目標。本計畫執行成果包括:(1)透過溝通協調會議及產品碳足跡標示法規制度研修會議開、諮詢專線及官方網站維護管理,維持完整溝通平台管道。藉由蒐集國際會議資料,並更新國內外組織專家人員清冊。(2)本計畫擔任輔導工作之管理單位,召開產品類別規則研商會議,以及選出4項尚未發展碳足跡產品類別規則之產品,並撰寫3項產品碳足跡盤查指導手冊,產品包括食品及民生消費類型;協助業者完成碳標籤申請作業,並辦理3場次「產品碳足跡研習班」。(3)蒐集彙整國科會補助碳足跡相關研究計畫清單及國外碳標籤制度相關資料,協助環保署召開推動產品碳足跡標示審議會及辦理小組庶務工作;同時,研修產品碳足跡標示之相關管理作業要點、探討產品碳標籤審查核發制度之執行困難與因應對策,以及規劃產品碳足跡減量標章或低碳標章制度。(4)結合連鎖通路業者完成辦理聯合推廣活動,完成設計與製作平面文宣海報及宣導手冊。維護、管理及開發「台灣產品碳足跡資訊網」官方網站。完成辦理環保機關人員宣導說明會及環保推廣宣導設攤活動,並製作線上數位學習教材,提供公務機關人員自行學習進修使用。
EngTitle Work Plan of the Authorization and Promotion on the Carbon Footprint
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Administration promotes the carbon footprint labeling sceheme by implementing this project so as to reach goals such as sustainable development for the environment, economy and the society. Achievements of implementing this project include the following:(1)The plan is brought into action with the following execution tasks: the convention of seminars to communicate and coordinate the concept, the hosting of the amendment meetings on the regulations related to the product carbon footprint labeling, the establishment of the hotline, maintenance and management of the official website, delivery of a complete platform or channel for communication, collection of information from international forums on the topic, and constant update the list of the specialized experts and organizations in and out of the country. (2)The management unit in charge of the counseling for this plan has convened the seminars on the discussion of the rules for product categorization. Four product categories that haven’t been applied with this carbon footprint labeling were chosen and three guidelines on the auditing of the product carbon footprint have been compiled. The product categories include food and daily necessities. Moreover, assistance has been provided for the application of the carbon labeling and three workshops on the Product Carbon Footprint have been held.(3)Collection and compilation of the list of the research subsidized projects by the National Science Council that are related to the carbon footprint have been undertaken. Assistance is also provided to the Environmental Protection Administration with regard to the administrative tasks related to the hosting of the review meeting on the product carbon footprint labeling. At the same time, efforts have been devoted to the study of the guidelines for the purpose of further amendment. There has been also discussion on the issues and solutions to the issuance and audition of the product carbon labels as well as the planning of the label for product carbon footprint reduction or low carbon footprint label.(4)Joint efforts with channel distributors have been made to complete the event for promotion. Ads, posters and promotional literature have been designed, printed and distributed. The Official website, Taiwan Product Carbon Footprint, has been constantly maintained, managed and updated. Seminars on the orientation for the related personnel form the environmental institutional have been hosted. There is also creation of eLearning material to facilitate the purpose of further self-study by officers from the governmental organizations.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環境管理協會