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Title 101年度-台東縣營建工程污染管制計畫
Abstract 「101 年度台東縣營建工程污染管制計畫」之計畫目標為:計畫藉由協助空污費徵收、營建工地空氣污染之稽(巡)查管制、宣導說明會之辦理、營建工程空氣污染防制措施現場查核作業,提供技術支援人力,協助環保局加強辦理各項營建工地及營建空氣污染防制費徵收之行政作業、執行列管營建工地資料維護更新及建檔管理業務、建立文書檔及電腦資料庫,並發展出相對應之排放資料庫,加強宣導辦理人員訓練,對污染嚴重之工地周界進行 TSP 檢測並加以輔導,以落實污染改善之目的。
EngTitle 101 years - Taitung construction engineering pollution control plan
EngAbstract "101 years Taitung construction engineering pollution control plan," the project objectives are to: plan byAssist air pollution fee levied protracted construction site air pollution (patrol) check control, guidance meeting of officeManagement, air pollution control measures for construction projects on-site auditing operations, providing technical support staff to assistEPA strengthened handle various construction sites and construction of air pollution control fees in administrative jobs, executiveRanks of the pipe construction site maintenance updates and archiving data management operations, the establishment of clerical and computer data filesLibrary and develop the corresponding emission databases and strengthen public awareness processing staff training on pollutionPerimeter of the site to be detected and counseling for TSP to implement pollution improvement purposes.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台東縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 聯聖工程顧問股份有限公司