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Title 101年資訊產品環保標章驗證作業專案工作計畫
Abstract 消費行為是現代人必有的活動,亦為絕大多數產業運作目標與利潤之來源,透過民眾日常消費產生之經濟利益數量驚人,隨著民眾環保觀念逐漸提升,若能教育民眾優先選購對環境友善之產品或服務,此一日常活動造成之龐大經濟利益正可用以推動環境保護,並使業界發現環境保護工作亦可以創造利潤,使環保工作具有自行前進之動力。有鑑於此,德國在1978年首倡推動產品環保標章(Ecolablelling)的觀念與制度,期使經由綠色消費行為促使產品製造商減少產品與製程對環境的負荷。這個制度已經相當迅速地被世界各國採用。目前全世界有五十多個國家已實施環保標章制度。為加強合作,各國執行組織於1994年成立國際性非營利之全球環保標章網路組織(Global Ecolabelling Network,GEN),目前共有包含我國、美、加、德、日、歐盟在內之30個正式會員與3個贊助會員。我國行政院環境保護署為順應世界趨勢,鼓勵事業單位於產品之原料取得、製造販賣、使用及廢棄等階段之產品生命週期過程中,能夠降低環境之污染及節省資源之消耗,促進廢棄物之減量、減毒及回收,同時喚醒消費者慎選可回收、低污染、省資源之產品,以提昇環境品質,特參考德國、日本、加拿大、北歐、美國、歐盟等先進國家實施環保標章制度之經驗,研討頒發產品之環保標章,並於民國81年03月19日評選出以一片綠色樹葉包裹著乾淨不受污染的地球作為環保標章的圖案,並依法註冊登記其商標專用權對外公告。經歷多年推動並於民國91年首創政府綠色採購相關法令後,環保標章與第二類環境保護產品申請案件大幅增加。環保署自95年度起將環保標章產品驗證業務獨立於其他環保標章相關計畫之外,採按件計酬方式另行招標辦理。
EngTitle Certification of Environmentally Preferrable Information Products of 2012.
EngAbstract During the period of April to November, 2011, 27 Green Mark Working Group meetings and 8 Green Mark Review Committee meetings were held; a total of 598 information technology product Green Mark usage applications were reviewed, with 578 applications approved and 10 rejected; and 10 products were added or revised after on-site audits. In this fiscal year, most of the products approved for Green Mark usage are computer systems, multi-function devices, notebook computers, monitors, printers and toner cartridges. This result clearly reflects that government’s current green procurement requirement is still the major driving force for manufacturers’ applying for Green Mark usage. Product categories with the most applicants are also the categories with the highest government green procurement spending, such as the consumerables and computer systems. When compared with the last three years, this year's main reason for rejection of applications are quite simple, as some 90% of them are due to products’ not meeting relevant Green Mark requirements themselves, whereas other widely seen reasons in past years, such as illegal factories and poor quality test reports have greatly reduced. In terms of processing Green Mark usage applications for information technology products during the April-November period (based on statistics for the 4th to the 11th Review Committee meetings), the average processing times (in days) are: 113 days (from applicant’s submission of application to approved/rejected for use of Green Mark), 60 days (from sending applicant request for additional materials till receiving materials), 12 days (EDF’s processing time including document review, review of additional materials, to schedule and complete on-site audit), and 41 days (from completion of EDF’s initial review to Green Mark Review Committee’s decision on approval/rejection).
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會