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Title 空氣污染移動實驗室監測技術之研究開發(3/3)
Abstract 本計畫為開發移動實驗室監測技術,整合觀測與模式應用,進而建立研究空氣污染之方法學,本年度為三年期計畫之第三年,今年完成「PTR-MS實驗室準確度評估」、「建立多重觸發分析設備」與「結合觀測與模擬應用於工業區實測」,各項工作成果將於內文完整呈現。準確度評估為針對100年計畫中「建立PTR-MS對工業區化學物質之分析方法」的延伸,內容包括滲透管濃度定量、補強化學物質之反應係數kc,修正PTR-MS中25個化學物質kc值,說明PTR-MS於定量上之準確度。多重觸發技術主要對100年H2S高值觸發設備進行延伸擴充,整合PTR-MS、TNMHC,建立多通道污染物監控實體技術,並將重點技術PTR-MS觸發設備投入工業區實測中。觀測與模擬結合為本計畫重點項目,針對環保署列為百大工業區,選定新竹、中壢之敏感環境執行觀測任務,將PTR-MS觸發系統架設於工業區服務中心(新竹)與忠福國小(中壢),利用離線(sampling tube、canister)與即時分析技術(PTR-MS)調查工業區周界VOC,建立園區污染物資料庫,並進一步挑選高污染成分作為觸發系統監控對象,將高污染事件保存於採樣罐,進行後續108種VOC分析,研析事件之空氣組成;模式以新竹工業區為進行個案分析,於整個工業區架設五座氣象塔(服務中心、東區污水處理場、西區污水處理場、中正國中、忠孝國中)收集風場資料,以精確模擬質點軌跡,以利推估的排放源。
EngTitle Development of mobile laboratory techniques for air pollution monitoring
EngAbstract This project is to exploit a mobile laboratory to investigate air pollution events in the surroundings of industrial parks. A novel methodology integrating monitoring techniques with model simulation was developed and tested with an aim to tackle odorous or toxic air quality problems around industrial parks. The project has entered its final year of a three-year period. In this year (2012), at the final stage of the project, three major tasks were accomplished adding tremendous versatility and ingenuity to the existing mobile laboratory technologies. The first task was to access the overall performance of PTR-MS by tesing 25 target compounds with distinct odors. There are two parts involved: One is to calculate and update the reaction rate coefficients (kc) from the physical properties of these species (i.e., polarizability, dipole moment and moment of inertia) using the computational method of electronic structure. The other is to validate the accuracy of PTR-MS input with calculated kc by preparing gas standard mixtures of the 25 target compounds based on the permeation and GC-FID method. The second task was to design a triggering system with the use of PTR-MS and a sampling apparatus to allow instantaneous sampling at the events of high levels of VOCs. The concept was tested in field at both Hukou and ChungLi industrial parks. Several prominent pollutants (such as methanol, acetaldehyde, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, etc.) were found and thus used as the triggering gases to active canister sampling at preset levels. The filled canisters were then analyzed by GC/MS in-lab for 108 VOCs to characterize event relavent composition. To have a comprehensive knowledge of the occurrence of pollution events at the monitoring site, wind-model simulation coupled with detailed meteorological data collected in Hokou industrial park during summer resulted in excellent agreement between measurements and simulations. The wind model was successfully used as a diagnostic tool to explain the cause of an event and to visualize the transport routes of plumes to the receptor site.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學