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Title 101年度金門縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫
Abstract 依照101年度金門縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫規範,本團隊完成64點次土壤採樣、93口次地下水採樣、6站次加油站測漏管檢測、辦理2場宣導說明會以及1場次民眾陳情處理。土壤調查部分今年度完成西山靶場與發美瀝青廠周邊農地污染場址驗證,發現山灶營區受油品污染,推測為原儲油區場址土壤污染,後續依照土壤及地下水污染整治法進行場址公告 ; 此外進行50點次縣內火炸類物質周邊農地採樣,調查結果顯示農地未有火炸類物質存在,推測與火炸類物質半衰期短與農作吸收有關,調查結果提供環保署參考,環保署依照上述調查結果於101年10月召開「土壤污染監測標準與管制標準」草案,初步訂定火炸類物質參考標準。地下水部分縣內既有監測井與民井檢測結果多以氨氮、硝酸鹽氮與總溶解固體物項目超標,推測與當地掩埋場滲出水、生活污水與農業活動導致上述污染物質超標,建議未來可經濟部水利署針對金門地區地下水源使用評估計畫,評估向大陸買水可能性,後續透過污染源控制乃透過各部會協商或工程技術控制,逐年改善金門地下水品質。金門縣內既有掩埋場調查結果,以官路邊病死牛掩埋場硝酸鹽氮超出第二類地下水污染管制標準,建議該掩埋場可採用圍堵方式配合自然衰減方式持續監測,整體來說金門地區地下水水質狀況良好。
EngTitle The plan specification for investigating and verifying the soil and groundwater contamination in Kinmen County during 2012
EngAbstract Plan specification of Kinmen County Soil and groundwater contamination investigation and verification work in accordance with 101 the year, the team completed a 64-point soil sampling, 93 groundwater sampling the 6 stations gas station leak tube inspection, guidance meeting for the two games, andscreenings people to petition processing. Soil survey part of this year to complete Xishan ranges hair beauty asphalt plant surrounding agricultural land contaminated field address validation, the mountain stove camp area suspected degreasing District site soil contamination, follow-up in accordance with the soil and groundwater pollution remediation method conducted site announcement, addition carried out 50 points times the county fire bombing the substances surrounding farmland sampling, survey results showed that agricultural land not fire fried substances exist speculate with fire fried substances short half-life of absorption related to farming, the findings provide EPD EPD in accordance with the above findings in 101 years held in October soil pollution monitoring standards and control standards draft preliminary set the fire bombing substances reference standard.Groundwater part of the prefecture of existing monitoring wells and the people well test results and more excessive ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and total dissolved solids project, speculated that the local landfill seepage water, sewage and agricultural activities lead to the excessive pollutants, it is recommended that the future can bewater Resources Agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs for Kinmen groundwater source evaluation plan to assess the possibility of buying water to the mainland, and follow-up through the dye source control is through the ministries will consultation or engineering controls, year by year to improve Kinmen groundwater quality. Kinmen county findings of both landfill to the official roadside died cattle landfill nitrate nitrogen beyond the second type of groundwater pollution control standards, it is recommended that the landfill Containment methods can be used with the continuous monitoring natural attenuation, the whole Golden Gate regional groundwater quality in good condition.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 金門縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司