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Title 臺東縣101年度廚餘多元再利用計畫
Abstract 本工作團隊執行本縣「101年度臺東縣廚餘多元再利用計畫」。本計畫執行期程自101年7月23日至101年12月15日止,計畫工作內容執行情況摘要如下:一、境內一般廢棄物垃圾組成比例調查工作所有調查對象中僅台東市清運區域類別(第一次)屬商業區,其餘清運區域皆為住宅區。本次調查統計結果顯示,部分鄉鎮一般垃圾所佔比例偏低,即表示資源垃圾或廚餘偏高,如鹿野鄉一般垃圾僅佔43%,資源垃圾高達34%、廚餘高達23%。在資源回收方面,資源垃圾比例偏高之鄉鎮包括:鹿野鄉一般垃圾僅佔43%,資源垃圾高達34%、廚餘高達23%。在資源回收方面,資源垃圾比例偏高之鄉鎮包括:鹿野鄉(34%)、金峰鄉(25%)、蘭嶼鄉(25%)、長濱鄉(23%)、海端鄉(21%)。在廚餘回收方面,廚餘所佔比例偏高之鄉鎮包括:鹿野鄉(23%)、延平鄉(17%)、長濱鄉(15%)、成功鎮、(13%)、池上鄉(12%)。環保局特針對本縣資源垃圾及廚餘所佔比例較高之鄉鎮發文通知各公所清潔隊,要求確實落實垃圾分類工作。由第二次資源回收比例調查統計可知鹿野鄉(4%)、金峰鄉(16%)、蘭嶼鄉(14%)、長濱鄉(5%)、海端鄉(18%),結果顯示資源垃圾比例均有明顯下降之情形。針對台東市調查結果一般垃圾佔比例86%及84.5%,資源垃圾所佔比例3%及1.5%,廚餘所佔比例11%及14%。與環保署環境保護統計年報(101年版)資料進行比較,本計畫調查數據中廚餘比例以23%(鹿野鄉第一次)為最高,最低為1%(大武鄉、卑南鄉等鄉鎮),將各鄉鎮兩次數據平均後得到廚餘比例約6.7%,遠低於環保署統計年報本縣(100年)廚餘類含量佔34.1%(濕基),推估其原因可能為於採樣分析過程中,垃圾破袋分類使水分流失而造成此明顯之差異。二、推動點、線、面廚餘酵素班針對境內家戶或有機農戶或農業產銷班或旅館或飯店或民宿或社區或政府行政機關或學校等於 9月6日假台東縣政府大禮堂辦理1場次推動環保廚餘酵素說明會。本次說明會邀請南投縣竹山鎮環保義工隊分隊長黃德富先生擔任講座,於會中說明廚餘回收再利用、廚餘堆肥及酵素製作方法,另邀請國立臺東商業職業學校衛保組長吳麗芬小姐分享廚餘酵素製作經驗,當天與會人員均熱烈的參與此次說明會,藉由此場說明會的辦理預計能增加民眾參與後續舉辦廚餘環保酵素製作研習會之意願。本次說明會參加人數達132位。本計畫亦針對報名參加點、線、面-廚餘酵素班人員,於9月26日辦理1場次(含)以上廚餘環保酵素製作研習會,本次出席人次達91人,廠商派3名工作人員至現場協助活動進行,並在本次研習會發送製作酵素器材。為得知本計畫設置91處廚餘酵素班之推動成效,除至每處巡查乙次以上並紀錄推動成果外,亦辦理1場次環保廚餘酵素成果展示說明會,本活動邀請參與本計畫廚餘酵素班之相關人員,讓參與人員或單位可以相互交流學習,藉以提升參與者廚餘堆肥技術相關專業知識與技能。三、廚餘堆肥技術輔導及諮詢服務於計畫期間邀請屏東科技大學環境工程與科學系許正一教授至3處學校(都蘭國小、池上國中及均一中小學)指導,輔導過程中常見問題包括:葉菜類生廚餘堆肥初期液肥產量不足、液肥顏色是否正常、廚餘含水量多少較為恰當、鼓風機通氣之時間長度如何、堆肥翻堆的時機及堆肥腐熟判斷等。四、堆肥與液肥品質分析廚餘水分含量高,且不含有毒物質,並含有部分植物所需養分及有機質,可回收為堆肥材料。本計畫針對大八六九藥用植物休閒農場、廚餘回收再利用中心(台東場)及台東原住民休閒事業發展協會(森永VUVU野菜農園)進行2次不同時間,以當次同樣廚餘來源進行堆肥桶法廚餘堆肥化處理。各項目分析結果於兩廚餘樣本間略有差異,兩廚餘樣本三成份分析以水份為最高(平均為86.3、83.15及71.5%),其次為有機質(平均為27.53、13.86及12.9%),碳氮比(C/N)值介於11~30間。其中農委會對「雜項堆肥」規定碳氮比值應介於10-20以達確實腐熟。種子發芽率試驗結果由高而低依序為91%、90%、84%,均達腐熟度限值(80%)以上,二種堆肥成品均有良好之腐熟度。若與農委會肥料品目規定比較,僅全磷酐不符合規定,其餘均符合所有項目含量之規定。五、辦理廚餘多元再利用教育宣導工作(一)地方有線頻道宣導以(跑馬燈)針對點、線、面-廚餘酵素班設置訊息為訴求,配合宣導說明會,經台東縣環保局同意內容後,8月22日以跑馬燈於台東市、大武鄉、卑南鄉、太麻里鄉、金峰鄉、達仁鄉1線、8月23日以跑馬燈於關山鎮、池上鄉、海端鄉、延平鄉、鹿野鄉1線、8月24日以跑馬燈於成功鎮、東河鄉、長濱鄉1線及8月17日於(機關)網站上公佈。(二)短片製作廚餘多元再利用-環保廚餘宣導短片製作內容包含廚餘酵素製作過程及使用方法等,其片長1分鐘(含)以上,並於地方有線頻道託播,並於計畫期間內(11月7日至11月21日)托播期程為14日。(三)文宣品及布條等依徵選須知要求需設計及印製廚餘多元再利用宣導摺頁10,000份,並設計製做廚餘多元再利用-廚餘酵素光碟片500張,以及配合廚餘多元再利用教育宣導工作。
EngTitle Taitung County 101 annual food waste multiple re-use plan
EngAbstract The team performs in the county "101 annual Taitung County kitchen waste yuan reuse plan." The Plan implementation process since July 23, 101 years to 101 years, the implementation of the plan work content are summarized as follows:Of general waste in garbage composition ratio of investigationAll survey only Taitung City Qingyun types of areas (the first time) is a commercial district, the remaining the Qingyun area are residential areas. The survey results show that part of the township general garbage proportion is low, it means that high resource garbage or food waste, such as Luye Township accounted for only 43% of the general waste resources rubbish up to 34%, up to 23% of food waste. Resource recovery, the high proportion of resources garbage township include: Luye Township, only 43% of the general waste resources rubbish up to 34%, up to 23% of kitchen waste. Resource recovery, resources garbage high proportion of township include: Luye Township (34%), Jinfeng Township (25%) the Lanyu Township (25%), Nagahama Township (23%), Haiduan Township (21%) . Kitchen waste recycling, food waste account for the high proportion of township include: Luye Township (23%), Yanping Township (17%), the Nagahama Township (15%), the success of the town (13%), Ikegami Township (12 %). EPA is special for the resources of the County of garbage and a higher proportion of kitchen waste township issued a document to inform hall cleaning team, to really implement the waste classification. Luye Township (4%), the survey shows that the proportion of resource recovery by the second (16%), Jinfeng Township Lanyu Township (14%), Nagahama Township (5%), Haiduan Township (18%), the results show resources garbage ratio were significantly reduced circumstances.Findings for Taitung City general rubbish proportion of 86% and 84.5%, resources garbage proportion of 3% and 1.5%, 11% and 14% of the proportion of food waste. Compare the information with the EPD Environmental Protection Statistics Annual Report (101), the proportion of food waste in our survey data was the highest at 23% (Luye Township, for the first time), and a minimum of 1% (Dawu, Beinan Township and other towns in), the township twice the data after averaging about 6.7% of the proportion of food waste kitchen waste content of 34.1% (wet basis) EPD Statistics Annual Report of the County (100), well below the estimate of its reasons sampling and analysis process, broken garbage bags of moisture loss caused by this significant difference.To promote the point, line, surface kitchen waste enzyme classesEqual for domestic and household or organic farmers or agricultural production and marketing, or a hotel or a hotel or B & B or community or government administrative organs or school on September 6 at the auditorium of the Taitung County government handle the screenings to promote green kitchen waste enzymes briefings. The instructions Chushan Township, Nantou County environmental volunteer teams will be invited the sub captain Mr. Huang Defu lectures will recycling of kitchen waste, food waste composting and enzyme production methods, and the other invited National Taitung Business vocational school guard Paul Leader Miss Wu Lifen enzyme production experience to share kitchen waste, the day the participants were enthusiastic participation of the instructions will be expected to increase popular participation in follow-up organized kitchen waste environmental enzyme production workshops will, by the will of this field instructions. This shows the number of participants reached 132.This project also enroll points, lines, surfaces - kitchen waste enzyme duty officers, on September 26 for the screenings (inclusive) or more kitchen waste environmental enzyme production workshops, the attendances of 91 vendors to send 3 staff to the scene to assist, and send in the workshops to produce enzymes equipment.In addition to inspections at once only record promoting results is learned that this project is set 91 to promote the effectiveness of the enzyme classes of kitchen waste handle a session green kitchen waste enzymes results show briefings, this activity also invited to participate in the count the painting kitchen waste enzyme classes personnel, participants or units to communicate with each other to learn, in order to enhance the professional knowledge and skills of participants kitchen waste composting technology.Kitchen waste composting technology counseling and consulting servicesDuring the project period to invite Professor National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Environment Engineering and Science, Xu Zheng Yi to three schools (both blue country small, Ikegami country in uniform primary and secondary) guidance, counseling process, frequently asked questions, including: leafy raw kitchen I compost the initial liquid fertilizer production water content, liquid fertilizer is normal color, kitchen waste How much more appropriate the blower ventilation in the length of time, the the compost turning the timing and composting judgment.Fourth, the compost and liquid fertilizer quality analysisKitchen waste moisture content is high, and does not contain toxic substances, the part of the plant and contains the necessary nutrients and organic matter, recyclable as compost material. Leisure farm project focus the big eight hundred sixty-nine medicinal plants, food waste recycling center (Taitung Course) and Taitung aboriginal Leisure and Recreation Development Association (the Morinaga VUVU wild Farm) 2, when the same kitchen waste Source compost bucket kitchen waste composting. Analysis of each project is slightly different between the two kitchen waste samples, two kitchen waste to water samples of the three-component analysis (average 86.3,83.15 and 71.5%), followed by organic matter (27.53,13.86 and 12.9% on average) nitrogen ratio (C / N) values ​​ranging from 11 to 30. Which the Council of Agriculture of the "Miscellaneous compost" provisions of the the carbonitride ratio should be between 10-20 indeed composting. Seed germination rate test results from high and low order of 91%, 90%, 84%, reached Maturity limits (80%), two kinds of composting finished both good degree of maturity. With the provisions of the Council of Agriculture fertilizer heading, only the total phosphorus anhydride does not comply with the provisions of, and the rest are in line with the requirements of all project content.Handle kitchen waste recycling education advocacy yuan(A) Local cable channels advocacyTo (Marquee) for point, line, surface - kitchen waste enzyme classes set message appeal, with guidance meeting, by the the Taitung County Environmental Protection Agency agreed to the contents of, to Marquee in Taitung City on August 22, Dawu Beinan Township, Taimali Township, Jinfeng Township, Daren Township 1, August 23, Marquee the off Town Ikegami Township, Haiduan, Yanping Township, Luye Township 1, August 24 Marquee in Chenggong Township, East Township, Nagahama Township, 1 line and published on the website of the (authorities) on August 17.(B) short filmsThe the kitchen waste yuan reuse - green kitchen waste kitchen waste propaganda video production contains the enzyme production process and the use of methods, Duration 1 minute (or more), prop broadcast on local cable channels in the plan period (11 February 7 to November 21) child care the sowing date away for 14 days.(C) promotional materials and clothRequire multiple re-use advocacy folding 10,000 need to be designed and printed kitchen waste in accordance with the levy election be notified and system designed to do multiple re-use kitchen waste - kitchen waste enzymes disc 500, as well as with the food waste and multiple recycling education advocacy job.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台東縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 元科科技股份有限公司