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Title 廢乾電池及廢照明光源回收處理體系調查分析暨執行成效檢討評估專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期程為101年1月18日至12月31日,根據101年度前20大廢乾電池回收業調查結果,回收設施方面有39%回收業使用塑膠容器,44%使用塑膠袋或太空袋,使用木箱及金屬回收容器為6%,所有業者之廢乾電池貯存地點皆具有遮雨設備。100年國內廢乾電池約有39%採用境外輸出至國外處理廠進行處理,目前國內僅1家智鵬科技有限公司以熱處理法處理廢乾電池,處理設備為負壓高溫爐,處理種類為一次錳鋅/鹼錳電池。根據101年度前20大廢照明光源回收業調查結果,貯存容器材質72%為塑膠容器,其次為金屬容器14%,至於其他如太空包約為14%,94%貯存地點具遮雨設施。回收廢照明光源已破損比例部分,37.5%破損比例在0~5%,25%破損比例在10~15%,18.8%破損比例在20~25%。貯存過程中破損比例,76.9%回收業破損比例在0%~3%。9月份義大利ISWA2012國際廢棄物研討會之發表文章內容,以介紹我國生產者責任制度與資源回收體系為主軸,並述明照明光源回收現況、徵收費率與分級補貼費率以及再生處理現況,同時強調回收宣導之重要與成果。另已依各類乾電池及照明光源成本調查及估算之結果提出建議之修正費率與補貼費率。由100組廢乾電池檢驗結果顯示,除1組汞含量偏高為28.5ppm,其餘99組樣品汞含量測值為ND~0.70ppm,均符合「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣」及「歐盟電池指令」之5ppm相關規定。97~101年市售照明光源檢驗結果符合歐盟相關規範有106組,佔總樣品數75.7%。1月17日協助環保署辦理年度記者會,主題為防止照明光源破損,除設計及拍攝宣導影片外,並提供現場示範道具。創新補助要點於101年1月3日訂定公告,申請須知及附件於2月2日公開徵求推廣。101年度共有29個申請單位提出申請,其中有15個申請單位通過審查取得受補助資格。
EngTitle Inspecting and Analyzing the Collection and Recycling systems of Waste Batteries and Waste Lamps, an
EngAbstract The project period was from Jan 18, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012. According to the result of the survey for waste batteries collectors, the percentage for using plastic containers as storing equipment was 39%, using plastic bags and bulk bags was 44%, and using wood boxes and metal containers was 6%. All their waste batteries storage areas were shielded. In 2011, 39% waste batteries were exported for recycling. There is only one domestic waste batteries recycling plant called Zhi Peng Technology co., Ltd. The battery recycling plant used de-pressure furnace for thermal treatment and it only treated primary Mn/Zn and alkaline battedries. According to the result of the survey for waste lamps collectors, the percentage for using plastic containers as storing equipment was 72%, using metal containers was 14%, and using bulk bags was 14%. Only 94% of their waste lamps storage areas were shielded. For the broken lamps collected, about 37.5% collectors’ broken percentages were between 0~5%, 25% were between 10~15%, and 18.8% were between 20~25%. For the storage period, about 76.9% collectors’ broken percentages were between 0~3%. About Italy ISWA 2012 international solid waste congress in September, the project introduced our producer responsibility and recycling system, described the current condition and subsidy rates for lamps collection and recycling, and emphasized the importance of recycling education. Besides, the draft of fee rates and subsidy rates for waste batteries and lamps had been completed. The testing results for 100 waste batteries samples showed, only 1 sample’s mercury content was 28.5ppm, the others’ were all complied with the standards 5 ppm of both domestic and EU battery directive regulations. The testing result of lamps from 2008 to 2012 showed that there were 106 samples complied with the EU regulation, about 75.7% of total samples. The press conference was hold on 17, Jan. The subject for the conference was lamps breakage prevention. The project provided educational films and the tools for demonstration. The executive principal of the subsidy for the inventing and researching of regulated recyclable wastes collection and recycling was announced on 3, Jan, 2012. The applying documents and references were sent out on 2, Feb. Total 29 units applied, and 15 of them passed the auditing and qualified for the subsidy.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會