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Title 環境教育競賽先期規劃專案工作計畫
Abstract 隨著環境教育法的施行,我國環境教育推動進入新的里程碑。本專案乃為高中職學生設計競賽型環境教育活動,以培養年輕人具有環境行動的能力和勇氣。具體目標為:(1)蒐集並歸納國內外環境教育相關競賽之辦理方式;(2)擬定適於我高中階段之環境教育競賽形式與規則;(3)擬定所建議之環境教育競賽辦法的工作內容和時程。 本專案擬定競賽辦法草案乙份,其精神為「以培養具備環境敏感性、環境科學知識和環境行動能力的未來公民宗旨,讓關懷環境的年輕人有動手實作、合作解決問題的經驗和交流的機會,成為環境教育的種子人才。」考量現在高中階段的環境教育多是各自融入單一學科且多在教室中進行,故本競賽辦理時採取互補方案,所有參賽隊伍需研讀核心競賽議題的素材,並完成一份相關的報告。決賽的競賽形式為四日的「戶外營隊型團體競賽」,測驗設計則應展現環境議題跨學科、跨空間尺度的特性。 本專案建議採行之競賽模式,辦理複雜度高,承辦單位之環境素養和協調能力將是競賽辦理成功與否的關鍵。本專案也建議另外兩種調整方案:1)降低全國決賽時的競賽成分,增加體驗和交流的成分;2) 在類似高中地理奧林匹亞團體賽中,增列「環境行動獎」,評選出的優秀的環境議題研究作品,由環保署頒發獎狀、獎金鼓勵,不但可收事半功倍之效,而且所需經費也大幅降低。
EngTitle Development of an outdoor environmental education competition for high school students
EngAbstract Along with the implementation of the Environmental Education Act in 2011, the development of environmental education enters a new stage in Taiwan. There is a need to encourage the significant life experience of environmental action for high school students, and an environmental competition is designed to fulfill this purpose by the current project. Three objectives are (a) to collect national and international environmental education related competitions, (b) to develop the procedures and rules of the competition for high school students, and (c) to construct a programme for the competition. A competition model is proposed. The aim is to equip the future citizens with environmental awareness, environmental knowledge, environmental skills, environmental attitude and environmental action experience and to provide a platform for young students to interact with each other. It is a team-based competition and the national final will be a four-day outdoor event. There will be a core issue for each year. All participants will have to study the reference materials and complete a report realted to the core issue. The test assignments should be cross-discipline and cross-scale to exhibit the complexity of the environmental issues. The proposed competition model is rather complex, hence, the capacity of environmental literacy and of coordination of the organizing committee is crucial. The alternatives for such an event are also suggested: (a) to make the national final a more social event than an intensive competition and (b) to sponsor a well-established competition and encourage high-quality project reports which study various environmental issues.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 臺灣師範大學