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Title 全國空氣品質改善與整合性污染減量推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫定期製作週報及月報分析101年最新空氣品質監測結果,結果顯示民國101年全國一般測站PSI>100不良率0.97%,為歷年來最佳。我國已於101年5月14日修正空品標準,公告PM2.5年平均與24小時標準與符合標準之判定原則,待取得PM2.5三年手動監測資料數據後,可據此劃分空氣品質防制區。依據暴露風險分析,WHO和美國皆取消O3小時標準,而以O3 8小時標準取代。美國CAA規定每五年需定期檢核NAAQS,透過此機制已於2012年12月加嚴PM2.5年平均標準至12μg/m3。在全國空氣品質現況說明及污染成因之主要成果包括:歷年易受河川揚塵影響之崙背站及臺東站,民國100~101年雖仍有河川揚塵事件,但因近年來環保署推動之河川裸露面管制措施已展現成效,極值濃度明顯較97~99年改善。當颱風位於巴士海峽或東部海域時,易導致北部、中部、雲嘉南及高屏空品區臭氧惡化;當颱風位於鵝鑾鼻東南方或南方接近臺灣時,易導致東部及中南部地區河川揚塵。本計畫完成本土河川揚塵4次現場勘查,並結合氣象、經濟活動強度及排放量等十餘項因子,藉由因素分析方式進行統計,解析污染成因的優先順序,並挑選南投縣為案例分析,解析結果顯示降雨日數、相對溼度、油品銷售量與機車車輛數等,與PM10月平均濃度變化呈高度相關。完成編製「空氣污染防制計畫書編寫及審查指引範例手冊」,協助各地方環保局撰寫防制計畫書過程之釋疑,並依排放清冊分類方式,彙整防制計畫書管制對策減量計算方式。PM2.5減量策略可行性部分,本計畫參考美國南加州AQMP之PM2.5管制策略並與我國比較,發現兩者之管制重點有因地制宜調整的需要,而排放量基本資料的建立,對於管制策略減量計算及舉辦公聽會所需科學證據的提供(進行模式模擬),扮演著相當重要的角色。依據涵容總量管制精神,以民國99年為基準年提出短中長程各地方政府各污染物空氣品質濃度達標期程及目標年濃度,並規劃我國PM2.5未來管制情境方案。參考美國聯邦審核州政府確認PM2.5達標之驗證步驟,提供我國未來PM2.5管制成效驗證依據。最後,彙整完成環評案排放增量,特殊性工業區調查,配合飛鷹稽查計畫,提供全國空污防制執行分析報告,並協助進行空品不良通報作業及空保處網頁更新維護,環保小百科網頁改版,完成編制「空氣品質保護36年紀實」及「100年空氣污染防制總檢討報告」。
EngTitle National air quality improvement and promotion of integrated pollution reduction plan
EngAbstract This project organized and reported the air quality in weekly and monthly. According to the air quality trend, the result shows 2012’s PSI>100 for ambient air quality monitoring stations dropped to 0.97%, which were the best ever in Taiwan.On May 14th, 2012, Taiwan’s EPA set up PM2.5 (annual and 24-hr) standards and established guidelines to designate nonattainment areas in Taiwan. In the guideline, 3-year FRM manual sampled PM2.5 data should be adopted for designating nonattainment areas in Taiwan.With extensive scientific research, both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US EPA abolished the 1-hour O3 standards, yet adopted the 8-hour O3 standards. The US Clean Air Act (CAA) provisions stipulated the review of the NAAQS in every five years. In December 2012, the US EPA promulgated the PM2.5 annual standard to be 12 μg/m3. Because of the Taiwan EPA’s effective control measures, the impact of the fugitive dust from river banks on the Lumbak Station and Taitung Station has greatly reduced. Therefore, even there were dust events during year 2011-2012; the high PM concentration was much lower comparing to those of year 2008-2010. The wind field and the terrestrial effects from the typhoons locating in the Bashi Channel or the eastern sea region of Taiwan would cause worse air quality (high ozone) in the North, Central, and Yun Jianan air quality regions. The typhoons from the southeast of Taiwan or from the south of Cape Eluanbi, could create the local dust storms from river banks. This project has conducted four field inspections near the fugitive dust sources. The possible affecting parameters such as weather, economic activity, emissions and more than 10 other factors were selected for a factorial analysis to construct a statistical model to analyze air quality. This model can provide the sequences and directions for investigating the future air pollution episodes. In the project, it is concluded the monthly average PM10 concentration is highly related with the number of rainy days, relative humidity, oil sales and the number of motorcycles in Nantou County.“The Guidelines for Air Pollution Control Plan and Protocols” was completed and aids were provided to the counties such as clarifying the related questions. The calculations of emissions reduction submitted by the counties were also organized into the emissions inventory categories. A comparison study between the California South Coast Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) for PM2.5 with Taiwan’s control strategies showed that the requirements of the submittal of basic information of emissions, the detailed calculations of the emission reduction, the public hearings and science evidence (modeling) are important parts in the South Coast AQMP.Year 2010 was proposed as the baseline year for local air agencies to achieve the short-, mid-, and long-term goals of emissions control and to lower air pollutants concentrations. The future control measures for PM2.5 were planned and the attainment test used by US EPA was introduced so that it could be adopted for future attainment verification.Other tasks of this project included: review and document the emission increase from the Environmental Impact Assessment projects; establish special regulations for industrial parks; assist the Land/Air Eagle project to monitor fugitive dust sources; analyze the effectiveness of the pollution control measures; assist in informing unhealthy air quality days; renew and maintain the web pages; renew the environmental encyclopedia; finish “36-year Air Quality Protection Chronicle” and “The Annual Assessment Report of Air Pollution Control in Taiwan for 2011”.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司