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Title 重大污染源空氣污染物排放管制查核暨光學量測技術調查專案計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行成果,完成臨海及六輕工業區各三階段之OP-FTIR量測作業,總計完成超過1,152小時監測,其中造成臨海工業區鄰近鳳鳴國小汽油濃度偏高原因為S01廠D區油槽,而造成六輕工業區北邊彰化縣大城鄉台西村主要污染來源,可能與六輕工業區之P01廠及P02廠的Flare排放有關。在污染減量協談工作,針對於100年度計畫中調查出之P580172廢水場進流調節池之逸散問題,其經加蓋改善後,總計減量567.82公噸/年。
EngTitle The plan for audit of air pollutant emissions from major sources and investigate of optical measurem
EngAbstract This project applied so called “Stepwise emission sources searching technique” in Lin-Hai Industrial Park and No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Park to investigate potential air pollution sources in the adjacent area, and a total of 1,152 hours of continuously OP-FTIR monitoring was completed by the task. The fugitive emission from oil storage tanks located at D area of CPC Dai-Lin Plant may result in high concentration of gasoline in an elementary school in the vicinity for Lin-Hai Industrial Park. High concentrations of VOC in the north town of Mailiao Industrial Park may come from the flare emission of P01 and P02 Plants which located in the park. The amount of VOC emission was estimated for being reduced 567.82 tons after the correction action completed by the P580172 wastewater treatment plant, which was identified as a major emission source in the previous year. Emissions rationality auditing was conducted in ten factories and several problems were identified by the auditing. Among those problems, six were related to operating permit, four related to emission reporting, and two related to compliance. As a result, a series of amended measures were proposed to EPA. Besides, two petrochemical plants were inspected by TVA-1000 to check for the equipment leakage rate. One of them called H48035 was identified as having 32 components with leaking concentrations exceeding 10,000ppm which was account for the leakage rate of 5.89%. In addition, 41 equipment components were inspected by the blow-through method to check for the equipment leakage rate. The results indicated the emission factors were better explained by utilizing “EPA Correlation Approach”. The auditing of rule compliance has been carried out at two large petrochemical plants; the result shows those plants have met the requirements of the emissions rationality auditing. Moreover, six VOCs water samples were collected at two cooling tower sites, and over 10 thousands equipment components and storage tanks were inspected by TVA-1000 coupled with Infrared Gas Finder to check for the equipment leakage rate. In addition, three project materials including National Air Toxics Trends Station Network, Community-scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring Program, and Schools Air Toxics Monitoring Initiative have been reviewed, and draft standard operation procedures for air toxics ambient monitoring on sensitive receptor have been derived from the reviewing process.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院