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Title 101年度臺中市機車排氣定檢站管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫自簽約日101年4月1日起,統計至102年1月20日止,將近10個月,已完成工作項目:機車排氣檢驗站查核部分,定期品質查核共1,025站次、標準氣體比對954站次、無預警匿名查核636站次;提交修正100年臺中市機車排氣檢驗站評鑑辦法及標準,並完成公告;機車排氣檢驗站相關會議部分,共計完成檢驗人員教育訓練3場次、業務聯繫會議2場次、定檢站表揚大會1場次;完成移動式定檢巡迴車建置,並辦理戶外定檢73場次,檢驗車輛數達2,036輛;完成辦理檢驗站民眾服務品質問卷調查,並提送結果分析報告;保檢合一推動方面,修定保檢合一示範站遴選方式、保檢合一示範站品質查核標準作業程序及保檢合一示範站保養維修標準作業程序且公告之,遴選示範站64站、提供宣導跑馬燈、宣導海報,並建置保檢合一資訊系統,辦理示範站教育訓練1場次,提交保檢合一抽獎規劃案,活動期間共計21,270人次參與,示範站定期查核209站次、不定期查核107站次;製作廣播廣告2則,播放450檔次、主持人口播宣導90檔次;檢驗業務宣導新聞稿公布14則;定檢明信片印製及郵寄通知到檢工作完成共計10個月工作量,寄發1,054,733件;每週維護更新環保署機車定期檢驗資訊管理系統;每月召開計畫管理查核會議。計畫整體達成率為100%,其執行成果摘要表如表一所示。
EngAbstract This project was, The deadline of this projects was started from April 1, 2012 to January 20, 2013, total 10 months. The completed contents of this project include: 102,5 regular quality inspects, 954 instrumental inspects, 636 unnoticed inspects. The submission of assessment regulations of motorcycle inspection station was completed. The conferences in this project which were 2 training classes of technician in motorcycle inspection station, 2 business agreement meeting, and 1 awarding ceremony finished. The mobile motorcycle inspection was set up, held 73 outdoor motorcycle inspection activities, the inspected motorcycles reached to 2,036. The questionnaire of quality of service was finished, and referred analysis report. The working of to popularize of Maintenance/Inspect in one, To provided the select plan, maintenance SOP of Maintenance/Inspect in one model stations. Selected 64 model stations of Maintenance/Inspect in one. Provided the LED monitors, initiated placard, and Maintenance/ Inspect in one system. To held 1 training classes of Maintenance/Inspect in one, and 1 sweepstake which were 21,270 people attended. Quality inspects of model stations were 209, and 107 irregular inspects. Recording 2 broadcasting advertisements, 450 broadcasting, 14 news published. To printed and sent motorcycle inspection postcard of the amount of 10 months work, a total of 1,054,733. To maintain and update motorcycle inspection information system of EPA. Convene the working review meetings every months. The achievement rate of project was 100%, the content of project were showing in table 1.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 思維環境科技有限公司