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Title 清掃學習活動推廣計畫
Abstract 環保署自98年起加強推動「清淨家園、全民運動」計畫,以全面提昇台灣整體生活環境,並於100年度推動「校園學生環境衛生推動計畫」,試辦清掃學習宣導21場次並有超過3,395人次參加,成效良好,也更加堅定環保署持續並擴大辦理清掃學習活動的決心,於101年度至全台灣辦理清掃學習活動推廣計畫於各縣市辦理小組長訓練及實做活動共計40場共計3,445人次,並製作清掃學習教學影片清潔人員篇、小組長訓練室內版及室外版本,並印製A5尺寸清掃學習手冊完整版、小組長版、清掃人員版各5,000本,除了透過活動中發送,最主要的目的,就是推廣「放下身段」、「謙卑學習」、「磨練心志」、「凡事澈底」、「感恩惜福」、「體恤辛勞」、「環境為本」7項精神,也藉由清掃學習活動過程中5S運動,並編撰清掃學習流程隨身本,讓民眾可於清掃時隨時翻閱。辦理金秋地球日主場次活動,參與人次775人,後續並編撰金秋地球日-村里環境巡檢總動員成果專輯80本,內容附載金秋地球日主場活動紀實及各縣市金秋地球日相關活動紀錄及照片。
EngTitle 101 Year Cleaning Learning Activity Project
EngAbstract Since 2009, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan), has strengthened the promotion of the “Cleaning the Environment and Members Movement EcoLife” Plan in order to enhance the overall living environment in Taiwan. In 2011, the “Promoting Environmental Sanitation to School Student Project” was promoted. Twenty-one sessions of the pilot cleaning study and advocacy were conducted with 3,395 participants and good effectiveness, which in turn strengthened EPA’s determination to continue and expand cleaning study activities. In 2002, the Cleaning Study Activity Promotion Program, which comprised of 40 sessions of team leader training and practical activities, was conducted in counties and cities throughout Taiwan, with a total of 3,445 participants. In addition, the cleaning study teaching video (Janitor Chapter) and Team Leader Training (indoor and outdoor version) were conducted, and the complete version of the cleaning study, the team leader version, and the janitor version in size A5 were produced, with 5,000 copies each. Besides distributing them during activities, the main purpose is to promote the seven spirits of “letting go of ego,” “learning in humility,” “train the mind and spirit,” “doing everything thoroughly,” “showing gratitude and appreciation for blessings,” “considering the hard work of others,” and “being environmentally-oriented.” Also, through the 5S sports during the cleaning study activity process and the editing of the cleaning study process notebook, the general public can readily access it while cleaning. The Golden Autumn Earth Day activity sessions were also conducted, with 775 participants. 80 copies of the Golden Autumn Earth Day-Village and Neighborhood Environment Overall Inspection Outcomes Album were also subsequently prepared. The contents include the records of the Golden Autumn Earth Day activities and the Golden Autumn Earth Day activity records and photos of counties and cities.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 台灣環保生活協會