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Title 101年度臺南市綠屋頂及空品淨化區考核計畫
Abstract 依據「101年度臺南市綠屋頂推動及空品淨化區考核計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)合約規定,本計畫主要工作範疇為掌握更新臺南市空氣品質淨化區,辦理追蹤考核;並依據環保署室內空氣品質法規依據,辦理臺南市公共場所之室內空氣品質巡檢、檢測及輔導改善。原契約有關綠屋頂推動相關工作,已配合環保局辦理契約變更為室內空氣品質場所輔導(詳如第一章說明)。本計畫各項工作執行成果摘要如下:本計畫執行期間掌握臺南市空氣品質淨化區之基本資料,完成101年度「臺南市空氣品質淨化區經營維護追蹤考核辦法」及101年度「新增綠地面積申請審查及補助要點」,101年度考核要點增加淨化區類別特色考評,同時依考評分數級距有不同之維護費撥款比例,並新增未具空品淨化功能之空品淨化區退場機制,以提升整體淨化區成效。而後召開2場次說明會及1場次研習會,以說明維護管理考核要點及補助辦法。於101年度維護考核推動上,101年度納管淨化區共計197處,包含環保公園25處、環保林園大道21處、社區綠帶151處,總綠化面積84.35公頃。經由各淨化區每年2次之現勘考核(共394處次),每月提報環保局自評考核意見,並將新增資訊每月同步更新於臺南市空氣品質淨化區網頁,供維護單位查詢改善。由100年及101年考評成績差異比較而言, 101年度75分以下基地有減少趨勢,而以80~85分級距最多,可見整體維護績效在過去維護較差基地已有逐漸改善。近一步分析101年度考評結果,總數5處以上10處以下之行政區,每處考評分數皆有80分以上者為七股、北區、西港、柳營等。而10處以上之行政區每處考評分數皆有80分以上者為白河;南化、後壁、新營、新化雖多數亦為80分以上,但有1-3處淨化區為80分以下,需加以強化改善。本年度更協助臺南市空氣品質淨化區推動QR code、Google Earth淨化區地圖、環景圖建置等多項創新做法,提升資訊使用之便利。在空品淨化區空氣淨化推估上,101年度進行10處淨化區共量測450株喬木,經推估10處淨化區101年碳匯總量為6.643公噸/年,較100年成長0.465公噸/年。而臺南市全數空品淨化區空氣污染物淨化量,每年約可吸收粒狀污染物19.53公噸/年、二氧化硫284.14公噸/年、二氧化氮64.77公噸/年、二氧化碳873.70公噸/年、一氧化碳83.57公噸/年、臭氧372.27公噸/年、過氧硝酸乙烯酯6.46公噸/年。上述成果均公開予維護管理單位及一般民眾運用,有效提升空氣品質淨化區能見度及滿意度。在室內空氣品質管制推動上,已完成3場次法規說明會及1場次教育宣導說明會,其中2場次法規說明會及1場次教宣會於環保署室內空品相關子法公告日(101.11.23)後召開,使臺南市各可能公告場所更可掌握環保署最新法規動態,以於法規宣導期可提升法規符合度。同時本計畫並篩選醫療院所、公務機關、幼兒園、交通運輸、百貨商場等類別,完成辦理20家次巡檢。並透過巡檢結果完成10處場所之公告方法檢測及3場次專家學者輔導改善。依巡檢檢測結果顯示,醫療院所(主要不符污染物:CO2 、HCHO)、公務機關、學校(主要不符污染物: TVOC)、幼兒園(主要不符污染物: PM10)、交通運輸(主要不符污染物:HCHO)、百貨商場(主要不符污染物:HCHO、TVOC),後以公告標準檢測方法確認,臺南市上述公共場所之主要不符標準污染物為CO2 、HCHO、TVOC、PM10等,並針對新樓醫院、母佑幼兒園、新光三越(西門分公司)三處進行專家輔導改善,共同建議為應由源頭減低污染源,但若因醫療、教學等必要使用時,建議選用低污染產品,並於使用時加強局部通風換氣予以改善。另針對有空調機場之場所,應注意外氣比例調節避免CO2濃度升高,並定期維護保養避免濾網髒污、管道保溫層破損造成結露衍生真菌問題。而採自然通風場所建議可因應外氣髒污程度調整開窗,若外氣有交通源污染疑慮時,可以室內空調隔絕,並保留窗戶對角微開換氣,避免室內CO2濃度過高。在其它工作方面,本計畫協助擬訂「綠屋頂示範補助作業辦法(草案)」,「臺南市政府及所屬各機關學校因應室內空氣品質管理法應行注意事項(草案)」等,並依據環保署最新公告法規製作室內空品宣導手冊,並協助辦理環保署淨化區現勘查核及生態綠化補助現勘工作。並依合約完成相關宣導工作,包含媒體新聞發佈5則,桌曆、電子賀卡、著色塗鴉、宣導動畫及小遊戲等各1則製作。
EngTitle 2012 Tainan City Green Roof and Clean Air Zones Maintenance and Management Project
EngAbstract In accordance with the “2012 Tainan City Green Roof and Clean Air Zones Maintenance and Management Project”, the execution of each work item is summarized below:In order to promote and maintain the effectiveness of clean air zones, continuously updated the setting of the new clean air zones and established other related information every month. The latest news published on the website instantaneously. Upload the related information of workshop and results of activities on the web. In addition, the project had setting Integrate QR code and Google Map of information about Clean Air Zones. It’s new apporoach with convenience to help people searching information about Clean Air Zones.In 2012, the project had Revise clean air zones grants, management and auditing method. Major amendments contain three point, (1) according to different kinds of Clean Air Zones had Features auditing. (2) different maintenance grants allocation ratio according to the auduting scores level from last year. (3) add with exit mechanism. It was imporve to enhance the effectiveness of maintenance and management, and show in the scores of 2012 auditing result.The 2012 Clean Air Zones totaled 197, including 25 Green Park, Green Road 21, Green Community 151, the total green area of 84.35 hectares. Estimated 197 clean air zone’s pollutant purification results which are completed in 2012, including of 873.3 ton CO2/yr. Other air pollutant including of reduce TSP 19.53 ton/yr, SOx 284.14 ton/yr, NOx 64.77 ton/yr, CO 83.57 ton/yr, O3 372.27 ton/yr, and PAH 6.46 ton/yr. Otherwise, The CO2 absorbing capacity of the 10 clean air zones in Tainan City is 6.643 tons per year in 2012.It was four meeting of Indoor air quality management laws and regulations held on 2012 to regulatory and developments to enhance advocacy of regulations. The project screening 20 public place with Category of medical institutions, public agencies, kindergarten, transportation, department store, complete the processing of the indoor air quality detecting. Assistance for improvement of 10 places to standard process detection and 3 places for experts counseling. In accordance with the detection results, medical institutes (inconsistent pollutants: CO2, HCHO), official agencies, schools (inconsistent pollutants: TVOC), kindergarten (inconsistent pollutants: PM10), transportation (mainly inconsistent pollution material: HCHO), department stores (inconsistent pollutants: HCHO, TVOC). The expert guidance to improve indoor air quality, reduce pollution source, if necessary use the hazardous substances, should be strengthen the local ventilation, and regularly maintain the Air-conditioning system.In other work, the project assist in the development of "green roof demonstration grants Regulations (draft)", "The Tainan City Government and the respective offices and schools in response to Indoor Air Quality Management Act (draft)", and in accordance with EPA latest announcements of the indoor air quality act, revise "Manual of indoor air quality management". And related work done by contract, including 5 news which published on newspaper. And a desk calendar, e-cards, coloring graffiti, advocacy animation and game production.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 立境環境科技股份有限公司