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Title 宜蘭縣101年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目標包括蘭陽溪上游施用生雞糞種植蔬菜地區、梅洲地區之土壤品質調查工作,並針對蘇澳對二甲苯外洩場址進行污染改善驗證調查。此外針對縣內既設場置性地下水監測井進行地下水監測工作,並辦理監測井外觀維護及定期巡察作業。本計畫亦協助辦理縣內緊急應變調查工作,以達長期維護管理土壤及地下水品質目標。計畫執行期間自本(101)年1月20日起至12月20日止,茲將本計畫主要執行工作內容辦理情形摘要說明如下:一、工作項目(一)針對本縣蘭陽溪上游進行調查,其內容包括至少50點次之土壤8項重金屬調查,並從其中挑選至少20點進行農藥項目之檢測,另外再進行10處農作物重金屬殘留量之檢測分析。此外需另行規劃至少50萬元之調查內容,俾完備整體執行成效。(二)於梅洲地區進行10點次多氯聯苯、10點次重金屬及5點次TPH之調查工作。(三)針對蘇澳對二甲苯外洩事件進行污染改善後之驗證工作,其內容至少包含10點次周邊土壤、3口簡易井地下水之TPH及VOCs檢測。(四)協助執行土壤或地下水相關污染案件之採樣、分析及調查等工作(含臨時性陳情案件處理)。(五)利用本縣既設之22口場置性地下水監測井調查地下水水質,並由其中挑選8處鄰近工廠或工業區內之監測井加測VOCs,以及時發現問題,追蹤污染來源並適當處置。(六)針對前述場置性監測井,篩選至少15口次進行完井工作,並由其中挑選5口進行井中攝影及資料處理等相關工作。(七)其他與本計畫相關之工作事項。二、執行成果(一)蘭陽溪上游土壤重金屬污染調查依三階段方式進行蘭陽溪上游蔬菜種植區之調查作業,完成工作內容包括84點次土壤重金屬、20點次土壤農藥及10點次農作物重金屬之檢測分析作業,調查結果計有1點位之砷、1點位之汞及10點位之銅濃度超過監測標準,另鋅濃度亦有接近監測標準之情形。就非行水區之種植區域而言,重金屬濃度與用地沿革及農民施肥習慣有關,而位於河床或高灘地等行水區之種植區域,除受前述因素影響外,亦可能受河道沖刷影響。另土壤農藥檢測結果多為ND,顯示土壤應暫無禁用農藥殘留之疑慮,而農作物重金屬檢測結果較過去為低,依國人每日攝取量而言應不致對人體健康造成危害。(二)梅洲地區土壤污染調查完成東一鋼鐵、宜陽瀝青及礁溪鄉保安段543地號之污染調查作業,共計完成17點次土壤採樣、10點次多氯聯苯、10點次重金屬及5點次TPH之檢測分析工作。依調查結果顯示,東一鋼鐵之土壤多氯聯苯、TPH、銅及鉻濃度超過管制標準;宜陽瀝青之土壤TPH超過管制標準,建議環保局後續依土污法相關規定進行列管。至於礁溪鄉保安段543地號雖無污染物濃度超過管制標準情形,但檢測結果仍測得多氯聯苯濃度達管制標準值之一半,顯示仍具污染潛勢。(三)蘇澳鎮對二甲苯外洩場址污染改善之驗證作業完成污染改善驗證調查規劃,包括10點次土壤之TPH及VOCs、2口次簡易井及2口次既設標準井地下水之TPHd及VOCs之檢測分析,調查作業預計於12月上旬完成辦理。(四)緊急應變案件之污染調查作業依據環保局指示協助完成本縣13案件之土壤或地下水採樣分析及調查工作,其中三星鄉紅柴林控制場址及冬山鄉東興段616地號之污染改善驗證調查結果未達改善目標,目前正持續列管中;冬山鄉東興段500-1地號及冬山鄉北富段2011地號之土壤重金屬濃度有超過管制標準情形,目前依土污法第7條第5項列管中。此外預計於12月上旬完成蘇澳鎮七星段105地號及蘇澳對二甲苯外洩場址離場土壤之污染改善驗證調查。(五)完成22口場置性監測井之地下水質監測及評析作業,經趨勢分析及法規值比對,發現除親水公園(G00028)之氨氮項目超過第二類地下水污染監測標準且具有上升趨勢外,其餘21口監測井水質變化趨勢均屬穩定。(六)針對積垢嚴重監測井完成共16口次再次完井作業,此外完成5口次井中攝影作業。(七)完成100年第4季至101年第3季加油站網路申報審核工作,業者申報率均為100%。(八)完成辦理2場次土壤及地下水污染防治之相關法規說明會,主題為「土壤及地下水污染調查及綠色整治技術實務說明會」及「加油站防止污染管理辦法與查核缺失改善輔導說明會」,整體出席率良好成果豐碩。(九)完成每月一次本縣區內污染場址周界進行綠美化與定期巡檢與清理工作,並於環保署「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網(Eco-life)」設置部落格,定期更新場址整治進度。(十)完成環保局土壤及地下水污染整治業務之中英文雙語專屬網站每月更新及維護作業,並每2個月通過無障礙A+檢測。
EngTitle The Investigation and Identification Plan of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Yilan, 2012
EngAbstract The Investigation and Identification Plan of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Yilan, 2012OriginIn recently years, along with different levels of environmental protection governments continuously conduct related plans, how to validly understand the potential contamination conditions of soil and groundwater and appropriately practice contingency plans is the first topic for environmental protection governments and related industries.Objects1.According to the past investigation results, areas where soil and groundwater pollutant concentration over the control standards should be continuously monitored to control and establish the long-term local environmental quality data.2.Reduce risks of people health and enhance residential environmental safety.3.Enhance the management of pollution prevention to reduce wasting the resources for pollution remediation in the future.4.Support the investigation of all kinds of emergency responses in time.5.Regularly maintain the online declaration web site and upgrade the functions of database.Practice resultsThree major achievements of this project were listed below: 1.Soil quality investigation(1)Heavy metals investigation in the upstream of Lanyang RiverThe investigation was implemented in three stages. The detection and analysis of 84 soil heavy metals, 20 soil pesticides and 10 vegetable heavy metals was conducted, and it showed that the pollutant concentration of 12 soil samples were above the respective monitoring standards. It was concluded that the heavy metal concentration was related to the fertilization habits of farmers, the distance from the river to the plant area, and the scour effect of river. In addition, there was no residual pesticides in soil samples, and the vegetable heavy metal concentration conformed to the daily safety assimilation.(2)Investigation of PCBs in soil at Meizhou areaDung-yi Iron and Steel, Yi-yang Asphalt, and No. 543, Bauan Section, Jiaushi District were investigated, consisting of the detection and analysis of 10 PCBs, 10 heavy metals, and 5 TPH of soil samples. As a result, Dung-yi Iron and Steel and Yi-yang Asphalt were found that the pollutant concentration were over the control standards. It was suggested that both of these polluted sites should be remedied in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. Besides, No. 543, Bauan Section, Jiaushi District was investigated to find high potential for PCB contamination. It was suggested that the EPB should carry out regular inspection to ensure the quality of the soil.(3)Verification of the improvement effect of the p-Xylene leaking site in SuaoVerification investigation was performed by 10 soil and 4 groundwater sampling and analysis. The outcomes will serve as references for the EPB in the following administrative control measures.(4)Emergency Responses16 cases of soil or groundwater contamination investigation were finished for the emergency responses. The soil pollutant concentration of 3 sites were over the control standards, so the EPB had restrained these sites in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. Moreover, 3 restraining sites were investigated to verify the improvement effect. The results indicated that the pollutant concentration were still over the control standards, which meant the remediation works didn’t reach the improvement target.2.Monitoring wells maintenance and groundwater sampling survey.(1)From September 2001 to October 2011, 22 specific wells were installed to monitor groundwater. After collecting the monitoring data and trend analysis versus regulatory values, it was found that only River Park (No. G00028) had a rising trend in ammonia which even exceeded the second category of groundwater pollution monitoring standards. The groundwater quality trends of the rest 21 monitoring wells were stable.(2)According to the well bore results in 2011, 16 monitoring wells were re-developed and 5 of them were taken photographs to check the re-developing effect.3.Other Works(1)Finished the examination of gas station online declaration from season 4 of 2011 to season 3 of 2012. The declaration rate of each season was 100%.(2)Held two regulation sessions for soil and groundwater contamination prevention.(3)Inspected the contamination sites monthly and uploaded the remediation progress to the EPA " Eco-life website" periodically.(4)Updated the soil and groundwater pollution remediation website of YiLan EPB monthly.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司