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Title 評估新增公告回收項目及推動生產者自主回收計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作包括以下四項工作:(一)檢討及評估新增公告回收項目:1.彙整分析歐盟、日本及亞太區域國家如南韓、中國大陸、馬來西亞共5個國家廢電機電子回收資訊如法源、回收項目、執行方式及績效等,提出可行措施供國內施政參考。2.為因應市場新興產品及責任物範疇界定而檢討擴大列管「平板電腦」及「外接式硬碟」,透過業者諮詢瞭解產業發展現況、推估前述產品營業量、報廢量及有害物質比例,並探討再利用處理方式及估算其回收清除處理成本。3.透過廠商/公會訪查瞭解未公告之照明光源相關資訊,建議將含汞照明光源納入新增公告項目,並完成營業量、報廢量及有害物質比例推估。4.為協助釐清特定新興產品認定方式,提出區分平板電腦、智慧型手機及筆記型電腦之執行流程及具體作法。(二)監督輔導包裝用發泡塑膠自主回收:1.蒐集法國、日本、南韓3國發泡塑膠回收政策、執行方式及回收成效等資料,提出國內可參考改善的建議。2. 透過調查執行機關回收之發泡塑膠種類及重量,建議將魚箱及蛋糕盒廢棄量納入合約計算公式,以比例占總推估廢棄量7.5%計算。3.完成10家次再生廠查核作業,包含再生廠回收執行機關之廢發泡塑膠清理狀況、空氣污染防治設備及衍生廢棄物委運情形等,結果顯示再生廠處理成效良好,協會稽核認證工作亦有效執行。4.完成協會自主回收再利用成效評估,包括持續追蹤廢包裝用發泡塑膠回收率及協助審查「回收清除處理計畫書」、「會計報告書」等工作,結果顯示協會整體執行成效尚符合契約要求。(三)推動行動通訊產品業者自主回收機制:1.完成200間手機回收門市抽樣訪查,八成以上門市已落實回收工作;其餘多屬近期新加入門市,持續改善中。2.透過2家處理廠現場訪查及另1家以問卷調查方式提供資訊,完成國內回收方式/頻率、手機與配件回收比例、拆解流程及流向情形分析。3.完成業者自主行動通訊產品回收評析,考量回收成效、業者提供回收誘因、民眾便利性等,建議持續與業者簽署「廢行動通訊產品合作備忘錄」,研提備忘錄草案並進行簽署聯繫溝通。(四)廢電子電器產品環境友善化發展趨勢:1.更新國際推動環境友善化重要規範如歐盟危害物質限用指令(RoHS)、歐盟耗能/能源產品環境友善化設計指令(EuP/ErP)與多國適用之電子產品環境影響評估工具(EPEAT)之執行進度、重要細節內容及未來發展趨勢。2.透過國內電子廢棄物回收處理單位10處訪查及流向資訊分析,簡要定量化已公告應回收項目之流向,並提出後續執行建議。3.綜合國際產品環境友善化管理趨勢暨國內電子廢棄物流向管理需求,提出國內可從源頭著手改善之多項具體作法建議。
EngTitle Project of the Suggestion of Additional Due-Recycled Items and Promoting Extended Producer Responsib
EngAbstract The project completed the following tasks:1. Evaluation and suggestion of additional recyclable items:(1) Information regarding electrical and electronic wastes recycling programs in EU, Japan, South Korea, China, and Malaysia was collected and analyzed, including regulations, announced recyclable items, and the implementation instruments and efficacy. Suggestions were made to the EPA for the purpose of policy making. (2) Two categories of electronic items, tablet computer and external hard drive, are listed under review and examination in response to the needs of the new market and the expansion of responsibility. The industry was consulted to comprehend the current status, the product sales volume, the scrapped volume, and the percentage of hazardous materials in order to review the reuse instruments and to evaluate the recycling and disposal costs. (3) The company and union personnel were interviewed to collect information regarding the unannounced lighting source items. Lighting source items containing mercury were proposed to be included in the newly announced items. The product sales volume, the scrapped volume, and the estimated percentage of hazardous materials of the lighting source items containing mercury were completed. (4) To differentiate among the categories of tablet PC, smartphone, and notebook computer, the implementation and practical method were proposed.2. The monitoring and counseling of voluntary recycling of packaging plastic foam:(1)The information regarding the recycling policy, the implementation instruments, and the recycling efficacy of plastic foam in France, Japan, and South Korea was collected and used as reference for policy revision. (2)It is proposed that the calculation formula includes the wastes of fish containers and cake boxes after the types and weight of recycled plastic foam were investigated. The above two categories of wastes were estimated to account for 7.5% of the total wastes. (3) Examination was completed for ten recycling plants, including the status of the plastic foam disposal processing, the air pollution prevention facilities, and the derivative waste disposal outsourcing operation. It was concluded that the recycling plants had performed appropriately, and the auditing and certification by the association were also well-performed. (4) The performance of voluntary recycling and reuse by the association was evaluated, including tracking the recycling percentage of the packaging plastic foam, the examination of ten recycling plants, and assisting the review of recycling and disposal plans, and accounting reports. It is concluded that the association performance meets the contract requirements.3. The promotion of voluntary recycling and recovering by the mobile communication product industry:(1) The interview of two hundred sampled mobile phone recycling sites was completed. There were 80% of the sites had implemented recycling, and the others were new sites that needed improvement. (2) Two recycling plants were interviewed on-site, and another one was interviewed via questionnaire to collect information regarding the recycling means and frequency of mobile phone, the percentage between mobile phone and accessories, the decomposing process, and the flow situation. (3) The voluntary recycling of mobile phone by the industry was evaluated, and the recycling efficacy, the recycling incentives offered by the industry, and the convenience for the public were analyzed. It was proposed that a cooperation memorandum of waste mobile communication product to be signed with the industry, and a draft memorandum was completed.4. The environmentally friendly trend of waste electrical and electronic products:(1) The international environmentally friendly specifications were updated, such as the EU RoHS, the EuP/ErP, and the EPEAT. (2) The quantification of flows of the announced recyclable items was completed after interviewing ten electronic waste recycling plants and analyzing the waste flows. The follow-up suggestions were also proposed. (3) In view of the international environmental friendly management trend and the needs of domestic electronic wastes management, a proposal was provided regarding practical implementation instruments of source reduction.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會