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Title 101年度新竹縣頭前溪及鳳山溪流域生態治理區成效評估暨教育推廣計畫
Abstract 本計畫是針對新竹縣頭前溪竹東河段高灘地第1、2期生態治理區(以下簡稱第1、2期)、新竹縣頭前溪竹東河段高灘地第3、4期生態治理區(以下簡稱第3、4期)、新竹縣頭前溪竹東河段高灘地第5期生態治理區(以下簡稱第5期)及鳳山溪左岸麻園堤防段高灘地生態治理區(以下簡稱鳳山溪)等四區域進行水質、水量、底泥及生物調查之監測計畫。 本年度已完成各生態治理區水質、水量、底泥監測與污染物削減率分析,其中第1、2期生化需氧量(以下簡稱BOD)、懸浮固體(以下簡稱SS)、氨氮、總磷削減率自1~12月份有良好的削減率。第3、4期因承接水體為竹東水資源回收中心及地表逕流水為主,進流水污染物濃度較低,因此以BOD去除效果較明顯,其他項目處理效果較不顯著。第5期各項污染物削減率則有不錯效果,此外若能進行淤泥清理,處理懸浮固體效率會更高。鳳山溪BOD、SS、氨氮、總磷削減率1至5月份有良好的削減率,6月及7月,各項削減率較不顯著。 本年度已完成頭前溪之底泥採樣與分析,其中氧化還原電位範圍介於-200mV至-395mV之間,pH值則於7.0至7.2之間,有機質含量為1.5%至7.0%,以第3、4期A池累積有機物相對含量最低,在第1、2期A池累積沈積物含量最高;氮含量及磷含量部份最高值亦出現在第1、2期A池分別為3,680mg/Kg及434mg/Kg,其次為第5期A池,最低為第3、4期A池。第1、2期銅和鋅含量分別為255mg/Kg及712mg/Kg,高於底泥品質指標上限值(157mg/Kg及384mg/Kg),第5期A池銅和鋅含量分別為15.3mg/Kg及76.5mg/Kg,則低於底泥品質指標下限值(50mg/Kg及140mg/Kg);第3、4期A池及第5期A池之總鉻含量分別為26.9mg/Kg及22.8mg/Kg,均低於底泥品質指標下限值(76.0mg/Kg),同理鉛含量為44.5mg/Kg及17.0mg/Kg,均低於底泥品質指標下限值(48.0mg/Kg)。 生物調查執行夏季及冬季2次調查,本年度調查記錄65科164種維管束植物,鳥類22科37種,哺乳類3目4科9種,兩棲爬蟲類2目8科11種,蝶類及蜻蛉類共2目9科36種,魚類4目6科12種,底棲生物5目9科11種,水棲昆蟲4目7科,浮游性動物4門22種及浮游性藻類6門65種。與既往生態調查結果比較,整體上物種數變化小,顯示治理區的生態環境漸趨穩定,吸引更多的生物到治理區中棲息與覓食。 本年度已完成3場次生態教育宣導方面生態導覽課程,分別於本年度4月16~17日、5月26日與11月9日舉辦。此外,本年度已完成「環境教育設施場所認證」申書書與「環境教育教材影片」之製作,並通過環訓所程序審查作業,申請文件符合規定。 根據本年度之監測資料與分析結果,在生態方面建議逐漸改以原生種植物取代外來種植物。在水量管理方面,建議下年度在清除各區底泥時,可以檢查有無滲漏或滲入,可以減少監測入流與出流水量之誤差。在水質改善方便,建議清除第3、4期及第5期底泥,可提高SS去除率;第3、4期可以減少入流水量進入,以提供足夠水質淨化處理時間
EngAbstract The project measured and monitored the water quality, flow rate, sediment and biology conditions at the 1st and 2nd phases of ecological treatment area of the Tou-Chian river flood plain, the 3rd and 4th phases of ecological treatment area of the Tou-Chian river flood plain, the 5th phase of ecological treatment area of the Tou-Chian river flood plain, and the ecological treatment area of the flood plain of left bank of the Feng-Shan river. The water quality, flow rate, sediment, and pollutant reduction rate were analyzed in this year. The reduction rate of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Suspended Sediment (SS), Ammonia Nitrogen, and total Phosphorus were significant during Jan. to Dec. for the 1st and 2nd phases of ecological treatment area of the Tou-Chian river flood plain. The BOD reduction rate was significant while the other items were not significant at the 3rd and 4th phases of ecological treatment area of the Tou-Chian river flood plain due to it takes the water from the Chu-Dong water treatment plant. The items at the 5th phase were also significant reduction rate. However, the sediment removal at the 5th phase was recommended for a better SS reduction rate. The BOD, SS, Ammonia Nitrogen, and total Phosphorus reduction rate at the Feng-Shan river was significant from Jan. to May, not significant in June and July. The sediment sampling and analysis have been completed during the year, in which the redox potential range between-200mV to-395mV, the pH value is between 7.0 to 7.2, and the organic matter content of 1.5 to 7.0 percent. The A pool of the 3rd and 4th phase accumulated the lowest concentrations of sediment organic matter; while the A pool at phase 1 and 2 have the highest. The highest values of nitrogen and phosphorus content also appear in the phase 1, 2 A pool of 3,680 mg / Kg and 434mg/Kg, respectively, followed by phase 5 A pool, a minimum of phase 3 and 4, A pool. The copper and zinc content were 255mg/Kg 712mg/Kg at phase 1 and 2 which is higher than the upper limit of sediment quality indicators (157mg/Kg, and 384mg/Kg). The phase 5 A pool of copper and zinc content were 15.3mg / Kg and 76.5mg/Kg, below the lower limit of sediment quality indicators (50mg/Kg, and 140mg/Kg); phase 3 and 4 A pool and phase 5 A pool the total chromium content were 26.9mg/Kg and 22.8mg/Kg, which were lower than the lower limit sediment quality indicators (76.0mg/Kg) the same reason lead content 44.5mg/Kg and 17.0mg/Kg which were lower than the lower limit of sediment quality indicators (48.0 mg / Kg). Two biological Survey were implemented in summer and winter in this year. The survey recorded 65 families and 164 species of vascular plants, 22 families and 37 species of birds, 3 orders, 4 families and 9 species of mammals, amphibians and reptiles, 2 orders, 8 families, 11 species of butterflies and damselflies class2 mesh 9 families, 36 species, 12 kinds of fish orders, 6 families, the benthos 5 orders, 9 families 11 kinds of aquatic insect orders, 7 families, four planktonic animals of 22 species of planktonic algae 65 species. Compared with the results of previous ecological surveys, the overall number of species had few changes in the governance area that means the ecological environment has been stabilized, and be able to attract more biological habitat in the governance area. In this year, three times of the ecological education advocacy and ecological guided tour were implemented on April 16 to 17, May 26 and November 9, respectively. In addition, the “environmental education site and facility verification” application and the video of “environmental education teaching materials” has been completed in this year and has passed the procedure review and paper work examination by the EPA.According to the monitoring data and analysis of the results of the current year, ecologically recommended increasingly replacing exotic plants with native species of plants. In the area of water management, it is recommended that cleared the mud at the end of next year, you can check there is no leakage or infiltration, monitoring can be reduced to the stream and a water volume of error.In water quality improvement easier, it is recommended that clear, 3rd and 4th period and 5th period sediments, improves SS removal rate; 3rd and 4th period can be reduced to the stream of water entering, to provide enough water purification processing time.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 新竹縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 財團法人農業工程研究中心